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  1. welshspencer

    First Grow from the Land of Song ''Wales''

    Hi All Her are some more Photos, as you will see one plants seems to be curling up and the leaves drying out.. have lost two plants total.
  2. welshspencer

    First Grow from the Land of Song ''Wales''

    will get some more photos on here for tonight
  3. welshspencer

    First Grow from the Land of Song ''Wales''

    here are the two products, canna recommeds using the two products along with others, but the pk 13/14 only when small fruits appear then you contuine with the Canna Boost CANNAZYM Canna boost is Canna's powerful flowering stimulator, specially developed for fast growing plants, it improves...
  4. welshspencer

    First Grow from the Land of Song ''Wales''

    Two Plants now have yellow bottom leaves which are begining to curls up on the ends, they have all been given the same feeds, tho the two that are yellow, are smaller. what is the problem???
  5. welshspencer

    First Grow from the Land of Song ''Wales''

    Here are some Photos
  6. welshspencer

    First Grow from the Land of Song ''Wales''

    Hi all This is My First Grow, and Fisrt Journal, and I hope that along the way, I will be able to get some help, for the problems that am sure will happen along the journey. Set up 1m x1 m x 1.8m Grow Tent Two 125w ENVIROLITE 6400K Grow Lamp 400 w HPS Two 6 plant DWC (made from Fletch...
  7. welshspencer

    Advice on Nutes

    HI there Thank Guys. i will get a Ph and Ec meter, just have to work out how to use them. its all new to me........
  8. welshspencer

    Advice on Nutes

    Hi Kitty Thanks for your reply, it says maximum of 20 ml A and 20ml B to 10 liters of water,, which is 40ml. on the website it says to use 17.5 ml . so are you saying it means to use 8.75 form each bottle? regards
  9. welshspencer

    Advice on Nutes

    Hi all need some help on the nutes. I have Canna Aqua Vega and Flores etc. on there website they have a calcalator that addes up what you need per tank. it gives the Ml per liters CANNAZYM when i enter my setup etc. it tells me in the growing Phase that should be using 17.5 Ml to 10...
  10. welshspencer

    The 30 minute 6 plant aero build

    all good, looks a great setup. going to make one today fingers crossed
  11. welshspencer

    My First BUDZ!

    nice buds. I would be happy if my plants looked like that
  12. welshspencer

    what Lights for size of growroom

    Hi Thanks guys VV by 2-4 t 5-8 Do you mean 2 x 4ft t5 8 Tubes ? I have two 125 CFL ENVIROLITE Grow Lamps with the blue bulb as I was planing to use them on the the plants in the veg stage and then was going to Flower on Hps and thats what I been trying to find out the best light to use. ...
  13. welshspencer

    what Lights for size of growroom

    So if i only grow about 8 plants, I could get away with two 400??????
  14. welshspencer

    what Lights for size of growroom

    Hi all I have a growroom that is 2m long by 1 1/2 m wide and the height is 2 meters tall. I would like to put about 20-25 plants in here what size of lights would you recomened using. thank you
  15. welshspencer

    FROM Seed to Flower in 9 Weeks?

    I forgot to add those yields are for outdooor growth for indoor it says 900gr per sm
  16. welshspencer

    FROM Seed to Flower in 9 Weeks?

    Yes its Strange..... 2-4 oz was hoping for more... was thinking of ordering these seeds, but am looking for a high yeild. prehaps someone will answer this for me, as i dont really understand how they work out the yeid of a Plant I.E The seed the BIG Bang sold by the Greenhouise comapany...
  17. welshspencer

    FROM Seed to Flower in 9 Weeks?

    how many oz do you reckon one plant will yeild??????
  18. welshspencer

    FROM Seed to Flower in 9 Weeks?

    Hi i did not say he flowered from seed it says he grew 3 weeks veg then put them to flower at a 9 1/2 week total. that what it says on the video... and the guy who made the video seems to be a well respected grower who has won many cups. The reason I put this thread up is that I find...
  19. welshspencer

    FROM Seed to Flower in 9 Weeks?

    Hi I know what it says at the begining of the Video 8-9 week flowering. but that is not what it says when you watch it. also when you look at it when it says 5 weeks at the top, he then says it has now been flowering for 2 weeks.. and he then harvests it when it has nine weeks at the top..
  20. welshspencer

    FROM Seed to Flower in 9 Weeks?

    Hi but if you watch the video, it clealy says when it is on 4 weeks that the plant has now been flowing for 5 days. and the harvest it at 9 and half weeks???