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  1. rollsdc

    Salvia tips please, if you have any?

    you used to be able to order clones off ebay but they have sence taken them down but there are plenty of places online you can find um
  2. rollsdc

    how much shrooms do you need to eat to become high?

    start with a half eighth and go from there
  3. rollsdc

    Salvia tips please, if you have any?

    o and you only need a pinch a little goes along way
  4. rollsdc

    Salvia tips please, if you have any?

    10x didnt do shit for me Id start from 20x and work your way up and make sure its the extract not the leave thouse are ment to be chewed but ya just use a torch lighter and a bong and hold it in as long as u can and it will hit you like a ton of bricks. scarry but fun.
  5. rollsdc

    My pet Spider.

    I had a black widow in mine i had in my basement onces but once i discovered her i quicky got rid of her im not about to be smoking little black widows
  6. rollsdc

    broke stem

    thank everyone. i took some clones too just in case she doesnt make it
  7. rollsdc

    broke stem

    ya thats what happened pretty much the light just bent it really bad and snaped the stem but its still connected so i taped it up with some high quality electric tape and it holds it self up like this and i have it leaning somewhat against the wall
  8. rollsdc

    broke stem

    so a light fell on my baby and severd the stem almost in half but still barely connected if i hold it together somehow with like elec. tape will it heal? no camera so i cant take any pics
  9. rollsdc

    MARIJUANA: An environmental threat

    Mexican marijuana cartels sully US forests, parks - Yahoo! News
  10. rollsdc

    Grow op in mall

    Yahoo! Marijuana Grow Operation Found At Mall - Orlando News Story - WKMG Orlando All right who did it
  11. rollsdc

    Anyone taken niacin for a urine test?

    i heard it makes you feel like your dieing
  12. rollsdc

    Seeds on ebay?

    ya thats an understatment
  13. rollsdc

    Seeds on ebay?

    ya theres no way i would even risk buying um on there just thought it was ridiculious the guy has like 3 other auctions too for like NY deisel
  14. rollsdc

    Seeds on ebay?

    no way could this be legit 15 Marijuana Seeds - White Widow - eBay (item 250278473761 end time Aug-08-08 14:23:42 PDT)
  15. rollsdc

    leaf foliage

    very noticeable seemed to grow faster I think its like teaspoon per gallon i just mixed it in with the water and watered it every other week then I used old age bloom for flowering the same way increased my bud size considerabley
  16. rollsdc

    Flushing with Organics

    its great great stuff
  17. rollsdc

    They're all gone!!!!

    damn that sucks man happened to me once
  18. rollsdc

    leaf foliage

    I use this stuff called Old Age Grow every other watering its like $10
  19. rollsdc

    only lights on? or doesnt matter?

    lights on then just in case you dont risk letting any light in
  20. rollsdc

    MH and HPS for veg?

    Id go with the 400 has always worked for me and like Dabu said easier to find and probley cheaper