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  1. M

    warlock b cheese and alskan ice, help needed please

    Yeah m8 coming down thurs wud love to leave them longer but i have electric meter goin in friday.there fattening up nice and are covered in trich's.hows yours coming along i walked up to my front door the other day and all i could smell was weed my odoursok had came off ducting
  2. M

    Big Bud with Overdrive?

    the easiest way dude is to go onto advanced nutes website and look at the nutrient calculator u can put how many weeks you flower for then it will tell which weeks to use big bud and overdrive
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    BlueCheeze by Gorlax

    Hope the grow go's great dude i'm currently flowering 4 blue cheese in dwc at 51 day's flower and man are those bud's big
  4. M

    Big Bud with Overdrive?

    hey dude i use both overdrive and big bud.You dont use the 2 together u use big bud till 3 weeks b4 harvest then overdrive till 1 week b4 harvest
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    warlock b cheese and alskan ice, help needed please

    turned out ok the buds went like a foxtail so no big cola just lottsa small fat 1's out of 10 seeds 3 were male then 2 hermied so he got 5 1/2 o's off of 5 plants.they were all harvested at different stages so there's a mix in my jare but cured quite nice
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    warlock b cheese and alskan ice, help needed please

    no m8 it was blueryder its a cross of dj shorts blueberry and masterlow.
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    warlock b cheese and alskan ice, help needed please

    defo cider rider m8.vegged for 5 weeks m8 i'll post some pics b4 chop then after with wet weight dry weight only prob is my m8 cut his plants down bout 4 weeks ago nd i lent 2 1/2 o's off him so he's getting it bak from this:cry:
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    warlock b cheese and alskan ice, help needed please

    oh yeah dude and they stink of cheese in some places and sweet and fruity in others on one plant the smell of cheese makes you feel sick
  9. M

    warlock b cheese and alskan ice, help needed please

    hey dude her's some pics 4 barney's blue cheese,dwc,600w hps nutes are av connoisseur for bloom with big bud,voodoo juice,carbo load,overdrive and final phase for flush as you can see there burnt to bits with nute burn from a week ago and the belts to hold the buds up cos there too heavy for...
  10. M

    Iam new, hullo. And may I have some advice plz?

    hey dude i've grown a few auto's lowryder 2,ak47xlowryder 2 and just finished some blue ryder which is blueberry masterlow and lowryder 2 and all three strains got me stoned and they just looked like mini plants and are so easy to grow. like picasso said yield is light dependant
  11. M

    warlock b cheese and alskan ice, help needed please

    i'll post some pics dude starting to flush tomorrow really stinky now.I figure bout 4 or 5 o's of 4 will give you true reading if at canopy temp in shade thats how i do mine and plants stay fine but i just burnt the s**t outta them wi nutes last week
  12. M

    warlock b cheese and alskan ice, help needed please

    Hey dude if your thermometers in direct light it wont give an accurate reading i keep mine at canopy level in the shade and my grow room has been hot the past few days with our good weather for the year
  13. M

    warlock b cheese and alskan ice, help needed please

    I've had plants go through a grow with little yellow on leafs and they've come ut just fine. I agree with locaz on the light i had a 400w about 30 inches away nd my seedling loved b cheese barney's or big buddha i've got 2 weeks left on 4 barney's blue cheese.good luck with your grow m8
  14. M

    Barney's Farm Blue Cheese/G13 Labs Power Skunk

    Congrats on the grow dude i'm currently flowering 4 barney's blue cheese i'm on day 37 in dwc under a 600 hps.Did you find the blue cheese to be sensitive to nutes as mine are.
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    RAIDERMANS BLUE CHEESE (Southern style)

    Nice plants raiderman i'm currently growing blue cheese in dwc but mine are bushy are these barney's or big buddha
  16. M

    Automatic Flowering Dwarfs!?! WTF SWEET!

    These plants are so easy and i just checked ph daily and changed nutes weekly as they were only in 4 gallon buckets heres sum bud porn.
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    1st of many...

    hey dude i use dwc seed to harvest in 2 10 gallon tub with 3 plants in each tub.clones are used for a fast turn around on plants e.g shorter veggin time and your guarenteed fem's if taken from a female mother i usually grow seeds but am now starting clones for quicker bud and so i dont have to...
  18. M

    Do all clones have alternating nodes?

    hey dude your plants only have parralell nodes when they are young and sexualy imature then when they reach maturity the nodes start alternating to show they have reached sexual maturity hope this helps
  19. M

    Automatic Flowering Dwarfs!?! WTF SWEET!

    it was dude hav got sum pics after the chop if u wanna smelt so good after curing for 2 weeks and smoked even better
  20. M

    dwc help roots slow

    hey dude my plants are 2 weeks old and the biggest plant at about 3 inches tall 4 wide are about 4' 5' inches long i would defo lower water level