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  1. kev88

    foxtailing buds at 5weeks

    will the bud recover, or is it stuck looking retarded?
  2. kev88

    Can anyone give me a idea of flowering time for ppp & wonder woman

    look here
  3. kev88

    Homemade Flower Cabinet

    looks amazing ..... I plan on building a cabinet very similar to this in a month or so. Thanks for sharing the design.
  4. kev88

    foxtailing buds at 5weeks

    not foil , just a ghetto mylar job. I agree it is probably heat related , since the 2 doing it are close to each other. I bent them down away from the lights pretty good, hopefully it helps. Thanks for all your help guys.
  5. kev88

    foxtailing buds at 5weeks

    I guess what I mean by foxtailing is, what was once a nice compact cola has kinda stretched itself. I posted a more zoomed in pic , maybe Im crazy but these 2 look totally different than the others. ( posted a pic of another bud for comparison)
  6. kev88

    foxtailing buds at 5weeks

    2 of my buds have started foxtailing, at least thats what I think they are doing. I posted a pic of the worst of the 2. I know foxtailing can be a genetic thing late in flowering, but can the be other causes? These 2 buds are the only ones doing it to a concerning extent. The other 20 or so...
  7. kev88

    Buds stetching???

    I am at one month give or take a few days this is seed from dank bagseed so I havent a clue of flowering time for it. The main cola is definitely getting bigger and fatter everyday.
  8. kev88

    240 watt cfl cabinet grow

    Just added a few more pics, had quite a bit of growth in the last few days. Seems like the buds are making a final stretch before filling out...i hope
  9. kev88

    Buds stetching???

    cool, I hope this is my case. I got this plant to grow pretty much horizontal and the shoots on the lower section are stretching. Might even trim off a couple that a giving me fits setting the lights where I want. Thanks for your help
  10. kev88

    Buds stetching???

    I am almost one month into flowering, woke up this morning to a huge growth spurt. The small buds on my plant seemed to have stretched an inch or so overnight. So much so that I can see stem in the middle, which I couldnt see yesterday. Is this a normal thing??? The bigger buds showed a...
  11. kev88

    1 month flowering first grow Skunk#1 Pics

    Looks great to me! Nice job
  12. kev88

    240 watt cfl cabinet grow

    Took a few more pics through the loupe of my buds , looking good to me for a first timer.
  13. kev88

    240 watt cfl cabinet grow

    She started showing some sporadic trichomes about 2 weeks in , at 4 weeks in most buds are pretty well covered.
  14. kev88

    240 watt cfl cabinet grow

    She has started yellowing her sun leaves , and putting out more trichs everyday. I am thinking 4 more weeks till harvest, but thats a total guess.
  15. kev88

    ready? (trich's checked)

    I would give it a little more time , wait till you get some amber trichs, by then the hairs will also change color.
  16. kev88

    A bud xmas vid!

    Merry Christmas to all!!!!
  17. kev88

    Is my girl becoming a herm?

    So far so good, will just have to look her over everyday till the end. She is starting to get some nice trichomes , looking luscious. No new balls either.
  18. kev88

    Is my girl becoming a herm?

    Read this on a random seedbank site, prolly too early to pertain to my plant, but I found it interesting. Please note that occassionally specious staminate flowers will appear in the last days of flowering of a female Marijuana plant. These do not drop pollen and their appearance...
  19. kev88

    240 watt cfl cabinet grow

    Well , the are no signs of anything anywhere else on her. The male flowers were only found on the bottom of 2 decent sized buds. Anyone know if it will be localized to there as it is now? Also I read this on a random seed bank site , might be a little early to pertain to my female,but I have...
  20. kev88

    240 watt cfl cabinet grow

    checked on the plant today, and noticed what looked like 4 small seed pods on the very bottom of 2 of the buds...... hoping very much that pulling them will stop any pollenation, if she is trying to become a hermie. In the first pic you can kinda see what I am talking about. The buds are...