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    basement growroom design help

    right now i have 2 3x3 diy aero tables setup in a 4x8 tent with 2 600's going non air cooled. i also have a clone room in a 4x4 tent with 1 4 bulb T5. another section of my basement hold about 15 mothers under a 4 foot 8 bulb T5 and finally i have another room 4x6 (flower room) with about 10 3...
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    how many watts?

    for what? is that for me? the bill is not a concern. being under the radar is more of a concern for me
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    how many watts?

    nah im not. what state is that? 10k tho?? damn. i want to push it to around 4800 but it seems like what im hearing is im already pushing it with half of that.
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    how many watts?

    i live in a 4br ehh about 2200sqft home with an upstairs, downstairs, and a basement (basement not incl in sq. footage) the basement is my choice of operation. i work from home so someone is here pretty much 24/7 or close to it. as stated before i have 4x600's, 2T5. (1small and 1 big) 2 6'...
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    how many watts?

    thats what i was thinking
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    how many watts?

    so im still curious as to watts a "safe" amount? should i reduce to just 2x600 and call it a day?
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    how many watts?

    yeah im on top of the extra circuit thing which was the reasoning for my question. but if im already exceeding a safe amount of wattage no way i'll risk pushing it more. vostok can you pm me to give me more detail of this thermal foot print you mentioned.
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    how many watts?

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    how many watts?

    so i guess if that is too much...whats considered ok? and as long as my bill is paid on time...what can they do about it anyway??
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    how many watts?

    actually i didnt think it was too much at all. i mean space heaters use that easily....
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    how many watts?

    just curious as a general consensus...would would you guys say watts wise, that i can safely run through for my house and my setup remain discreet and not raise any red flags electric wise? i currently run 4 600s just wondering how far can i push it cause i have a lot more room
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    3 weeks into flowering. leaves clawing...i thnk

    im using the dutchmaster nutrient line. i dont give it any N indvidually. just base nutes, add. 27. root excel and amino from h&g
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    3 weeks into flowering. leaves clawing...i thnk

    diy aero strain:black jack room temp 80 600 watt hps ph 5.8 ppm 800-1000 compost tea every few days for maintenance not sure if this is a deficiency or just the way the plant is supposed to look. fan leaves are clawing down. tried a flush, changed res water, lowered ppms and nothing seems to...
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    where are you mothers?

    in what? what type of setup
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    slime on roots

    organic nutes? whered u hear that?
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    slime on roots

    new shoots are coming in everywhere! i think i may have more than even before i had the problem. hopefully i cont to get new roots coming in an plants back healthy again. this is a great start after not even 24hrs with the tea. just added nutes around 730am today so we'll see how that goes. i...
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    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    just added tea to res and waiting to add nutes. have a few questions 1. when do i ph? b4 adding nutes. after? not at all?? 2. im using this in an aero setup and it was always said there would be no need for airstone as the 1 min on 5 min off pump times were enough to oxy the water. does this...
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    where are you mothers?

    u just clone from clones? that was my initial plan but they are taking over the cloner. branches running into branches and the roots are getting too long as i stated and sitting in the water. plants are only about 8 inches tall
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    where are you mothers?

    was thinking maybe flood and drain with hydroton??
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    where are you mothers?

    running a diy cloner and just curious as to where/how everyone keeps their mothers after that plants have matured to proper size? wanting to let the plants get to about 12inches before taking clones (read this size is suggested) and dont want to let roots get too long and let stand in water...