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  1. baseballman

    Cut the bottom leaves?

    Can I cut off the bottom leaves since they don't get much light and they have yellow tips?
  2. baseballman


    Pic 2morrow. They are thin pistil looking things they don't look like branches because they aren't straight but I don't know
  3. baseballman


    I have been veg for about 3 weeks with the light on 24/7. So I was wondering what the pistil looking things coming out were since I haven't switched 12/12 yet.
  4. baseballman

    First Attempt (pics)

    Get 2 cfl 100 watt daylights they work jus fine
  5. baseballman

    First Attempt (pics)

    u need way more light man they look stretched...what r u using now?
  6. baseballman

    seeds on a plant

    google images male cannabis plant
  7. baseballman

    Can I start a grow in a big pot & not a cup

    ye you can start it in a pot
  8. baseballman

    1 week of drying (pics)

    Can't see anything man
  9. baseballman

    Ready to flower?

    But I heard they grow 2 or 3 times the size when you flower it. Like I said I'm trying to keep it small because of space I'm just seeing if I can grow it.
  10. baseballman

    Ready to flower?

    This plant is about 3 weeks old and I want to keep the plant about 3ft because of my grow space. So should I start to flower it now or wait a little while longer?
  11. baseballman


    How long do I need to leave the fan on my plant?
  12. baseballman

    First grow...only female..until ??

    this is def a male
  13. baseballman

    Spots on leaf?

    Are they too close?
  14. baseballman

    Letting the bud flower?

    they dry out and die on the plant...buds are their flowers
  15. baseballman

    Transplanted at 2 weeks old, Did I kill one?

    give it some light and water
  16. baseballman

    Spots on leaf?

    pretty close...mayb bout 10 inches away? 100 watt cfl
  17. baseballman

    Spots on leaf?

    Here is a picture
  18. baseballman

    Pinching the top Cola

    in the veg state
  19. baseballman

    Spots on leaf?

    Does anybody know what would cause three white dots on one leaf? No insects.