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    Looks pretty good for taking pictures, but my $5 loupe is probably easier to use and has a 30x and 60x lense. Edit: I just tested the loupe by taking a picture of a ruler though the loupe and without the loupe, and the stronger lense is probably about 5x... It's strong enough to easily see the...
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    Multiple light cycles a day possible?

    I'm not sure what you mean... I also don't think they'd start flowering if you squeezed two cycles into one. Six hours of light (assuming you normally do 12/12) isn't enough to trigger flowering AFAIK. It might help saving money during veg, but I don't see how it could help flowering.
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    Multiple light cycles a day possible?

    I've read that the dark period is all that matters, and the plants don't really care too much about how long the lights are on. If that's true then this seems like a bad idea since you normally want to maximize the light period since that's how they get energy.
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    Grow box too damn hot!

    That's how much ventilation your plants need. HPS and MH lights need a lot more air to cool them. I have a 440cfm fan cooling my 600w HPS, but I use a speed controller and keep it between 20% (when my light is turned down) and 40-50%. The speed controller controls how much power is going to your...
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    light leak from duct

    I wrapped my ducts in 4 mil black poly sheeting and zip ties. I got 3'x50' for about $12 online and I've also used it to lightproof a box I'm rooting clones in.
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    Small Tent Grows

    I have a 1'8x3'x5' tent with a 600w dimmable HPS. My 6" fan at 30% power keeps the tent just a few degrees above room temp (75-85f) and I can keep the light 8-12" from the plants at full power. I'm thinking about switching to a vertical scrog, so instead of a 1'8x3' (720 in2) screen below the...
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    Best Nutrient Line???

    I like the lucas formula. I use flora nova bloom and it costs me about $0.25 (it's been a while since I did the math, but I think that's right) to refill a 5 gallon DWC bucket. It's easy, too, just 1 part, and I haven't had to adjust the pH as long as I keep the ppm around 1000-1200. I think it...
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    The Scrog Club

    So I'm doing my first scrog and I think they're ready to flower, but I'm not sure. Would you guys mind taking a look? Those burnt leaves are from hotspots, I had to make my tent an inch shorter to fit it in my closet and now the walls wont stay flat. I'm going to stick some 2x2s between the...
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    My Cheap Automated Grow Room

    The Raspberry Pi is an option if you also want to learn about electronics and computers. It doesn't come with a web interface or sensors, but you can add that yourself. There are a lot of guides and wikis that show you how to connect almost anything to it, but you'll need to know/learn basic...
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    My Cheap Automated Grow Room

    Yeah, I've spent months daydreaming about it. I also want to get pH and ppm sensors to put in my res permanently, but the ones I've seen would double the cost of the entire system (which is around $50). I've never done anything with robotics either, or messed with openCV, but I've see what...
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    Broken Water Pumps?

    For some reason the cheapest swing valve on Amazon is $12 when the cheapest swing/spring combo is $5. This one looks like it should work vertically without the spring so I wouldn't have to add any bends to the pipe...
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    Broken Water Pumps?

    I saw one that claimed to need only 0.33 psi and one that said 1psi, both with springs, but now I cant find either. I might just get one with a spring (1/2lb of force; that's 2.5psi with a 1/2" pipe) and break it off. One of the review said the spring is easy to break with some pliers, and they...
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    Broken Water Pumps?

    My design can't overflow, I have a float valve in the lower res on the return pipe in case it's faster than the pump, and an overflow pipe in the 1st bucket in case any of the pipes between the buckets or the return line get clogged. The overflow pipe should also make enough noise that I notice...
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    My Cheap Automated Grow Room

    Nice. I've have a similar setup with a Raspberry Pi and a relay board. I also have a pan/tilt webcam, 6 DS18B20 temp sensors, and a DHT22 humidity/temp sensor. It controls the fan (on/off only) and lights and logs temperature, humidity, and the light cycle, and shuts off the lights if the tent...
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    Broken Water Pumps?

    Thanks, you even answered the question I didn't ask: where to find 1/2 inch one-way valves. I only saw the aquarium air hose sized valves when I looked, the bigger ones are all called "check valves".
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    Broken Water Pumps?

    Does anyone know what happens when a water pump breaks? Can water flow backwards? I'm designing a recirculating DWC system and since I don't have much space I'm going to put the main resivour below my 5 gallon buckets. I'm going to put a float valve on the drain line going back to my main res so...
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    Don't switch straight to 12/12 according to new study

    I don't think it'd make a big difference, but it could easily add up to a few days, especially if you veg with 24/0. If you're trying to get everything dialed in perfectly, this seems like it could potentially shave a few days off your grow and/or slightly increase yields. This is the "advanced"...
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    Don't switch straight to 12/12 according to new study

    I read the article again and they say the plant stops growing when it runs out of starches. It sounds like switching from 20/4 to 12/12 will make your plant stop growing for about 8 hours a day for a few days. I'm going to start tapering to 12/12, adjusting 15 minutes a day. The article also...
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    Don't switch straight to 12/12 according to new study

    I just read an interesting article about a study that found that plants "remember" how long "night time" is and change how quickly they're using starches so they don't run out before "day time". If the length of their "night time" changes quickly they will run out of starch too early. I'm not...
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    Seedbanks and the Bitcoin

    Paypal is apparently considering supporting bitcoins. Paypal could let vendors accept bitcoin, but have the bitcoin price change with the exchange rate and automatically convert to USD before being deposited in the vendor's account. I don't think many seedbanks use Paypal, but it's not like...