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  1. human8

    Red Rock OPIUM

    Debunking the "Red Rock Opium" Myth "Red Rock Opium" Contains No Opium By Erowid, Nov 1 2000 v 1.1 July 2003 INDEX Summary General Information Analysis Open Questions Erowid Red Rock Documents References SUMMARY A substance called "Red Rock Opium" is sold throughout the United...
  2. human8

    Super Silver Sour Diesel question

    they ain't dead....they're just napping.
  3. human8

    Fan And Dark Cycle & Co2

    I turn my intake and out-take off and leave the oscillating fan on during dark to keep the air moving. I hate Powdery Mildew.
  4. human8

    Trimming during flower?

    don't do it. Any trimming of fan leaves will reduce final yield, the fan leaves process photosynthesis, store sugar for bud growth and any light gain is way offset by the loss of vital source of storage and conversion factories. Most experts I've read on this agree. If you want to try tucking...
  5. human8

    Powdery mildew at Harvest - HELP! URGENT!

    some have used this with good result. Not approved for edible foods except those darn apple trees. I've read some posts of people having success with it, sorry I don't have a link. Some express concern with smoking I'm trying to contain a mildew in l8 budding myself and I have such a small grow...
  6. human8

    Technique hash from stems

    due you can make a bitchin' Eiffel Tower Replica.
  7. human8

    Cali's Documentary thread (FILMS)

    cool, thanks Cali. Nice to see someone spread truth spreading views.
  8. human8

    Selling on Craigslist....what did he think was going to happen?

    I saw an ad in the so cal oC craigslist for "prop.215- many strains. 2400." I figured it was a bust even tho' I have a rec. I was like...."wtf"?????????
  9. human8

    Senior Exit Project

    So, school now consists of picking a lame ass politically correct "subject" and purposely avoiding any subject with controversy? Next they will offer a Duct Tape over the mouth as an elective... Why anyone submits themselves to that B.S. and calls it "learning" I'll always question...
  10. human8

    Soooo I need some advice

    The brainwashed are hard to convince, even if they ARE your parents. I'd say keep it to yourself. There's things your parents have done you DON'T want to know about believe me, being human and all. lol So, it's ok to have privacy, don't feel guilty about that. It's your right.
  11. human8

    Smelly hydro water

    I'd recommend Hydrogen Peroxide over Bleach (yuK!) in your res. its natural anti-bacterial. But you need to make sure its not the good bacteria you smell.
  12. human8 boys hound us in the forums, but don't want RIU Divas?

    You are a select few HotNsexyMilf. Maybe they're all on xanax? Nice avatar, BTW.
  13. human8

    Radio In My Grow Room

    I play a Buddhamachine to my ladies. Look it up, its a chinese 8 setting walkman with drone loops in it. It's cool! Plus read "The Secret Life of Plants" if you want to find out the shit on sound and plant growth, its a classic and well worth the 3 bux at the used book store. No scientific...
  14. human8

    benlate, for mildew??

    try Neem oil. It's organic.
  15. human8

    topping induced budding? (pics)

    Hey wait, dude. I think thats broccolli! mmmm broccolli.
  16. human8

    This Week in the Pot News

    "These results indicate that some marijuana users experience withdrawal effects when they try to quit,..... Ok..TWELVE people to be exact. Well thats the definitive word on that, they tested 12 people, what kind of pool do you expect people! It's hard to find pot smokers these days.
  17. human8

    Wtf...where Do You Get Mylar...tired Of The F*#king Goose Chase

    they WALMART HOME DEPOT ETC...also have bubblewrap coated in mylar sold as insulation, a little more but works as a heat shield too.
  18. human8

    Fuck me!!!Fuck me!!!Fuck me

    F the police.
  19. human8

    Sanford and son's grow - MOVIN ON UPPP

    try putting some frozen 2 liters of water in front of the intake fan. Thats waaay too hot. You may need to invest in a small A/c unit. or If possible get a fan taking air out of the basement. Seems kind of generally hot in there. You need more air. Hope that helps.
  20. human8

    O the smell of berries... blue that is....

    lookin' sweet! So, which blueberry is she? And how is the tightness with the 400? I have a few Dabney goin' but I've heard so many different reports, I'm just waiting to see what up....cheers!