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  1. K

    Supergirl stunted due to heat stress help!

    Hello to all looking in hope you can help, i have five supergirl plants grown from seed which were doing fine until i had a hot day which caught me out and the temps went up hitting 35 C This stressed and burned the plants which were only a few weeks old. I have dealt with the temp and they...
  2. K

    Dutch Master nutes and using superbud?

    Hello to all looking in can anyone answer a question please if they know the answer, I have used Dutch Masters superbud and normally use Bcuzz nutes A + B and also bloom simulator i also use silica and have good results. I would like to do the above but instead of Bcuzz nutes and bloom...
  3. K

    Calling on DWC people what nutrient strength?????

    Hello guys and girls, I'm doing my DWC grow which is great i've used kind of 1/4 strength nutes so no higher than 1.1-1.4 on the EC metre. I'm sort of reading if you put too much nutrients in the mix they could get nute burn and die very quickly? I understand a normal system nute strength a...
  4. K

    Deep Water Culture Growing advice

    Great stuff thanks guys, i so happy with the speed of growth i have got from this system, i have kept nute strength at a EC value of 1.1 which seems to be fine so i will continue this into flowering but once again great system i love it! Much easier to grow and less maintenance cool :blsmoke:
  5. K

    Deep Water Culture Growing advice

    Hello guys, A while back i spoke about giving this a go and so i did, I have a 20ltr bucket with 3 plants and an air stone. Well from seed grown supergirl and three weeks in very impressed. Now i just want some advice about the nutes apparently 1/4 strength because the roots are...
  6. K

    The myth of the cheese strain.......''

    Mmmm sounds good this greenhouse cheese - Skunk-Kush cross, straight from the UK It's the one i'm growing yum yum :blsmoke: Should be gooooooood :joint:
  7. K

    The myth of the cheese strain.......''

    That's interesting so you do say that it's a very good close match to the original. Can i ask if you know which one is better or should i say what's the difference if any between big budda cheese and the cheese greenhouse are doing?
  8. K

    The myth of the cheese strain.......''

    I think the myth continues, I could say my cheese which i am growing has come as a clone from the man Glen Jenkins himself founder of the exodus crew. The original cheese may well of been lost over time but it makes for a great story it seems........:joint:
  9. K

    The myth of the cheese strain.......''

    Blue cheese is the one done by Big Budda right? So the greenhouse cheese is different which one is better????????
  10. K

    The myth of the cheese strain.......''

    Hello Guys, I'm curious about this cheese strain and the myth that comes with it. OK So it was only available as a clone in the UK. Big Budda apparently got hold of one of the clones and mated it to produce a feminised seed. Green house also have mated the clone to produce a feminised...
  11. K

    Growing with an airpump and airstone easy right?

    Sounds like positive stuff ok i will run with it i hope the rate of growth and results are as mentioned i'm going to be very happy i could do with a bit of luck.....:mrgreen:
  12. K

    Growing with an airpump and airstone easy right?

    I keep seeing and reading that you can grow with a bucket, a airpump and an airstone done. How effective are these systems if that good and so easy why isn't everyone using them? Drippers, flood drain all seem like hard work compared to an airpump and bucket. That said i'm doing one...
  13. K

    Who knows about fans then?

    Here is a picture attached to give you an idea of what i'm thinking.....'' My second important question which has a few hydro people baffled so here it is, If i can run a 400w in a tent 1.6 metre high (Based on plants a foot high only) with no heat issues. So note: basically i'm only...
  14. K

    Who knows about fans then?

    Hello thanks for the reply, The 3 tents are 0.75m x 0.75m x 1 metre high and each will have a carbon filter. The total ducting length Acoustic Flexible Ducting in total will be about 5 metres long after linking all tents. They will then be connected to the fan which will then have a...
  15. K

    Who knows about fans then?

    Hello guys, My obsession at the moment is getting the noise down in my grow room. I doing very well and am fairly happy so far i have used, Acoustic Aluminium Flexible Ducting (Very good works great) Fan noise silencer 1.m (Very good) Now i have a TD-160 INLINE FAN which is what i use...
  16. K

    question HYDRO growers please help

    Nice kit, If i brought you a twin jet plane brand new could you fly it? It's not the equipment that necessarily gives you the yeild but experience and the knowledge of plant growing and unfortunately that takes time. It's also the reason why i love growing many fall by the waste side and...
  17. K

    absolute fastest yeild

    I like the easy questions i can answer them myself.....:clap: Get a big light 1000w or get two 1000w lights. Put your plant under them and grow it big like a tree. You will then get a massive yeild. Simple right next question anyone? :-P
  18. K

    LST When to start what height stem size??

    Right i understand so i think i bend them over too much in one go that's why i had the problem or the L bend will do it slightly differently next time, thanks for the advice. KB
  19. K

    LST When to start what height stem size??

    Yes and thanks for the replies i'm happy to hear they will live and recover that's the main thing. I will grow them a bit taller next time and wait until the stems are a little bit stronger and able to take the bending better.
  20. K

    LST When to start what height stem size??

    Hello to those looking in, I'm doing my first LST and have read the guide to which i would like to follow. However from the start it said to wait until the 3 or 5 leaf set. Well i waited until the 5 leaf set and bend them over they didn't take too kindly to it. I have five, and one just...