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  1. Tdblu09

    Newbie here...looking for a lil help....i think lol First grow CFL

    Yeah i know the fan leaves play an important role, but i dont really have a choice since theyre getting burnt to a crisp on the lights. Im just clipping those and leaving the healthy ones... Im sure wolfman will have an answer if he stops by today... ;)
  2. Tdblu09

    Micro ebb/flow (NOW DWC), all CFL ScrOG, perpetual Stealth locker

    damn wolf!!! thanks for takin interest in my shitty lil ur looking like a damn guru here!!!!! LOVE IT! Quick question...with the cuttings ur keeping to make hash etc...what does the salt under the towel do???? Think im gonna start saving mine too!!!!
  3. Tdblu09

    Newbie here...looking for a lil help....i think lol First grow CFL

    Took a few more pics tonight, dont know if they'll come out any better tho...
  4. Tdblu09

    Newbie here...looking for a lil help....i think lol First grow CFL

    hey! i think im just gonna let it grow and see what happens... i probably stressed the shit outta them, moving em around so much...oops. lol...once again over zealous and started before i had the cab set up.. worst case scenario... i have too start over again...and its fun, so no
  5. Tdblu09

    Newbie here...looking for a lil help....i think lol First grow CFL

    I know they're needed, but can i prune a few of them that are leaning into the lights?????
  6. Tdblu09

    Newbie here...looking for a lil help....i think lol First grow CFL

    Ok, maybe ill start a grow journal if i have time this week, but for now heres the best pics i could get of the shoots...still didnt pick up a new camera yet, so sorry for the quality.
  7. Tdblu09

    Newbie here...looking for a lil help....i think lol First grow CFL

    im gonna try to get a new camera today, so if i do ill post the pics later.. lol..never prune when ur high!!! thats when its the most fun!!!!lmfao
  8. Tdblu09

    Newbie here...looking for a lil help....i think lol First grow CFL

    hey thanks! Im using a small array of cfls, 6-23w (warm white), 4-26w (2 warm white, 2 daylight), and 1-43w warm white. dont have a journal yet. And they've been flowering for 2 weeks 2moro.. pretty sure i got over zealous and gave em bloom food too soon..hehe, my mistake!! u read you...
  9. Tdblu09

    Newbie here...looking for a lil help....i think lol First grow CFL

    using a smaller cabinet to hopefully get better light penetration, it is burning some of my fan leaves tho. Can I remove some of the fan leaves??? or is that a bad idea??? not bad for a chick huh?? lol
  10. Tdblu09

    Newbie here...looking for a lil help....i think lol First grow CFL

    Temps are pretty steady, i do the lights at night so it doesnt get too cold. its around 85-88 with lights on. def doesnt drop below 65 with lights off. I'll dbl check it tho. thanks
  11. Tdblu09

    Newbie here...looking for a lil help....i think lol First grow CFL

    I'll get some more pics when the lights are back on tonight. The shoot that i topped already looks black, let me rephrase the shoot is black inside. and im guessing thats not normal either?? I did top the other yesterday like you said, but im kinda getting the feeling that im gonna have to...
  12. Tdblu09

    Newbie here...looking for a lil help....i think lol First grow CFL

    Wolf thanks for replying, before i put them into flower, i topped the one because i thought it was mold, after that i made sure i didnt get any water anywhere on it.... and its back, maybe ill just let it grow some more and see what happens... but so far....not good huh? :( ugh! I was hoping...
  13. Tdblu09 clue wats wrong!! :(

    Thanks King, I was reading up on the plant problems, but it only seems to be where the flowers are gonna start and a little on the just so flipping confused!!! LOL..but thanks again, i'll read up ...just checking to see if anyone has seen it, so i can find an answer quicker...
  14. Tdblu09 clue wats wrong!! :(

    Anyone? I started these outside and brought em in for flowering..... Cause its gonna get too cold here before theyre done...jus an fyi
  15. Tdblu09

    Newbie here...looking for a lil help....i think lol First grow CFL

    Yeh it doesnt seem right to me.....hence why im a bit concerned!!
  16. Tdblu09

    Newbie here...looking for a lil help....i think lol First grow CFL

    Hey Everyone, These are mixed seeds from Nirvana. They're a week into 12/12, and I'm hoping they're doing fine, but need a veteran to reassure I noticed what looked like black in the middle, but it actually looks more purple, so idk if its the strain, or if im doing something...
  17. Tdblu09

    First time grow, what ya think?

    Lol...yes its super ghetto!!! But hey, if all goes well then i'll start working on a better set-up!! :)
  18. Tdblu09

    First time grow, what ya think?

    Hey everyone, I posted this, but I put it in the wrong section. These guys are One week into 12/12, they're unknown mixed seeds from Nirvana. Just added some more lights last night... Open to suggestions..... :) Thanks!!
  19. Tdblu09

    Newbie, Am I doing ok???? First grow

    Yeh I just added a few more lights last night, and i wasnt sure if the purple is just the strain or what...i used the mixed seeds i got from Nirvana, so i have no idea what strain it is...just got a little worried it may be rot, because i started them outside...I'll get a closer pic later.