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  1. P

    damn what does the gop put in their koolaid

    Dude this is such an awsom thread. You dont worry about your mom catching you on the computer because I think its past your bed time. And I also thing you are most likely a 3rd world goat herder that has taken 6mo of english from a teacher that failed haha
  2. P

    Omaba Lies

    ***** I am not telling you you can't talk out its the right of right every american I doubt you know anything about that because of your loose grasp of the language. You need to undstand that this is an adult topic so go do the homework your pinko commie civics teacher asigned. And to everyone...
  3. P

    Omaba Lies

    First thing an AK-47 is just that and a SKS is an sks and their not reserved for an elite few any one can pay the fees to own one. Second thing is that obummer/holder has already announced gun bans will go into effect!!!. Even though evil black guns are rarely used in crimes no lies there folks...
  4. P

    Majority of Americans want Bush investigated for war crimes

    What W did was not criminal unpopular yes criminal NO!!! Alot of people in this thread would rather have left a sicko mass murder dictator in power than do the right thing and help those poor people. Dont take me the wrong way I'm no Bush fanboy and he made some mistakes no.1 being Rumsfeld but...
  5. P

    Obama Stimulus Plan Dangerous to Your Health..CODE RED.

    I just joined here but I am suprised at how many hardcore rightwingers there are: translation "wow I am amazed at the number of free thinking non kool-aid drinkers here". I would like to thank the milf for posting on such an important issue. I have read Dashel's big plan on health care and it...
  6. P

    Attitude..How long did it take you??

    attude order placed on 2/5/09 in mail box on 2/14/09 big +1 for attude. Big -1 for every one who post "I ordered from attude Mon. and its thurs. where the fuck are my seeds". patience is a virtue
  7. P

    Guns and Growing.

    hi Im new here but this is the thread that register. I smoke grass like its goin otta style and love my guns. I had my own gun in my room when I was a youth as did many friends and it was a privilage and a responsabilty.Many poeple would be appauled at this nowadays but my parents new they could...
  8. P

    Hello from the midwest

    Hello I have been lurking around for a month or two and finally registered. So here goes my bio.I'm 30yrs old former stealth organic grower that gave it up due to a move/home rehab.I bought some hydo equipment but couldnt figure out nutes got frustrated and quit. that was 4-5 years ago and...