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  1. el shaggy

    bit torrent album - Autumn Spirits

    This is some very pleasant Electronica, doesn't quite give me feelings of my Minnesota Autumn. Its more empty, open, fore-shadowing of winter. Which is a totally different genre, Minnesota falls are more post-rock. Great tracks though, you are very talented.
  2. el shaggy

    Marijuana Freak Out

    I freaked the fuck out while jet lagged, drunk, and high last night. I was brought back to my last psychadelic trip state of mind. No control of motor functions, minds freely flying to any corner of my brain and doing it at a million miles an hour. It left me feeling vulnerable and violated.
  3. el shaggy

    2012 the end or not???

    well regardless of what happens at the end of that year our solar system will be aligned with the galactic center, and that just sounds so badass. edit: I better start my Merkaba meditations to prepare my vehicle.
  4. el shaggy

    Marijuana and Anti-Depressants

    That used to happen to me, hasn't happened since I've been out of school so maybe 3 years next month. School was a major part of my anxiety and stress, I would also get stomach aches that made me want to die.
  5. el shaggy

    Marijuana and Anti-Depressants

    Cannabis is also my only anti-depressant now, I used to be on scrips but they didn't work as well as the marijuana. Side-effects do suck, marijuana isn't the perfect anti-depressant. From my experience anxiety can't be medicated or suppressed, you need to work through your anxieties. Welcome...
  6. el shaggy

    Anyone get high off of dust cleaner? (Can of air)

    only out of whipped topping when I was young. I would use professional grade NO2 though.
  7. el shaggy

    Is misogyny alive and well here at RIU?

    I <3 women, raised by a single mom. And I think expanding your vocabulary very important if you value intellect.
  8. el shaggy

    Heroes - Monday- can't wait

    I will be watching
  9. el shaggy

    resin smokers?

    use a stem as a stopper. Dry hit the pipe before you scrape. Smoke res ball from a bubbler if you can. I am thinking about clearing out a chillum(best gooey res) cause I am getting tired of waiting for my dealer to show up with my Quad. *twiddles thumbs* I get without a doubt more body buzz...
  10. el shaggy

    Pink Floyd

    Young Lust is the name of that song. If you haven't watched The Wall, that is an experience. I can't say I love it but it is intriguing. But the MUST HAVE Pink Floyd visual experience is the Live at Pompeii film. WOW!!! I love it, love it, love it.
  11. el shaggy

    The Path Of Love

    That might be cool, cause Irritable Bowel Syndrome is fucking shitty. no pun intended. Nothing has been up my butt so I have pretty neutral feelings towards it for medical reasons. This is the path of Love.
  12. el shaggy

    Your Stoner Lingo

    oh yea, Orbital. Meaning, 'OK I am seriously high now!' Blasting off into Orbit. Years ago when my buddy and I were orbital we created a little language, we just made sounds like, "Schpickitey Shpounk" "Padow-ow-OUNK" Laughed our asses off at the other people in the room, we just clicked it on...
  13. el shaggy

    The Path Of Love

    I don't think my insurance covers colon cleansings. I don't think its cheap either.
  14. el shaggy

    Is the Artist Prince, John the Baptist???

    Historically there are many religious figures born of the virgin birth, martyred and resurrected. I can believe that.
  15. el shaggy

    About HomoSexuality

    I don't, the most close-minded, religious spewing person I know is a fucking asshole. And he is always trying to get my ass fired. I don't pity them. And prochecy, I am eager to hear what you mean by "To the left, to the left"
  16. el shaggy

    2012 the end or not???

    There is no question America is losing its "superpower" status, probably by 2012. I do not fear the collapse of our economy, the government would hopefully follow suit. The end of this foolish bi-partisan system is welcome to me any day.
  17. el shaggy

    About HomoSexuality

    Tdblu09, you get the shit end of the stick. You are on the open-minded half of a battle of very polar opposites. By following your heart and loving someone, anyone, regaurdless of race, gender, faith, or appearance. You have opened your heart and are likely more spiritually in-tune than...
  18. el shaggy

    About HomoSexuality

    What does this subheading mean? I read above and below no mentions of left at all what are your implications about the 'left'?