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  1. Psychopassive

    how do you feminize seeds?

    Many professional breeders can't reliably produce batches of feminized seeds. You would have to gather a lot of knowledge and experience and have a reasonably large professional setup and some competence in handling some nasty chemicals. The only reason that they go to all this trouble is that...
  2. Psychopassive

    Setting up 1000watts hps grow room

    Even using really powerful extraction, cooltubes and air con, etc that would toast anything that you tried to grow. One 600w HPS with good extraction will get you (if done properly) between 0.5 and 1 g per watt if you manage the grow reasonably well. Rouhly between 11 and 22 ounces of dry...
  3. Psychopassive

    Moon Lighting?

    From Wikipedia Flowering is initiated and maintained by the build-up of "phytochrome" in the plant. When exposed to light, the phytochrome breaks down. The plant responds to peaks in phytochrome levels brought about by 12+ hours of uninterrupted night. Moonlight simply doesn't have the...
  4. Psychopassive

    male or female?

    Too early to tell dude. Nice photos.
  5. Psychopassive

    my first grow 9 weeks in please comment

    Some lovely looking plants there:weed:. The buds look like you've been at 12/12 for 20 days or so? It looks like there might be a bit of nutrient burn in places but it's very difficult to tell under the sodium light. When I take photos I usually switch the sodium HPS off and use a torch to line...
  6. Psychopassive

    Bad seeds @ everyonedoesit

    I've just bought some seeds from "Paradox", quick delivery with no hassle. 4 out of 5 seeds have germinated after 48 hours. The seem to have a better range that a lot of other UK sellers. I'll definitely buy from them again.
  7. Psychopassive

    Ph preferences

    I like to start with a nice low ph (about 5.5) and gradually let it rise until it gets to 6.4, by then it's time for a fresh reservoir. Different nutrients have optimal uptake at different ph. My thinking is that as the plant moves through the ph range it gets to absorb the full range of...
  8. Psychopassive

    How to harvest DWC HYDRO girls?? *pics*

    I've never been convinced about the benefit of putting a plant in the dark for the last few days. I grow in DWC and whenever I harvest I just flush with a finishing solution for seven days, and then chop the main stem and hang the plant to dry for about ten days. Sometimes I stay with the bloom...
  9. Psychopassive

    the answer to how much will i yield

    CO2 is a by-product of cellular respiration that occurs in every area of the plant. It's completely useless to any part of the plant that doesn't have access to light and chlorophyll. However, CO2 will react with the water to make carbonic acid H20 + CO2 - H2CO3 this will lower the ph...
  10. Psychopassive

    Does flowering and re-vegging a plant make it flower faster?

    A few years ago I had a skunk special mother. I'd already done two grows with clones and they had gone into flower at about 10-12 days of going 12/12. Anyway, I had used a cutting off the mother in the early days to sex it, I let it flower for about three weeks and then decided to re-veg it...
  11. Psychopassive

    The Devil's Weed?

    The standard response to christians who suggest this is Genesis 1:29 Although nowadays I prefer to tell them that they're right, but I worship the devil, so smoking weed is mandatory.
  12. Psychopassive

    Ounce to yourself

    the first time I did a succesful grow, I ended up staying mashed out of my brains for three weeks (over christmas) I smoked my way through about five ounces of the best quality I'd ever had. It was fun, but not really a long term option for me. Now I pace myself a bit more and always have a few...
  13. Psychopassive

    Photocycle 24/24 Flowering

    I've tried out a 5 day week for my plants in the last three weeks of flowering. You need a seven day digital timer to do it properly. Lights go on for 21 hours 36 minutes and off for twelve hours. That way you only get 5 12 hour dark periods in a week so the plant gets a lot more light. It...
  14. Psychopassive

    purple stems on healthy plants. what can i do?

    It can be an indicator that the temps are going too low during lights out.
  15. Psychopassive

    Hi - from the UK

    Hi, I'm from the NorthWest UK and have been cultivating for a few years and smoking for a few decades. After having a good look around, I think I'll be spending a lot of time on this forum. I like the smilies, especially this one kiss-ass