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  1. Trevor

    anyone see a problem with this

    You definitely can do that. Like the post above said, if they aren't feminized seeds, you will need to sex first.
  2. Trevor

    Is it possible to colour my plants?

    I have used purple maxx and snow storm on my last 2 grows. Neither turned purple and I cut the snow storm out because it killed my ppm. Purple maxx is still being used though because I read it helps with nutrient uptake as well. That's just my experience though. I'd say lowering temps is the...
  3. Trevor

    How to find the best phenotype

    First off, thanks for all the great info/responses. While I am a fairly experienced grower, this is the first time I haven't ordered straight feminized seeds and will be required to "weed" some out so I just wanted to make sure I am not letting anything great slip away. I think that will be my...
  4. Trevor

    How to find the best phenotype

    Yeah, that's the rationale I'm thinking would work best as well. I also want to try to get into breeding (if I get any males) and so I would have to take that into account. Not any real hardcore breeding mind you, just more for shits and giggles and to see what I can come up with. I'll keep...
  5. Trevor

    How to find the best phenotype

    Hello all, I recently ordered 2 10 packs of seeds (deep purple and space queen) from Subcool through bidzbay and I was wondering if anyone had any advice on the best way to grow them out to look for males/desirable females. Would it be better to start a few and work with them or just...