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  1. FourTwentyMan

    AKDaze's Initial Soil Grow -Six Strains

    I love it!!!... this is almost exactly what i had in mind for myself ..definatly be watchin...ty for doing your research and giving us something worthwhile to follow
  2. FourTwentyMan

    My Secret Closet...Finaly Used To Flower.

    that flouro light would be good for starting the could probably veg them under that light too if u are keeping them small... but i like thay hps on ebay... id buy it
  3. FourTwentyMan

    Seed Ordering Success!

    Ok then i will probably order from WWMS when the time is right... does anybody have aby suggestions on seeds to buy? I see that there are many companies to choose from... is one better over another?I am assuming WWMS has a pre stock of these seeds they have bought fomr the various seed breeders...
  4. FourTwentyMan

    Seed Ordering Success!

    it is good to hear of your success...what country do you live in ? usa or canada? or europe? i live in canada and i would like to order some seeds at this site...just wondering what my chances of succes are
  5. FourTwentyMan

    Is this a good deal? 600 watt HPS

    that isnt a bad deal...except u dont need that if u are growing one plant in a 2'x3' space....unless u have some very good ventilation,that will be way to much heat for that small of a would be better off going with a 400w or 250w light for your grow area....i would personally go...
  6. FourTwentyMan

    Omega Garden

    ya but that model still costs at least 2 grand ... i could make one for problt 600-800 max
  7. FourTwentyMan

    Smoke it Green SMoke it Clean - My Grow

    man that sux beyond sux ....better safe then sry i guess.... would he have found them afterall??? did he go downstairs? that watercooled hps is sik much does one of those units cost apporx?
  8. FourTwentyMan

    Omega Garden

    Someone said they are pretty expensive... i was thinkin the same thing...2 grand for a small model ...but then i thought of the massive yeilds per sqaure foot of growing space and lightbulb efficiency water too... and much more... I'm sure this would pay for itself very quickly...
  9. FourTwentyMan

    Straight for 46 days???

    how long did you veg them??
  10. FourTwentyMan

    Mixing light

    you said "sealed" unit ...does this mean no air vets? fresh air intake ?? mabey not...but if so ...when u buy an HPS you have to keep in mind it is alot hotter then your cfl's....just a thought
  11. FourTwentyMan

    Straight for 46 days???

    how that fast? plz explain...from clone seed what?
  12. FourTwentyMan

    It's All Bullsh*t

    how long was that vegged for ...holy fucking shit balls btw ...invite me over when u build that tree house...damn