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  1. welshspencer

    Cost of Electric?

    Hi all have seen many different costs for electric for running HPS. but i saw this on ebay, form the people selling envirolite grow blubs 125w ENVIROLITE 6400K Grow Lamp + Single Reflector New - eBay Plants Seeds Bulbs, Garden Plants, Home Garden (end time 08-Nov-07 23:46:07 GMT) on that...
  2. welshspencer

    FROM Seed to Flower in 9 Weeks?

    Hi all Have I got this right? I have watched it over and over again. YouTube - Green House Seed Co White Rhino Grow with Japanese Subtitles are they saying that this pant is ready to harvest in 9 half weeks from seed. the yeild looks really high....up to 900 gr/sqm what hps would...
  3. welshspencer

    Get a Harvest Every 2 Weeks

    Hi Guys If i was to use this set up, but with half the amount of plants. ie instead of 21 plants per tray . just useing 12 plants. so 48 plants in total. Could I get a good grow useing two 450 lights
  4. welshspencer

    Get a Harvest Every 2 Weeks

    :joint:Thanks VV very nice tank you have there. should hold a few plants :joint: When i go to my local garden store. what will I be looking for, (as I have no idea) are these special attactments? Regards ]
  5. welshspencer

    Who is flowering with CFLs?

    Hi all Can someone tell me the diffrence with useing a standard CFL or Enenergy saving CFL as theses seem to be sold in a low watt such as 23 w while the others ie 125w. I would like to grow about two mothers just in Veg stage and about 7 clones under cfl low enenery. and need to work out...
  6. welshspencer

    Get a Harvest Every 2 Weeks

    Thanks VV So the drain one is at the bottom? so it seems the water starts to drain down the overflow as soon as it starts filling up. on others i have seen the overflow is about half way up the drain tank. and only starts draining when the water gets to that height..??? I noticed that...
  7. welshspencer

    Get a Harvest Every 2 Weeks

    Hi VV here is the link I notice that some people like to use CFL Low En bulbs to veg. How many 20w low Eng bulbs would you need a clone box of about 5 clones? and could I also use CLF to grow the mothers as I would only be...
  8. welshspencer

    Get a Harvest Every 2 Weeks

    Hi all I was looking at the DIy section under Grow FAQ.. looking at the ebb and flow system. it has a filldrain and a overflow fitting. looking at the picture can someone please tell me if the black and blue part is the overflow as this looks like a end of hose fitting? or if it is the...
  9. welshspencer

    Get a Harvest Every 2 Weeks

    Do you mean one 430 light over the 12 or two 430
  10. welshspencer

    Get a Harvest Every 2 Weeks

    Thanks PotRoast I did not take into account about the diffrent heights of the plants, so thanks for pointing that out. Thanks for your advice.. Nice to see Al B Fuct back :joint:
  11. welshspencer

    Get a Harvest Every 2 Weeks

    Thans VV.. My grow room will be 3.5ft x 2.25ft the height is 7 ft (normal Ceiling height) Taken in to account I would be doing 12 plants, on the rotaion, croping 3 plants every two weeks. Should I use a 400 watt HID or a 600? and for my clones, of which I would be taken 5-6. I would...
  12. welshspencer

    Get a Harvest Every 2 Weeks

    Good thread Ali B fcut. I love your set up.. if i was to copy the setup but instead of using 20 plants per tray only use 5 per tray giving me a max of about 20 plants in the cycle. and maybe 2 mothers and cutting about 7 clones. would I still need to use two 1000w bulbs for the flowing room...