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  1. O

    1st hydro HELP PLEASE

    this makes me sad to see :[ Before growing Marijuana, especially using hydroponics, you need to have your facts and knowledge in order, There is a lot more to it than soil growing! Also as stated above, Rockwool is not a growing medium. It is a seed/clone starter. I don't have a lot of...
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    3rd Try: Lemon Skunk by GH fem. PC Box Grow

    Also, your a probably going to have to flower soon, YOUR GONNA RUN OUTTA ROOM!!! plants usually triple in size while flowering :]
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    3rd Try: Lemon Skunk by GH fem. PC Box Grow

    Yo man i like the fact that i finally found someone else who is growing hydroponically with a DWC in a PC case.however there are a few tips i would like to share though. You need to start your lst really early if you want a big yield, Check out my grow in my sig. Look at how short and bushy...
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    PC case DWC Hydroponic setup!!! Trainwreck! pics updated every day or so!

    Day 20 is here. tomorrow is the last day of veg, and at 12pm tomorrow, i will do a res change, and add bloom nutes, flip the light to 12/12 and let the growing EXPLOSION begin!!! The side growth grew more from day 19-20 than anything. The side growth is looking really good, and it excites me...
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    PC case DWC Hydroponic setup!!! Trainwreck! pics updated every day or so!

    ah i see, yeh i take very specific notes on everything.
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    PC case DWC Hydroponic setup!!! Trainwreck! pics updated every day or so!

    do you mean how long my veg time was? veg will be 21 days this Sunday, with the lights flipping over to 12/12 on Monday. i will flower for 6-8 weeks. maybe less maybe more, i will flower until i run out of space haha.
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    PC case DWC Hydroponic setup!!! Trainwreck! pics updated every day or so!

    Day 19, shes looking good. 2 more days of veg, then flowering starts on Monday.
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    PC case DWC Hydroponic setup!!! Trainwreck! pics updated every day or so!

    Thats what iv been thinking, but im unsure, they are kind of are evening out now. Ill get day 19 pic up soon. one leaf tip twisted 360 degrees all the way around itself and tore itself :[ iv just never had this problem, and the trainwreck this seed came from is OH MAH GOD ddelish, so i really...
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    PC case DWC Hydroponic setup!!! Trainwreck! pics updated every day or so!

    anyone know anythign about why my leaves twisted like they did??? they are fully healthy and look fine, i did some research today and have found really nothing....
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    PC case DWC Hydroponic setup!!! Trainwreck! pics updated every day or so!

    Each of those cfls are 85 cw mini CFLS, i have 4 of them. Each outputs 950 lumens, and they are 5000k. these particular cfls are actually intended for growing, My flowering lights are the same except the are 2700k and they have a built in air filter in the cfls base.
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    PC case DWC Hydroponic setup!!! Trainwreck! pics updated every day or so!

    DAY 18!!!! I finally took some pics of the case and the whole set up! Let me know what you think!!! Check out the SIDE GROWTH!!! this plants lst is going very well, and the reflection off the cds is actually working well :] Does anyone know why my new growth and my new new growth are...
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    PC case DWC Hydroponic setup!!! Trainwreck! pics updated every day or so!

    DAYS 16-17!!! The under growth is taking off, and were i topped it 4 days ago is going crazy!!! give me some feed back, let me know what you think. Ill put some some pics of my case and everything in a bit, Iv got a lot of people wanting to see the whole set up. The leaves were droopy becasue...
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    PC case DWC Hydroponic setup!!! Trainwreck! pics updated every day or so!

    No problem tiny, your very welcome. As to hydro growing, yes you have to know exactly what your doing, there really is alot more too it, but it is WELL WORTH THE REWARDS!! As to the water pump back up battery. Yes that is crucial. my uddy had a 2 plant hydro setup, and a snow storm hit, and he...
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    PC case DWC Hydroponic setup!!! Trainwreck! pics updated every day or so!

    I built a SCROG trellis earlier, took like 30 mins or so, was kind of a pain in the ass, but its all done now so im happy. Its gonna look icyy as fuck when the sea of green hits the PC case. pics coming soon.
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    Help legalization now!!!!! Click here!!!

    Legalize and Regulate Marijuana in a Manner Similar to Alcohol. We the people want to know when we can have our "perfectly legitimate" discussion on marijuana legalization. Marijuana prohibition has resulted in the arrest of over 20 million Americans since 1965, countless lives ruined and...
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    PC case DWC Hydroponic setup!!! Trainwreck! pics updated every day or so!

    Yeh i can get you some more pics of the case and case setup, ill post them up tomorrow, be on the lookout for them. Thanks for the compliment on the case btw bro, alot of work went into it!
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    How to germinate in hydro?

    For simplicity sakes yes. You can. However if you look at the plant in my current grow, It was transplanted from soil to hydro after its first 4 days in soil. It was shocked to fuck, and didnt do any growing for almost 6 days. Its best to start them in rockwool, then put the RW into your growing...
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    New Setup, 2nd Time Grower, 2x150watt HPS - G13 ;)

    DAMNN nice plants man. I think you should flip the lights to 12/12 to help them alogn with the flowering. You said its an Auto/early flowering plant from seed. Im pretty sure they are ment to be grown 12/12 from seed, but i could be wrong. But you need to slow down that veg growth, and the only...
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    PC case DWC Hydroponic setup!!! Trainwreck! pics updated every day or so!

    As promised here is day 15 part 2!!! the plant like always grew right up against the lst, and the side growth is EXPLODING!!! I made a SCROG trellis today, and i will have pics of it up tomorrow! The trellis mounts on Velcro strips on the side of my case so i can fully control the height of it...