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  1. N

    4 weeks into flower normal size buds?

    Cool thanks for the info, I'll check them out. Yeah co2 with LEDs are the way to go but since they dont put out IR heat you have to keep your room temps a little higher but since I've used co2 I've seen a drastic increase in yeilds.
  2. N

    4 weeks into flower normal size buds?

    Definitely let me know how that goes, I think you'll be happy with the results. Was it easy to buy those from Alibaba. I been looking at some of the lights they have on there. I was just worried I'd get ripped off. I've heard good and bad reviews. Do you run co2
  3. N

    4 weeks into flower normal size buds?

    That makes perfect sense, I'll probably try a 1:3 ratio. Funny you mention LEDs my first run was some cheap LEDs off Amazon and they did very well now that I look back. At the time I thought they were garbage so I sold them. Come to find out 2 runs later they did better then my 600hps for those...
  4. N

    4 weeks into flower normal size buds?

    Yes air cooled hoods. It's funny when I went to my local hydro store to get new bulbs awhile back they said they dont carry them anymore because there prehistoric haha, as they try to sell me new lights and Sorry about that I should of said 4 part. So just dial back the A then. Maybe a stupid...
  5. N

    4 weeks into flower normal size buds?

    The A is 3-0-3 and the B is 1-4-6 I dont like how high the N is. They seem very healthy otherwise me thinking the bud size is lacking
  6. N

    4 weeks into flower normal size buds?

    Yeah I guess its face off of x animal mints. I did a test run awhile ago on my last run and seemed to do decent but I cant remember if the buds were this small this late in flower. The lights are se 1000s dialed down to 75%, not the greatest light but they work for now. Emerald harvest has cali...
  7. N

    4 weeks into flower normal size buds?

    Thanks for the reply man, from what I read it's a 9 or 10 week. I didn't expect them to stretch as much as they did l, so yeah there about 12 inch from canopy. Not ideal. They are pretty dark green so I believe a little N toxicity also. I'm using emerald harvest a and b. Not a big fan of it so...
  8. N

    4 weeks into flower normal size buds?

    Another picture
  9. N

    4 weeks into flower normal size buds?

    I'm currently going into the 4th week of flower and my buds seem very small to me can anyone help. Animal face 750 hps Coco 800 to 1000ppm Co2 1500ppm Watering 3 times a day lights on Temps 78 to 80 Ph 6.2 Nuts emerald harvest cali pro a and b
  10. N

    Watering schedule top feed clay pebbles?

    I have only been experimenting with this new top feel in clay pebbles and during lights on 15min every hour and lights out 15min every 4 hours. I haven't seen any negative effects so far.
  11. N

    Watering schedule top feed clay pebbles?

    Thanks for the feedback man, appreciate it.
  12. N

    Watering schedule top feed clay pebbles?

    Awesome, I just found a DO product. Looks promising. Thanks for the advice. Much appreciated. Also I know the growth in hydro is much faster then soil. About when is a good time to flip them to 12/12. Hopeing for close to 2oz a plant. I have 5ft of room to play with between top of pots and light...
  13. N

    Watering schedule top feed clay pebbles?

    Definitely helps, thanks man. I've heard alot of people say 24/7 so it's just swaying me more towards that. Have you had any issues with stem rot or overwatering and also what is DO
  14. N

    Watering schedule top feed clay pebbles?

    I recently started my first indoor hydro in clay pebbles top feed in Dutch bucket/DWC recirculating. I've grown outdoor for close to a decade but this is very different I'm finding out. I cant seem to dial in how often I need to water. Some say let it run 24/7 and some say 15min every 2 hours...
  15. N

    Edges of leaves brown and curling up PICS

    Yeah I will definitely upgrade at some point to a full rdwc. What's the best way to go buy the system or DIY?
  16. N

    Edges of leaves brown and curling up PICS

    I definitely will switch to a rdwc at some point but it was just convenient. My other idea for my next run is fill the bottom 3 inches with clay pebbles then put 3 gallon fabric pots on top of that with coco or half inch rockwool cubes.
  17. N

    Edges of leaves brown and curling up PICS

    So it's not truly a DWC but it's the closest thing I can find to compare with because the bottom inch or two always has water in it at all times, which could be problematic at some point because there is not any bubblers to keep it oxygenated. It depends on my res to keep it fresh.
  18. N

    Edges of leaves brown and curling up PICS

    I wish I didn't have to use it but the design of the Dutch bucket system relies on the top feed to bring in fresh water and oxygen from my resivore every 2 hours, so that way there isn't any stagnant water in the bottom of buckets for to long. Its not really designed for marijuana but it was a...
  19. N

    Edges of leaves brown and curling up PICS

    Awesome thanks for that chart, I work on dumping it and flushing in the next day or so. I will also look at ATAMI CALMAG. I'm using GH calimagic right now. I started of with 2 ml per gallon half of what it recommends. I bumped it up to a total of 4ml this morning to see if I notice any corrections.
  20. N

    Edges of leaves brown and curling up PICS

    Yes hydro, clay pebbles top feed 15min every 2 hours