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  1. P

    Does Anyone Know How To Pass Police Urine Test?

    urine luck will only work on the most simple of test. Theres no way to pass a test short of not smokin.
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    michelle obama wears 540 dollars tennis shoes?

    I don't give a shit how much her shoes cost she paid for them with her own money. Money she earned in her made up job where her pay went up every time Barry moved up the ranks. But nevermind that they really give a fuck about all the middle class sheep right. I hope all you morons enjoy that $15...
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    Ive been smoking for 4 months.straight.

    Find a friend of the same sex and roughly same age and do what ever you have to do the get that pee. I've taken lots of test and know for fact that pour in masking agents and mairacle drinks only work on the most basic test not a dream job test. The deal I Always used was an I V bag/hose/clamp...
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    Gun Control

    Fuck gun control... it's all about triger control. Seriously though I like every other gun owner can see the writing on the wall the bans are coming. Soon we will all have to pay for a foid card just to exersize my rights. I'm sure we'll all be alot safer hell look at Chicago it's safe right...
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    Weed Freindly WorkPlace??

    In all my years i've only known of one pool company that tested. I worked for that company and had two inconclusive test because of urinluck but still worked there two years. Give it a try it's not the best pay but you would work with your head not your back plus you ride around all day gettin...
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    Question about mothers babies

    Hello everyone I'm new to hydro but not to growing. I've been growing white russian and sensi super skunk from seed for about a month now. So my question is this I'm ready to make clones and once I do where do I put them. I mean do I need a separate res. and tray just for them or do ya throw...
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    going to jamaica how hard to get weed

    Been there three times and pot is every where. Ask the con-see-air spelling? or the maid or the guy at the tee shirt shop. If your lucky you will get to go to a rasta man's compound to check out his crop. Buy with confidence it's good pot for a good price grown and sold by great people. P.S...
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    replace tubes ?

    The last time I changed bulbs it was a little pricey for grow bulbs so are their options at a hardware store. Thanks for the info
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    2 Main Colas Harvested

    A nice slow dry in in order as is weeks of curing. btw nice buds go get some hps you wont be sorry.
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    replace tubes ?

    I am ready to start a grow with a four tube four foot floro light. I replaced the bulbs 3yrs or so ago any advise would help. P.S. where is the cheapest web site for trays pumps ect. ?
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    20/20 cliff notes on GOV. run programs

    I hope some of the blind sheep on this site watched this to see how well our money spent. And for everyone else talk amongest your selves...........feeling stimulated yet
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    All pigs are equal, but some pigs are more equal than others.

    The change it's everywhere you can cut it wilh a knife. Too bad it's not change for the better.
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    my only issue with glenn beck

    Northwestbuds you are the "blind sheep" that the democrats prey on. And once tout Keith O just to look foolish and show just how uninformed you really are. Please open your eyes and ears it will help you to learn.
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    Obama says F you

    Blah..blah...blah Bush spent all of our money and the messia is just tryin to spent our way out of it. At least Bush spent our money... Obama just spent your great great grand kids future. But why do you care I bet none of you blind sheep even work
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    Growing in an apartment?

    I grew in an appartment for years with no problems but still not smart. The landland or maintinance usually give 24 hrs but if your or the person upstairs bust a water heater they can walk right in. So be careful and lucky
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    has obama had enough of the dems?

    Ha..ha that Keith o link is hillarous he is oboma's biggest fan boy. And fyi theres no ear marks in the stimulis bill just pure wish list waste. Who would have thunk that politicans would have wasted our money all the more reasons to limit gov. funding and control. No more federalization period...
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    Dobbs just said it: New world order

    Lou Dobbs is a great american. The only thing I don't like about Lou is his stance on medical marijuana/drug war
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    FBI’s 5-Step Process to Criminalize First Amendment Activity as “Terrorism”

    Yet another great post ****** really racking up the post count huh.. And also thanks for bringing so much to the table when you spam every thread with pure 100% Stupid. I really do like you though I always get a good laugh outta you man...hint your mom lied their not laughing with you
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    FBI’s 5-Step Process to Criminalize First Amendment Activity as “Terrorism”

    max420thc I strongly agree but I don't think any one will hear the term "freedom fighter" if it goes that way. Just remember the 2nd ammendment isnt about huntin. Just why o why do people not respect the constution any more it makes me sad. And to top it all off shortly some idiot will post in...
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    Omaba Lies

    Growrebel you are showing your ignorance on the stimulus subject. And on Bush's spending he had 2 wars 1 terrorist attack and 8yrs to spend and still Obama outspends him by tenfold in only months. So please remove your fingers from your ears turn off the msnbc and try to learn.