Newbie here...looking for a lil help....i think lol First grow CFL


Well-Known Member
Hey Everyone,
These are mixed seeds from Nirvana. They're a week into 12/12, and I'm hoping they're doing fine, but need a veteran to reassure I noticed what looked like black in the middle, but it actually looks more purple, so idk if its the strain, or if im doing something wrong :(.....

What do you think????
Thanks in advance for the help, this forum is the BEST!!!! :)


Wolfman Zen

Well-Known Member
That doesn't look good man... but don't worry... simply top it right after the last healthy nodes (not fan leaves.. the growth that will later become branches)... in fact... you should do it to both of them.. thy are starting to stretch and topping now will help with height issues and give you more then one main cola.

If you are going to top.. you should do it now... topping or trimming anything after 2 weeks of flowering is not advisable.

Good luck

The best DIY EZ walmart DWC CLONER for MICRO grows. Zen style
The BEST DIY EZ walmart carbon filter for MICRO grows Zen style
Micro ebb/flow (NOW DWC), all CFL ScrOG, perpetual Stealth locker


Well-Known Member
Wolf thanks for replying, before i put them into flower, i topped the one because i thought it was mold, after that i made sure i didnt get any water anywhere on it.... and its back, maybe ill just let it grow some more and see what happens...
but so far....not good huh? :( ugh! I was hoping it was a purple strain :(


Well-Known Member
I'll get some more pics when the lights are back on tonight. The shoot that i topped already looks black, let me rephrase the shoot is black inside. and im guessing thats not normal either?? I did top the other yesterday like you said, but im kinda getting the feeling that im gonna have to start over :( ....


Active Member
hey dawg all i can think of its temperature, they start to get those dark color of low temperature try getting the temperature when lights are on and off


Well-Known Member
Temps are pretty steady, i do the lights at night so it doesnt get too cold. its around 85-88 with lights on. def doesnt drop below 65 with lights off. I'll dbl check it tho. thanks


Well-Known Member
using a smaller cabinet to hopefully get better light penetration, it is burning some of my fan leaves tho.
Can I remove some of the fan leaves??? or is that a bad idea???

not bad for a chick huh?? lol

Wolfman Zen

Well-Known Member
Oh I wouldn't give up on them just now.. as long as they are alive there is hope... and from the looks of your pics... they don't look bad at all... and I'm digging that cab =]

Do any other shoots besides the main 2 have this?

How long ago did you switch to flowering? and what kind of CFL's are you using?

Do you have a journal Td?
If so give us a link... if not.. you should start one.. you know I got your back on this one... so we will see were these plants are going to lead us... in the mean time, don't worry too much.. the plants look overall well. and you are going to have a bit of fun, while learning a lot... and all of that you will be able to take to your next grow.

The best DIY EZ walmart DWC CLONER for MICRO grows. Zen style
The BEST DIY EZ walmart carbon filter for MICRO grows Zen style
Micro ebb/flow (NOW DWC), all CFL ScrOG, perpetual Stealth locker


Well-Known Member
hey thanks! Im using a small array of cfls, 6-23w (warm white), 4-26w (2 warm white, 2 daylight), and 1-43w warm white.
dont have a journal yet. And they've been flowering for 2 weeks 2moro..
pretty sure i got over zealous and gave em bloom food too soon..hehe, my mistake!! u read you shouldnt but i just couldnt help it!!
Haha.. take a few bong hits and next thing you know im sitting in front of the cabinet like.....uhhhh come on buds....let me see ya!!
dont act like you didnt do it your fist time its freaken addicting!! And dude, im having so much fun...all of a sudden im like ordering the garden magazines..thinking what flowers ill be growing outside next year..where im gonna put a small greenhouse for tomatoes...cucumbers...and my outdoor grow..lmfao! freaken love it.
And being this is my first grow, im really not expecting anything in terms of yield ya know? Just wanna get the process down, this way i can stop having to pay for my favorite hobby! :):bigjoint:
the shoots actually seem unaffected, 2 others sprouted outta the bigger plant and the other 2 look fine also. just the black shit. decided to just let it go... see what happens ya know?!
Ill get more pics..but my digital broke only have the phone cam for now :(

Wolfman Zen

Well-Known Member
lol... don't worry Td.. trust me I know what you are going through... and I still play/talk to my plants after a couple good hits lol..
(note to self.. don't ever..ever,ever,ever.. prune when your hgih).. lol

I love this stuff!!

Though I have plenty of knowledge and a bit of experience trying to help out my friends with their grows... even had a few small scale outdoor grow.... This is my official solo grow.... and loving every minute of it!! My only regret is not doing it sooner.

Now that you are indoors.... you will have to try hydro.. it is not as complicated as most make it sound, and wow do things change from day to day.

Ok now I'm ranting again...

As for the blacking... I wish I could see them in person.. but at this point in the grow, I would cut the top until there is no blacking and hope it doesn't come back.. You should still get plenty of buds from the side branches.

The best DIY EZ walmart DWC CLONER for MICRO grows. Zen style
The BEST DIY EZ walmart carbon filter for MICRO grows Zen style
Micro ebb/flow (NOW DWC), all CFL ScrOG, perpetual Stealth locker


Well-Known Member
im gonna try to get a new camera today, so if i do ill post the pics later..
lol..never prune when ur high!!! thats when its the most fun!!!!lmfao


Well-Known Member
I know they're needed, but can i prune a few of them that are leaning into the lights?????

Wolfman Zen

Well-Known Member
I see what you mean about the black being in the stems too... damn this is weird... have you thought of taking all of the top off... well all that has the black in it any way?

Yes you can still take some fan leaves off it it is necessary... I just took a few off that were shodowing some bud sights... can't have that

The best DIY EZ walmart DWC CLONER for MICRO grows. Zen style
The BEST DIY EZ walmart carbon filter for MICRO grows Zen style
Micro ebb/flow (NOW DWC), all CFL ScrOG, perpetual Stealth locker