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  1. CenCaliKush

    How often do you replace your bulbs?

    what kind of bulbs are you using? Regardless, the general suggested replacement time is every 6 months, but the bulbs would still definitely be usable, but just not as strong as new ones. So could you get multiple grows from one bulb? Yes Will it hinder your grow? Likely, but may not be noticeable.
  2. CenCaliKush

    LOL someone selling ganja on EBAY, UK hahahha Thats "Legal" though, even though I have boughten several times without having them check my drs rec at all.
  3. CenCaliKush

    Which lamp should i buy? This should put you on the right track. After sifting through those and you still have questions, then post a thread, but search first! google and forum search functions will find you your answers quicker if they...
  4. CenCaliKush

    First Grow! Blue Dream w/ T5 HO

    These girls are growin fast! I need to make and put the screen up asap. Also added 2 more T5 lights to assist in lighting beneath the canopy. Total I have 8 T5 lights now, 6 @ 6500k, 2 @ 3000k. In flower I will run the opposite.
  5. CenCaliKush

    First Grow! Blue Dream w/ T5 HO

    alright, ill see what I can whip up in the next couple days. Too stoned to take measurements right now bongsmilie
  6. CenCaliKush

    First Grow! Blue Dream w/ T5 HO

    how big of holes should they be? 3"x3" or bigger even?
  7. CenCaliKush

    Scrog. About to switch to 12/12. Need some advice please

    and it doesnt only reflect heat, it just reflects more heat and less light than mylar. Aluminum can make a fine reflector in DIY cases, but white paint seems to work and thats usually easier
  8. CenCaliKush

    First Grow! Blue Dream w/ T5 HO

    aight, I work tonight so Ill probably take care of that tomorrow what works best for screens? I've seen everything from chickenwire to volleyball nets but never seen which is best
  9. CenCaliKush

    First Grow! Blue Dream w/ T5 HO

    and I do appreciated it. Heres the plants on about day 18 These 2 I have had a particularly hard time pinning down with just clothes hangers, they just rip them right out of the ground, the other ones grow with them pretty nicely for the most part though. I will be setting up a screen in...
  10. CenCaliKush

    CFL vs. T5 experience.

    the T5s arent gonna pull some extra power out of no where. You have over 150w of CFLs, and only 58w of T5. No wonder theres a different. Youve got 4000 lumens of t5 going against 10200 of the CFLs. T5s are good for several plants over a a given space. the light is distributed much more than a...
  11. CenCaliKush

    First Grow! Blue Dream w/ T5 HO

    hrm seems like too much work for me hahahaha after moving the thermometer down to the level of the plants the temp its reading has dropped 3-5 degrees already, so im not too too concerned.
  12. CenCaliKush

    First Grow! Blue Dream w/ T5 HO

    Theyre all shut down around here for the most part so I had to resort to CL for these so theyre not certified or anything but I trust the dude how often do i need to change the water/coolent supply?
  13. CenCaliKush

    368 watt CFL veg cab/600 watt HPS flower cab perpetual journal

    dang lookin good, keep em coming
  14. CenCaliKush

    First Grow! Blue Dream w/ T5 HO

    swamp cooler? not quite sure what this means... :/
  15. CenCaliKush

    First Grow! Blue Dream w/ T5 HO

    Been a while since ive updated. Ive added 2 more t5 lights to the box making 6, and during flowering I will add 2 more, making 8. I also added 2 3000k bulbs to widen the spectrum a bit since I have more bulbs now. Plants are growing great as well. I have FIMed them all once by now, and...
  16. CenCaliKush

    How does this look?

    Looks a little droopy, usually a sign of over watering. What are the watts on those CFLs? how big is that space? eventually you might want 2 rows of the CFLs like you have instead of one. Also your for sure gonna want to give the plants some bigger pots. 3 gallon pots work great in a small...
  17. CenCaliKush

    368 watt CFL veg cab/600 watt HPS flower cab perpetual journal

    I wanna see some pics I am currently using just one box for all stages but I would love to get a flowering box and a vegging box
  18. CenCaliKush

    Club T5

    Wouldn't the T5s effectivness be hindered greatly by the distance needed for the HPS though? seems like a waste to me imo
  19. CenCaliKush

    Growing under the electricity radar? growing w/o making a bid dent in the bill?

    Lol legality is not a good comparison for what you should and shouldn't do. It used to be legal to own black people Thats just my 2 cents Its your friends house, what part of that don't you get though? He could tell you I don't want you drinking alcohol in the house, its legal, but maybe he...
  20. CenCaliKush

    Growing under the electricity radar? growing w/o making a bid dent in the bill?

    the "trolls" are just telling you the fact of the matter, and you just dont seem to like it