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  1. N

    Edges of leaves brown and curling up PICS

    35ish very clean water
  2. N

    Edges of leaves brown and curling up PICS

    I dont know if that helps I put just the veg light on. 1 picture is same plant as above and 2nd is one beside it.
  3. N

    Edges of leaves brown and curling up PICS

    What does this remind you guys of, I see mag deficiency?
  4. N

    Edges of leaves brown and curling up PICS

    Also my ph will not rise above 6.1 at least since I've changed res, should I let it get to 6.1 then adjust to 5.5?
  5. N

    Edges of leaves brown and curling up PICS

    When I changed res I brought ph down to 5.5 and by the end of the 30 hours it was at 6.1, also that would have been over a course of about 8 to 10 waterings
  6. N

    Edges of leaves brown and curling up PICS

    Sounds good, Thanks G I appreciate the feedback.
  7. N

    Edges of leaves brown and curling up PICS

    Wow ok thanks for all that. Very interesting how all that works. So since I changed res about 30 hours ago or so my ppm stayed the same 470 to 480 and water level dropped a bit. When I topped off the res today with fresh water the ppm is now at 430 so my understanding is they have taken 40 or 50...
  8. N

    Edges of leaves brown and curling up PICS

    Interesting, so let me ask how much calmag did you add, what nutrients do you use that are made for soft water because I'll have to look into that and why wouldn't a regular ph meter work such as a bluelab or handheld?
  9. N

    Edges of leaves brown and curling up PICS

    Since I got some vets here, what's a good size to flip to 12/12 to end up with 3ft plants. After my tables and pots I have 5ft to my lights hung at maximum height. I'm hoping for 1 to 2 oz per plant hopefully. This is my first indoor but I have been doing outdoor for close to a decade. The 2 are...
  10. N

    Edges of leaves brown and curling up PICS

    Humidity is at 50% most of the time. At first I didn't believe my tap was 30ish ppms either. I went out and bought a bluelab guardian just to make sure and there very convenient also. I made sure it was calibrated and it came out the same as my hand hand held. My ph from tap is very high around...
  11. N

    Edges of leaves brown and curling up PICS

    That chart is awesome btw
  12. N

    Edges of leaves brown and curling up PICS

    This is all great info, exactly what I'm looking for. I think I've been making the mistake of constantly try to keep my ph at 6.8 to 6.0. I'm glad no one has said nut burn. Since I've been letting it swing I can see a difference. I'll definitely let it go from 5.5 to 6.5 does anyone think 450ppm...
  13. N

    Edges of leaves brown and curling up PICS

    Hydrolife, yeah I changed the res and only use the 3 part and calimagic, no other booster and have been letting ph go from 5.7 to 6.5 now then adjust back down. Seems to have corrected the issue so far.I think your right with a potassium deficiency. The strain is purple punch GDPxLarry OG maybe...
  14. N

    Edges of leaves brown and curling up PICS

    Ok good advice. It's hard because there isn't a lot of people that use Dutch/Bato buckets, so I dont have much to refer to for ppms and other things. The closest I can find is a Wilma or rdwc. I will let it run for a day or 2 then add a little bit more micro. So far I've been noticing my ppm...
  15. N

    Edges of leaves brown and curling up PICS

    Since dumping the res I have seen some of the problems being corrected. Other then old groth that have some brown leaves they seem very happy. I think it may have been all the other booster or not letting the ph drift to much. I brought it to 5.5 and let it go to 6.4 and now I'll readjust. From...
  16. N

    Edges of leaves brown and curling up PICS

    Thanks for the reply guys, yes it's a recirculating system with 75 gal res. Ph has been very stable at 6.0, I usually bring it to 5.8 and adjust at 6.0. I dumped res and added armour si 1mil/gal, 2mil/gal micro and grow, 1 mil/gal bloom and 2 mil/gal calimagic, no other boosters. PPM are at 440...
  17. N

    Edges of leaves brown and curling up PICS

    This is how it starts off
  18. N

    Edges of leaves brown and curling up PICS

    Here's a few more pictures
  19. N

    Edges of leaves brown and curling up PICS

    For the most part they all have purple stems, the discoloration on the veins are a hit and miss. Most of my leaf problems are in the middle growth on the fan leaves. Clones