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  1. S

    Too much light?/ cool mutation

    What is it then I know it's not over watered or under watered i transplanted yesterday and the soil was almost bone dry and obviously I watered it well after so it's definitely watered
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    Update on first grow/good problems to have?

    Lol Yea theyre really cool and they leave you with a bunch of tasty seeds to eat or replant
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    Too much light?/ cool mutation

    Ok so first off these girls were doing good yesterday afwe being transplanted and they were all reaching so I decided to lower the light they seemed to all be doing ok but today I got home from work and they seem to be hating the light. I have a 630 cmh down at 530 and about 42 inches from the...
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    I only released about 20 in my tent since I didn't have a big pest problem if at all. They seem to like it and have been what looks like mating a lot but I'm sure by now they've eaten whatever was in there so I'll probably round them up on Monday and let them free outside.
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    Update on first grow/good problems to have?

    Male pre flowers look like little balls that grow bigger from what I've seen. Female preflowers usually grow a calyx that shoots out pistils. So far no balls and they all seem to have a calyx but so far no pistils. And yeah those are sunflowers I also have some hot peppers I started.
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    Update on first grow/good problems to have?

    Wow I'm not gonna lie after all I've read and researched I guess it shouldn't be surprising that I'm doing this good but so far I haven't had any major problems really and my plants are actually growing really well but I seriously thought that by this point they would be dead anyway I've topped...
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    Not sure but I think I do have some sort of pest because I got a bunch of ladybugs and I've noticed a couple of them staying down around the soil possibly feeding. Anyway even if I don't have pests In a couple of days I'll round up whoevers left and let them free. Also I highly recommend getting...
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    Here they are a bit ago I transplanted from that small container to the 3 gal.
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    Yeah ive been experimenting with 3 seeds I found in a haf ounce from a dispensary I'm thinking it might have been a herm and thsese will be female but the first one I went from solo cup to 3 gal fabric pot to see how it would grow and have been top dressing since. I transplanted the two today to...
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    Fox farm ocean forest and its 5 weeks since it broke ground as a seed but I'm sure most will be male anyway. Either way they look a bit small to me to flower yet I was gonna go probably another 2 weeks before I Flip them since I'll probably end up getting rid of most of them but yeah the 3...
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    Shit I already have a bunch of 3 gallon fsbrics I was gonna use gor flower but i gues I can upsize I only have a 4x4 though and 8 phoyoperiods but I feel like most of them will be male. Is there anyway to tell before I flower?
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    Also I have 3 gallon fabric pots but ive been told its best to use the fabric pots for the last one fore easier transplanting
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    Will I need to go to 7 gallons for flower? I was planning on going 3 then 5 but its my first grow so in still not sure what to do.
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    Two of my top growers started dropping suddenly. This is days after watering and they were perfectly fine until last night its really more the tops that are drooping. They're about 5 weeks from seed in 1.25 gallon pots. Ill put pictures up later. But could it possibly be that they need a bigger...
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    They're still alive

    My first grow somehow they're still alive. Lol thought I had bugs but I don't think anymore leaves are being eaten so maybe it wasn't bugs. Anyway so far so good gonna beg another 4-5 weeks and then switch to flower unless they somehow start growing really fast. I've kind of experimented with...
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    Orange wormlike bug

    Ok i think i got the same thing will ladybugs eat these?
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    What's eating my plant?

    Wait! I was looking through and I think I might have found something it looks sort of like a brown worm but its almost so small its impossible to tell but do caterpillars get that small? Like microscopic but it wasnt moving much and i accidentally blew it away but I think ive found a couple more...
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    What's eating my plant?

    Lol well I guess they can hide in my soil but outside the dirt is so hard and compactwd theres no way in hell. But the wind burn thing I think you might be on to somethimg because ive had a suspicion the air flow was a little heavy
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    What's eating my plant?

    Also I live in Arizona slugs are not common here so I know its not that also slugs don't hide. Whatever it is is either microscopic or nocturnal.
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    What's eating my plant?

    Yes exactly my thoughts! Especially since its a small room the tent is in theres no way I would have missed it. Thats why im confused as to what it could be. Ive heard temperatures to cold could do that too but idk if I believe that.