What are the consequences of Growing?


Well-Known Member

I live in California, LA to be exact and was wondering; what are the consequences of growing a couple plants for a medical purpose without a doctor's consent? like 1-4 plants? Would I get arrested? or will they just be confiscated? A fine?

Any help would be appreciated.

I have Anxiety and Depression and I have documents to prove that I have these illnesses and mary j really helps me.


Active Member
hmmm sry im not of much help ...but id say ...the law is the law... im not sure what they are in california but if its illeagal u would most likely serve jail time in the usa ...or heavey probation/fine and house arrest....but im not completley sure ...why not just get legal premission since u need it for medical reasons?


Active Member
i live in the northeast portion of this fabulous "free" nation we live in...i also suffer from anxiety and get much relief from smoking bud. i can't grow weed here, but i can buy a gun and join the murder a day club in Philadelphia or Detroit


Well-Known Member
maybe u can get away with one but i dont think 4 and yea u will get arrested...it depends on who busts u


Well-Known Member
The problem is that my parents won't let me get a card and they think that smoking marijuana is stupidity which is just ignorant of them. The main reason why my dad won't let me get one is because he thinks it leads to harder drugs and that everyone who smokes pot is a loser. All the people he know that smoke pot are losers and he gives me examples of people in our family who smoke pot and are really losers LOL. My uncle for example; smokes pot every day. lives with who ever can put a roof over his head. has never had a job. alcholic. lives off women he meets. 38 years old....That my friend is the definition of a loser lol. Any ideas on what I can do?


New Member
i dont believe anxiety and depression are an excuse for marijuana use. honestly using it simply to get high is a better reason then that..but if u follow the rules you shouldent get caught... dont talk about it dont let people see it and dont let people sence it (smell) and you cant get caught


Well-Known Member
i dont believe anxiety and depression are an excuse for marijuana use.
Are you an idiot? marijuana treats anxiety and depression with its Euphoric capabilities. How would I go about getting a card? My parents accompany me whenever I go to my therapist/psychologist appointments. I am prescribed Prozac atm. Could I just tell my psychologist to prescribe it for me or ??? I could tell him that I am self medicating myself with Medicinal Marijuana and it helps me. I don't want to be taking prozac anymore. Anti-Depressants fuck with your brain after a while


New Member
no im not an idiot and i could care less.... as for the treatment thing, i dont believe it is effective at curing either one of those ills. it might be usefull for supressing it but then again i can say that about so many ailments its impossible to count. and for the parents follwing you everywere thats fucked up.... just tell them you'll kill yourself if they dont let you smoke


Well-Known Member
u dont have to get it from ur main doc. go to a doctor that "reccomends'' marijuana...just make an appt. tell ur dad u gonna go out with ur lady or something


Well-Known Member
Don't you have to be 21 for the card?

Also, prozac isn't effective in curing either of those illnesses too it just suppresses them just like all anti-depressants.


Active Member
no im not an idiot and i could care less.... as for the treatment thing, i dont believe it is effective at curing either one of those ills. it might be usefull for supressing it but then again i can say that about so many ailments its impossible to count. and for the parents follwing you everywere thats fucked up.... just tell them you'll kill yourself if they dont let you smoke
you are an idiot if you believe its not an excuse....


Active Member
haha come up here to seattle!! we passed a law up here several years ago that mandates seattle police to make marijuana offenses the lowest of priorities.. Jaywalking is a higher offense.. so ya you gota be a dick up here to the five-o for them to bust you. I have a med card and here in seattle there is no definition as to what a "60 day supply" actually is....

my card says i can carry a pound and grow enough for 60 days... however what you guys have to realize that mental disorders do NOT qualify for a med card...

Although I am a US Marine Corps Veteran and it helps me drastically for my Hypervigilance (always on guard and ready to swing at the drop of a hat) my med card is for chronic knee and ankle pain from injuries in the service.

Get a hold of Canna Care or Emerald Cross for info cannacare.org


New Member
you are an idiot if you believe its not an excuse....
your an idiot for thinking it is.... if it was really neccisary for your disorder you would be saying its a reason not an excuse :blsmoke:......marijuana is a cure for depression is basicly the same as saying any other drug is a cure for it... all it does is mask the feeling ... it does nothing whatsoever to "cure" it... im sure there are much much better things that could actully help you with your problems... but enough talking... you should just go to your basement and drink a gallon of anti-freeze and make us all happy

diesel mecanix

Active Member
your an idiot for thinking it is.... if it was really neccisary for your disorder you would be saying its a reason not an excuse :blsmoke:......marijuana is a cure for depression is basicly the same as saying any other drug is a cure for it... all it does is mask the feeling ... it does nothing whatsoever to "cure" it... im sure there are much much better things that could actully help you with your problems... but enough talking... you should just go to your basement and drink a gallon of anti-freeze and make us all happy

Honestly I would tell you to go to hell...but I think everyone is already thinking the same thing. I think you should be banned from this forum for pretty much telling someone to kill themselves. Your posts are not helpful for anyone, you are not an intelligent person and this is the point I was getting at........YOU SUCK