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  1. Diknuts

    Unnown strain/ day 24 of flowering

    in the last pic?If so it looks like the nodes knuckle.It's big and I heard that is a sign of a good strain.
  2. Diknuts

    Almost 5 Weeks Flowering (pics)

    I pay about $75 to $85 a month to run 1-1000 watt hps,1-400 watt mh,4-40 watt cool/warm fluories,600 series can fan/filter,2-hi-velocity fans,1-273 cfm squirrel fan,3000 model ozone gen.,one bathroom exhaust fan,computer fan,and a 110 air conditioner.
  3. Diknuts

    Did we actually land on the moon?

    Yeh I did hear about the mirrors.Were they hand placed when we went to the moon?I thought we landed on the back side.
  4. Diknuts

    Did we actually land on the moon?

    If I was going to go to the moon,I'd be landing and putting something on the side of the moon that could be seen with a telescope.That would prove I was there and no one would be having this discussion right now.Even if we didn't land on the moon,you think they would actually tell us now?There...
  5. Diknuts

    Blue Dynamite Male plants in 18/6 veg.

    Yes the pollen sacks will open in 18/6. I had one start to open up today so I cut the top off dipped it in root gel and put it in and container to catch the pollen that falls off when it opens completly.I hope to get some good pollen to make my own cross breed. Then cross it back to try and keep...
  6. Diknuts

    Help leafs are turning yellow look at this pictures

    Ionic Grow,Ionic Bloom and Boost is really good and ph adjusted if you mix it like they say.
  7. Diknuts

    White On Leaves (PICS)

    I had this happen once early like yours and it turned out fine.Kinda looks like the leaf has been bleached just like mine did.
  8. Diknuts

    i have a unique problem!!!!!!

    I agree with 420 & 345.What is your ph?Looks like nute lock out.
  9. Diknuts

    Metro Mix 510 soil by Sun Gro Horticulture

    I added some perlite to it and it seems to be pretty good.Turned out O.K. We'll see how the ladies turns out.I like the pro mix hp so far.
  10. Diknuts

    Would this type of grow medium work?

    I haven't tried that one but I have tried these with great results.The pro mix is my favorite(extremely light more root growth).Ocean forest my 2nd fav.(great water penetration).Happy frog is great but a little heavy so I added some perlite to make it perfect(Seems to be a very rich mix). I...
  11. Diknuts

    Cold temperature effect on THC concentration.

    What kind of soil you using? Just curious.
  12. Diknuts

    What's happening to my baby? newbie needs help!!!

    Is it possible that you just spilled some nute solution on the leaves?I think that is what it looks like to me.Just make sure that when you water the plants ,try not to get it on the leaves.If you have hps or mh water on the leaves will magnify the light and burn.Insecticides can make spots if...
  13. Diknuts

    Blue Dynamite Male plants in 18/6 veg.

    Will it just keep producing pollen sax or will they start to open up soon?
  14. Diknuts


    You can take a clone off a plant that is flowering it just takes twice as long if not longer to root.That is how I got my flow started.Spray them with a flowering solution twice a day.They will revert back to veg.,root, then grow.Let them grow till you can clone your clones again before you...
  15. Diknuts

    Growing in sand?

    A friend of mine lives where all the ground is sand but there is a lot of vegitation growing around but doesn't know if he can grow MJ in it without having to mix a medium up in a hole.Does any know about this situation? I have dirt out my door so I can't help him.
  16. Diknuts

    Metro Mix 510 soil by Sun Gro Horticulture

    I picked up some Metro Mix 510 soil by Sun Gro Horticulture at a local greenhouse and was wandering if anyone has used it before?It has a 35 to 45% bark,canadian sphagnum peat moss,horticulture grade vermiculite,bark ash,dolomite limestone,and a wetting agent in it.I want to know it I should add...
  17. Diknuts

    Blue Dynamite Male plants in 18/6 veg.

    I have two blue dynamite males that are in veg.One is tall and no branching.The other one is all branches.The male flowers are forming and I was wandering if anyone knows if the flowers will continue to open up on 18/6 veg.I want to put them in seperate grow boxes to catch the pollen,then cross...
  18. Diknuts

    Demo derby drivers/fans

    This is a new one and has some pretty hard hits. YouTube - Destruction Derby Los Banos 5/08 Heat 3 These drivers go nuts out there.
  19. Diknuts

    Demo derby drivers/fans

    I sit back and burn and watch derbies on youtube.The first clip a guy drives right over another car and stops on top.The other it comes down to two brothers that don't hold back. YouTube - Monster Mash Demolition Derby YouTube - The Rockin Bomber :joint:bongsmilie:eyesmoke::grin:
  20. Diknuts

    Demo derby drivers/fans

    Are there any demo derby drivers or derby fans using this site?