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  1. jknight4652

    3 questions...

    i will keep you posted more and more.. i was thinking a heavy feeding for a week then flush after that... this is my first grow ...and i have 4 clones of them
  2. jknight4652

    is it male or female?

    it you see small balls then its a male ...
  3. jknight4652

    3 questions...

  4. jknight4652

    3 questions...

  5. jknight4652

    3 questions...

    i went to radio shack and found lighted 100x microscope for $13.00...after looking through it for aout 10 mins....5 at which took me to get it focused and i could see a difference in amber and white trichs...seems that most of the smaller ones are more amber...taller ones seem to still be white...
  6. jknight4652

    3 questions...

    sounds like a plan i see what a 30x microscope sells for to take a look over the next few days and ill report more i have a pic of one of the buds should i post it?
  7. jknight4652

    3 questions...

    i dont have anything to look at the trichs with i know i was gunna need one soon or i looking at something expensive or will a regular magnafying glass work?..with the pistels turning red is a sign that its almost done with its cycle? and i have looked at a few way to get rid of bugs...
  8. jknight4652

    3 questions...

    correction after checking my calendar i just start 10 weeks and one thing i didnt mention is that im following the foxfarm grow/feed calendar
  9. jknight4652

    3 questions...

    number one....i recently built a grow room and i have 2 small fans it ok for the fans to be blowing directly on the plants? number 2....i am at week 12 of my grow cycle and it appears that this is the time where my plants are really starting to become very "full"...but just one tip...
  10. jknight4652

    grow cabinet..but i need ventilation idea's

    i have taken a metal 6ftx3ftx18in cabinet stripped the selves out and turned it into a room cabinet... but i need ideas on venting it ... im using a 2ft t5 bulb set and i plan on adding another set in th future...the lights dont produce much heat at all...i have taken a 12in fan and mounted it...
  11. jknight4652


    about 2 weeks ago i took some clones off of a female...come to find out the one plant i take the clones off of has turned into a hermie... what is the chance the clones with do the same?... im 9 weeks into flowering... i have removed that plant form my down to 2...:cuss:
  12. jknight4652

    What's the deal with legal bud?

    what happened with getting arrested with that?... i was just speaking with a friend bout that...he had some...i tried it...and it tainted my pipe
  13. jknight4652

    how long can clones live under regular lighting

    thank you for the answers... yea i know about putting them in soil and all that i was just llooking at doing clones off the 3 i have now so when they are harvested it just time to add more into the real lights i use
  14. jknight4652

    how long can clones live under regular lighting

    so i could take some clippings and set then a side for later and then under the right lights for veg and flowering?
  15. jknight4652

    how long can clones live under regular lighting

    how long can clones live under a full spectrum florescent grow light?
  16. jknight4652

    newbie...started tiger bloom today

    as of today i have started to use the tiger bloom formula on my using the basic chart that they offer...i also used there veg grow..those are the only 2 i there anything i need to look for in the next few weeks?...i most likely will not be buying any more nurients due to the...
  17. jknight4652

    newbie...just started tiger bloom

    as of today i have started to use the tiger bloom formula on my using the basic chart that they offer...i also used there veg grow..those are the only 2 i there anything i need to look for in the next few weeks?...i most likely will not be buying any more nurients due to the...
  18. jknight4652


    so recently i have sexed my plants im am looking at cutting some clones and with a week into flowering i have 3 females to cut off of... i was wondering how long they could live under regular full spectrum florescent lights and is it too late to take clones off...they have only been 12/12 for a...
  19. jknight4652

    is 2 plants in a 5 gallon bucket too much

    1 is topped with 4 branches out and the other is not topped
  20. jknight4652

    is 2 plants in a 5 gallon bucket too much

    i just recently removed my males from my crop and my plants are about 12 inches tall... i have 2 5gallon buckets that i had everything in... one bucket had one female and the other contains the other 2... will the bucket with 2 plants in it have enough room for both? if not is it safe to move or...