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    White Stuff or thick foam forming on net pot

    that dosnt look good...
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    DWC Scrog Throwdown Growdown 2011

    Im microgrowing in a pc case, with a DWC system. I accept your challenge. Stay posted on my thread. I know if your not micro growing you will have a larger yield but i will have the sexiest SEA OF GREEN!!
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    DWC Plants Stunted ? (plenty of pics)

    if you look at the pics of my plant, from the first day i transplanted it from soil into a DWC system, you can see the plant come out of shock, its pretty cool. It just takes time.
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    New to the forums/Hydroponics .

    If you have any questions PM ME!!! I custom built and designed my entire PC grow case, with a DWC Hydroponics system inside, which is more advanced and STEALTH than any pc case on the market, GUARANTEED! I will be more than happy to help you out on any aspect of your grow. Just let me know...
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    Newly setting up Hydro grow, need some experienced advice!

    Well check out my grow, I use Technaflora nutes, and i stand by them!!! you want a fail proof, healthy, massive grow. Use technaflora from Discount Hydropoinics. Simple as that lol. I designed and built my entire PC case, and DWC hydroponics setup. about 75+ hours of work put into it! sooo let...
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    PC case DWC Hydroponic setup!!! Trainwreck! pics updated every day or so!

    These pics were taken at 11am this morning when i re-lsted the plant. I will have more pics up at 5pm to show the rapid side growth from the LST. The main stem is getting so thick from the method of lst im currently preforming. Check these out, and the updated pics will be here in a few hours...
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    Problems!! what is wrong with my plants?

    I agree with lordjin. SEVER LOCKOUT! the second i saw 1200ppm my heart jumped lol. Those plants are toast, your best bet is to scrap them and start some new ones, WITH LESS NUTES@!@!$#!$!@#!@!@
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    DWC - First Grow, Advice Welcomed [Grow Journal] (HQ PICS)

    I woke up at 10 this morning, and i LSTed down the plant at 11 am. Heres what she looks like now.. I will post up another picture at 5pm this evening. Check back then!!!
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    DWC - First Grow, Advice Welcomed [Grow Journal] (HQ PICS)

    Ahhh my bad bro, I was unaware that he was usings HIDS, for some reason i just assumed he was using cfls haha. Also im glad to have you back up the fact that you are supposed to keep plants close to cfl lights. However, do you know if you can put a plant further away from a cfl light, and the...
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    First grow ( DWC hydroponic setup) autoflower*Blue Himalaya*

    with auto-flowering plants iv heard and seen that its best to do 12/12 all the time. And i do something that not alot of people do, and thats i start my seedlings with 1/4 rooting nutes. I find that this small increase of nutes for the roots makes the seedling grow at a much faster rate, but it...
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    PC case DWC Hydroponic setup!!! Trainwreck! pics updated every day or so!

    Thanks bro, Ima flower in 1 week, so make sure you check back!
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    Advice for this upcoming first timer!!

    Also if your wanting to do 3 plants per buckets, and maintain a continual cycle, you will have to use Auto flowering seeds, so you can grow with the lights on a constant 12/12.
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    Advice for this upcoming first timer!!

    I would love to give you some feedback on Aeroponics, but i dont have alot of knowledge in that field. If it was DWC hydroponics i would be more than happy to write you a book haha. But all i know is aeroponics are very tricky. You have to make sure your spray nozzles spray a fine enough mist...
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    has anyone used pargro quick drain rockwool cubes?

    I dont know if your using these rockwool cubes for clones, or as a growing medium, but if its your growing medium, fuck that. Switch to Hydroton or a 50/50 Perlite/Vermiculite mixture, or just straight perlite if your trying to save a few bucks. Im using a DWC system.
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    PC case DWC Hydroponic setup!!! Trainwreck! pics updated every day or so!

    DAY 14!!! EXPLOSION!!! 1 more week of veg left. I lsted it at 12 this afternoon, and took this pic at 3:30. It completely grew straight up out of the lst like usual. Im going to tie it down more so i cant do grow up later, but right now it is good training for the main stem being tied down, then...
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    DWC - First Grow, Advice Welcomed [Grow Journal] (HQ PICS)

    I hear you on that Void... But i grow my plants with the lights about 5in. away from it, it LOVES IT!!! I personally feel the closer the better, but iv never had temp problems, reservoir temp problems, or stress problems from the light being that close..
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    Take a look at my seedlings... is there a problem?

    well its just a seedling so there isnt really much of a problem that can happen right now besides it could just die. Its to young and premature to even tell if there is anything wrong with it, post up some pics in about 10 days, then we will see. check out my plant for what a healthy plant...
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    PC case DWC Hydroponic setup!!! Trainwreck! pics updated every day or so!

    Yeh I can take a pic of the case no problem. And the main things i use to control height are LSTing, topping/supercorpping, and keeping the plant as close to the lights as possible to minimize stretching. You can also SCROG it, but iv never done that. I might try it with this trainwreck as it is...
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    PC case DWC Hydroponic setup!!! Trainwreck! pics updated every day or so!

    Here is day 13. She grew straight up from the lst just as i figured she would. Shes very strong. I might try super cropping her. Stay posted.
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    PC case DWC Hydroponic setup!!! Trainwreck! pics updated every day or so!

    The intake and 2 circulating fans blows right on the res,the temp in my case sits at about 78 degrees and the water is even cooler. Im using a 2 gallon personally made and sized res. all the specs are listed at the top of the post. The problem of water heating up hasnt even occurred. And yes im...