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  1. kev88

    Is my girl becoming a herm?

    2 weeks ago I had 3 plants, 2 of them were males. I pulled them out of the grow box and put them in my garbage can in the garage. The door to my garage is only a few feet away from my grow box. Is there a possibility that upon drying out in the garbage, could the pollen from a male have floated...
  2. kev88

    Is my girl becoming a herm?

    Hopefully I can get through it, there were only 4 total of them and I got them well before they opened. Heres some more pics of the same spots just from the top.
  3. kev88

    Is my girl becoming a herm?

    Well I am just under 30 days into flowering hopefully I can make it for these last 4 weeks or so. Any more opinions/answers?
  4. kev88

    Is my girl becoming a herm?

    heres one more pic , it almost looks like these 3 buds got pollenated somehow. They fall off pretty easily, just brush my razor against them and they fall off. Posted one more pic of it on the plant , maybe its a little better.
  5. kev88

    Is my girl becoming a herm?

    Was just looking over my buds and on 3 of them I found a couple of what looks like a flower getting ready to open. It kinda also looks like a seed pod. I flipped out and cut it off the plant to get a better look. I tried to post a pic, not the greatest though. Any help is appreciated .
  6. kev88

    Pistils burned by lights....will they be ok?

    I was rearranging the lights in my growbox, and one got a little too close to a bud and burnt her little hairs off the top. Only about the top 1/4 inch of it got burned. Will the bud overcome this and just grow some new hairs on that spot?
  7. kev88

    how many watts can i use in one plug?

    All depends on the breaker or fuse that its on, add up the amps that both of them draw then check your fuse/breaker box and find out what amps it is set for. Stay a few under that amount and you should be ok
  8. kev88

    240 watt cfl cabinet grow

    A few more pics added , noticed my stems darkening on most of the sun leaves. Read all I could find on it and seems as though it is normal , hopefully this is the case.
  9. kev88

    240 watt cfl cabinet grow

    I am starting this journal a little late , already a little over 2 weeks into flowering, but I will do it for my own record and maybe get a little help along the way. My cabinet is 3ft tall 3ft wide and 16inches deep. Covered the inside in mylar (hastily) I installed a 50cfm cheap bathroom...
  10. kev88

    Humidity questions

    first time attempt for me, happy as shit to see success far :weed: Good luck with your ladies!
  11. kev88

    Humidity questions

    Moved it up about 16inches and it has already dropped to the low 50's . The buds are all pretty much in this area from lst'ing the shit out of her. I think I will be good to go. Only 5 more weeks lol
  12. kev88

    Humidity questions

    ok cool. Right now, I have a cheap hygrometer and the only easy place to set it is right at root level. I assume it will always be higher considering the soil is within inches. It reads 60% down there , gonna try and mount it more in the middle and see what that gives me.
  13. kev88

    Reviews on Super Skunk from nirvana?

    I am a novice at this growing hobby, but would like to upgrade from growing bagseed. I'd like to try the super skunk feminized from nirvana....anyone had experience with this strain?? How it grew, how it smoked anything would help. Thanks
  14. kev88

    Darkening Stems??

    I just noticed the stems on my sun leaves darkening, is this a sign of a problem. I never really noticed it till now. I am 3 weeks into flowering,only feeding a diluted tiger bloom every other watering. Any help would be appreciated, thanks
  15. kev88

    White Widow in a grow box???

    I was able to bend the lady I have in there now pretty well. She's almost totally horizontal. I proud for my first attempt. lol As of now I have 240 watts of cfl , for the one plant thats in it now it seems great
  16. kev88

    White Widow in a grow box???

    I have a small grow box going 3'x3'x2' On my first grow attempt and everything seems to be coming along great. Its just from some good bagseed, so of course I want to upgrade for next time. I think I will go with white widow feminized from nirvana. Has anyone had any experience growing ww in...
  17. kev88

    cheap easy exhaust fan

    The box I have is 3'x3'x2' with 8 cfls and it doesnt get above 80 degrees with a passive intake. So, I'm sure with a little tweaking this could work for most.
  18. kev88

    cheap easy exhaust fan

    Just picked up a nice cheap exhaust fan the other day at a local hardware store. If you are looking for a cheap and easy exhaust fan, this is it, and its under 14 bucks. It is a basic GE bathroom exhaust fan 50cfm It works perfectly for nearly every cabinet/grow box build. It even has a 2...
  19. kev88

    First grow 240 watts of cfl

    Leaves near the buds today were a little droopy , gave her 1/2 water 1/2 nutes, hopefully that takes care of it. Any one else ever had this problem? All other leaves seem fine , just the ones nearest the buds look a little tired.
  20. kev88

    Humidity questions

    I recently installed a new exhaust fan in my grow box , with just a 3"x4" passive intake. Since putting in the new fan my humidity has risen from around 40% to 65% at root level. Is this too much humidity?