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  1. J

    plants in bad shape. help.

    strain: white widow. two clones four weeks old. light: vented 1000w hps @ 4 feet media: 5 gallons 80/20 coco/perlite nutes: canna coco a&b, cannazym, rhyzotonic @ full strength 1 gallon hand watered with tap water when needed pH: in 5.8/out 6.3 EC: in around 1.6/out around 1.4 media pH: 6.3...
  2. J

    severe leaf edge curl

    glad you figured it all out, bro. including the phantom muncher! haha
  3. J

    severe leaf edge curl

    thanks, man. yea. i'd say that it was a light/heat issue, but temps are fine and the light is 4 damn feet away. i've given up trying to solve it. they're growing and the curl has reduced, though not entirely. hopefully it works itself out because i give up!
  4. J

    severe leaf edge curl

    ok. i'm not sure what it causing the leaf curl. the new sets of leaves are curling as well, but very slight. i can't say it's really a problem as the plants are growing at a normal rate. i am going to up the EC to 1.9 on the watering.
  5. J

    severe leaf edge curl

    ok. i cannot say conclusively, but i believe this is a Ca/Mg deficiency. I watered yesterday morning with a full dose of canna and a half dose of general organics CaMg. 34 hours later the plants have produced a completely new set of leaves which bear absolutely no sign of the problems. the...
  6. J

    severe leaf edge curl

    also, plateofpakora, what is your setup? be thorough. let's see if we can find a common denominator.
  7. J

    severe leaf edge curl

    not at all, man. what strain do you have?
  8. J

    severe leaf edge curl

    oh. haha. yea, bro. me too.
  9. J

    severe leaf edge curl

  10. J

    severe leaf edge curl

    ok. RH at plant base is right around 48% which is consistent with wall reading. checked for mites with my 60x magnifier and could not see anything unusual. i emailed pogenetics as they suggest. hopefully they will get back to me. will report. thanks again.
  11. J

    severe leaf edge curl

    jondamon, will do, man. i'll report back. chuck, thanks, man! what a find! i'll give em a look under a microscope. i have a 60x some where. i'll find it and report back in a few!
  12. J

    severe leaf edge curl

    here's some additional pics.
  13. J

    severe leaf edge curl

    thanks for the input. my hygrometer is dead center my canopy. it reads between 45-50% at any given time of the day or night. my light is 4 feet away. the leaves are not crispy. they are soft. they are just curling in like crazy. they are directly exposed to the fan, but it is a very light...
  14. J

    severe leaf edge curl

    thanks for the feedback and yea. it's strange. i've never had a ca/mg problem with canna before. my tap EC is .4 on the dot. we don't have cogr here so i had considered using the aqua line instead of coco because of their fit for veg/flower opposed to just a general a/b mix. the guys at the...
  15. J

    severe leaf edge curl

    today i noticed that the newly developed leaves are exhibiting true signs of Mg deficiency (puffy with light green/yellowish color and reddish leaf stems) and Ca (tips drying out. i understand this could be nute burn, but i don't think so. 2/3 dose for canna is very light). i don't see...
  16. J

    severe leaf edge curl

    sorry. i feed with tap @ .4 EC. i meant that i test the media EC/pH with a distilled water dilution.
  17. J

    severe leaf edge curl

    strain: white widow (supposedly) two clones less than two weeks old. light: vented 1000w hps @ 4 feet media: 5 gallons 80/20 coco/perlite nutes: canna coco a&b, cannazym, rhyzotonic @ 2/3 strength 1 gallon hand watered when needed pH: in 5.8/out 6.3 EC: in around 1.6/out around 1.4 media pH...