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  1. human8

    Ak-47 Help

    Looks good, so what wattage and kind of lights you runnin'?
  2. human8

    Grind up your whole sack at once?

    Rip that nug into 5-6 shredZ and stuff it in the piece. I would never want to spend the time wasted grinding up a whole oz. to think I'm saving time when I will smoke it, sounds kind of anal or someone who likes being "very efficient". Hey! isn't that called OCD?
  3. human8

    Using Urine As a Fertilizer

    I think I saw the nutrient list posted from this article but, people The Indian Ayurvedic system of medicine has used urine therapy for thousands of years, not even a topic for informed debate.Although that is for human consumption It's a tried and true organic fertilizer as well.and...
  4. human8

    How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

    if the grower is greedy and he thinks its as bomb as it is.....400 an ounce, normal heads with goods and not trying to gouge and still Good kush. 300. Maybe 275-250. Meed's 60 oz. but shit...only to cook with if that..... So cal. hanging on the edge of the pacific plate. 'cough' It's...
  5. human8

    Stoners in the mist

    kind of like "this is your brain on drugs......for the new age." Some ad company made a pretty penny off that BS. Kind of funny for a second but look at the goal. I'm now going to go smoke some bong hits whilst running across the freeway, extreme stoners we are never 'safe' universe forbid, the...
  6. human8

    greetings from the edge of the pacific plate

    Hello peepoles! Just joined to glean and share any info on growing MJ. I'm from So Cal. Right on the edge of the plate, prop.215 home grower. And thats about it.I'v edone the balcony outdoors before,20 yr+ smoker and I am currently trying my first indoor grow, so well see. I have been taking...
  7. human8

    This is sad

    and shouldn't that t5 be 'nuff? 1000w HPS might be too much and a waste at this juncture.
  8. human8

    Waz up fellow smokers...

    only 5000? I hope you never join the 5 digit club...15k for me. (lights joint) ...Got yer back.
  9. human8

    Extended Dark Peroid To Help Finish Flowering

    ...after 10 grows of the same hindu kush, my friend finally perfected his process by increasing the dark period by a half hour every two to three days to 10 light/ 14 dark when finishing. He seemed to firmly believe the increased dark induced the buds to FINISH NOW!!! And harden up. as far as...
  10. human8

    Independent study about the affects of Megaray UVB bulbs

    yo, I've been looking into these UVB lights but I'm limited to a closet and heat is always an issue. I've read the 60 watt has the external ballast, I was thinking I could move it closer maybe put two in to supplement my 600w HPS on each side but hanging down. My thought was with the 60 I could...
  11. human8

    Lets talk YEILD: Skunk#1 vs. YOUR BEST

    the 'Cool bulb" is a retro white Phillips Metal Halide 400 watt. they only run in the HPS magnetic ballasts tho'. you can get a kit online with mogul for 50 bux from HTG.....peace.
  12. human8

    Grafting Cannabis

    I would think a heavy foliar feeding would aid in carb production and provide more water to last the healing of the graft. like you do a mother for cloning. just a thought.. I'd love to be able to get a mixed grafted clone with 3 strains, where is the future allready? !!lol
  13. human8

    *WANTED* UVB Growers with experience

    Hey Y'all. After my last post I figured I'd post the link to the info I found. Hmmm, I may have seen it posted at another forum, if so, thanks whoever I got this from. But its a analysis of light spectrum of different zoological UVB and heat lamps for a russian tortiose! lol :hump: The...
  14. human8

    *WANTED* UVB Growers with experience

    Hey, nice thread , couldn't resist to share a little info I read earlier. if heat isn't an issue tanning lights are good or a higher watt reptile spot. BUT if you need max UVB for the least heat the Mega-Ray EB 60 watt Flood UVB Lamp is a nice choice.Or Zoo Med has a power sun 60. The reason...