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  1. FourTwentyMan

    Test your hand/eye coordination!

    your a fag for wasting my time ...or mabey a genius
  2. FourTwentyMan

    Charlie flyin over

    wow fdd i must say that is an eire almost disturbing picture...i like it ..its like art
  3. FourTwentyMan

    apartment inspection!!!

    im no expert....but i wouldnt assume they are comming because of a spike...for all they know you just heater on too high and you leave your tv on all long have u lived there..try to find out if its a rotine could be any amount of things....coincidence and not to bring...
  4. FourTwentyMan


    good luck ...but u will need to do aloooooot of research if u want to grow it properly...
  5. FourTwentyMan

    Would watering my plants with a cannabis tea help thc

    rediculous question ...waste of time to try...just drink that shit and get really high!
  6. FourTwentyMan

    Growing in an aquarium... with a pet inside?

    lol...neet idea but ..yes the light intensity(required for growing a plant worth your while) would be to much for the snake to pretty sure the pot plants would be the things doing the distraction...everyone knows what a marijuana leaf looks like...and if i saw a tank id go see...
  7. FourTwentyMan

    veg/floering question

    lol can also take a cutting if the plant is big enough ...clone it and put that into the 12/12 light cycle ..and once that shows sings of sex you will know the sex of the plant(mother)..all the while your original plant is still vegging ...get it ? or a can cover part of the plant with a...
  8. FourTwentyMan

    Opium poppy

    can u grow poppies indoors in the same space as your marijuana plants?? and is really that easy to get opium poppy seeds?? that are ready to grow??so you are saying opium poppies can grow wild in canada/usa??
  9. FourTwentyMan

    2 weeks flower pics COME SEE!! WW first grow!!

    very very nice ...i plan on doing almost exactly what u are doing...i love it ...keep it up ...keep us updated
  10. FourTwentyMan

    Cool Grow Tricks!

    ...yes ..along the lines of what i said ...acidic without compost...doo idea though using used ones ..hhmmm... more about this mayo thing... id like to know more..."the one guy" said to use it on the stem on the bottum ... why is this ... the only reason i could think of using mayo is foliar...
  11. FourTwentyMan

    Cool Grow Tricks!

    arnt coffee beans waay to acidic????would be better to compost with it
  12. FourTwentyMan

    Are my ICE plants Ready? (pics)

    yaaaa... i know what ur talkin bout... and those plants abouv dont really have that ... hmmm good insight say another week or 2
  13. FourTwentyMan

    Seed Ordering Success!

    hahahaha pricless..and ya definatly label your pots:P...jokes.... i absolutly love this thread..and love to hear of your success...and i love to hear that I will most likley receive my order with no problems when I most ldefinatly buying my seeds from these guys (WWMS) always...appreciate anyone...
  14. FourTwentyMan

    What are the consequences of Growing?

    hmmm sry im not of much help ...but id say ...the law is the law... im not sure what they are in california but if its illeagal u would most likely serve jail time in the usa ...or heavey probation/fine and house arrest....but im not completley sure ...why not just get legal premission since u...
  15. FourTwentyMan

    Cool Grow Tricks!

    haahaha sry but u never know what may work for one plant may work for another..
  16. FourTwentyMan

    Cool Grow Tricks!

    .hmmm interesting ... never even thought about actually trying them though... im just curious... have u heard of them injecting pumpkins with milk to make them bigger? mabey just mabey this could be used to strengthen stems if needed?? just throwing sh*t out there
  17. FourTwentyMan

    Cool Grow Tricks!

    hmmi didnt believe it either ...what about the milk thing pretty sure it is benificial when i comes to pumkins...but that is to make them grow bigger..trying to do sometihng like this might just make the stems huge and thhick or stretch the thoughts?
  18. FourTwentyMan

    The Evolution of the Trichome

    sry skunkush but i have to agree with ccodian... there are amazing points on both ends.. but skunkush is a little out there ...remember marijuanna is just another isnt something special still abides by the rules of nature... research some other plants ...where there has been...
  19. FourTwentyMan

    Cool Grow Tricks!

    i once heard of injecting co2 diectly in the stem of the plants..i myself dont believe this one ..anyone??? oh and i have also heard of milk being injected into pumkins to make em grow bigger im pretty sure this is true and works..?? applicable to marijuana??
  20. FourTwentyMan

    Humidity problems

    ya...why do you water so often?? with a good soil you shouldnt need to water big are your pots?? mabey humidty isnt your problem ..mabey water retention is ...jsut a thought ..tell me what u think