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  1. Psychopassive

    how do my babies look?

    Looking good there, you should get at least a couple of ladies out of that lot. Best thing you can do at the moment is, nothing. Seriously, just make sure they get plenty of light, don't get too cold and the soil doesn't completely dry out, don't feed them at this stage. Good luck.
  2. Psychopassive

    my plants died and am not sure of the reason why?

    I'm surprised they lasted that long. Your fan needs to be on continuously when the lights are on, anything over 30 C will slow down growth and cause other problems.
  3. Psychopassive

    photoperiod for cuttings

    Some people only use 18/6 for their cuttings. I honestly don't think it makes much difference. You'll probably get slightly more stretch under 18/6 and slightly less growth in terms of weight but the difference will be negligible.
  4. Psychopassive

    anyone tell me what caused this?

    My first thought when I look at them is over-watering. What's your watering schedule?
  5. Psychopassive

    Do you kickstart flowering by 48 hrs. darkness?

    I used to give it 36 hours of darkness at the start, but to be honest, never noticed much difference. Now I just use 12/12 from the start.
  6. Psychopassive

    Greenhouse Seeds - Indica Mix E

    So here I am one week later with three healthy looking seedlings, a very ropey looking Himalayan Gold and a shy Big Bang that hasn't reached the surface yet. From left to right back row cheese el nino white widow front row (nearest) Himalayan gold Big bang They're in an unheated...
  7. Psychopassive

    Greenhouse Seeds - Indica Mix E

    24 hours later and the big bang and himalayan gold have finally cracked, time to put them into rockwool
  8. Psychopassive

    Greenhouse Seeds - Indica Mix E

    Two days later, and I realise my first cockup, the labels absorbed all the moisture and the ink from the marker started to run. Fortunately there was enough colour left on the seeds to still identify and re-label them, puting the labels onto the plate this time instead of the wet tissues. Three...
  9. Psychopassive

    Greenhouse Seeds - Indica Mix E

    After soaking in water for 24 hours, I transferred them to damp tissues. Labelled them and popped them into my Disney Princess tin to keep them dark and humid.
  10. Psychopassive

    Greenhouse Seeds - Indica Mix E

    I'm going to try my hand at growing Greenhouse Seed's "Indica Selection E". This is a pack of 5 feminised seeds one of each from the following strains Big Bang Big yielder. Supposedly smells of apples. Heavy hitter. 8-9 weeks Cheese Supposedly from a clone that came from the UK. Old school...
  11. Psychopassive

    Straight, Bi, or Gay?

    I think if you allow the odd homosexual experience, then the term straight becomes meaningless. I think there's a difference between someone who's gay, and feels very strongly attracted to their own gender, and someone who mostly has straight sex but goes same sex occasionally, but neither of...
  12. Psychopassive

    now what the hell do i do (many pics)

    It's not a bad thing outdoors, but indoors it means that there's a big difference in height between the top nodes and the bottom ones. If a plant is 2 feet tall and the lights are optimally positioned for the top of the plant, the bottom of the plant won't be getting anywhere near enough. Indoor...
  13. Psychopassive

    Guess how many weeks left...

    [/SIZE][/SIZE] Hey Bricktop - some interesting stuff there. I was wondering if you have links to the original research from Simms? I have found their site but there's no mention of the research.
  14. Psychopassive

    2nd week of flowering advice needed.

    28 days is a little early to go into 12/12. When you put very young plants into flowering they tend to take a lot longer to show any buds. Most growers prefer to wait until they show sex. It shouldn't be too long now though.
  15. Psychopassive

    Hermie budd - worth saving?

    That bad boy is going to rape your ladies and destroy your crop. Kill it.
  16. Psychopassive

    AAAHHH Root Rot Help!!

    If you cut away more than about 50% of the roots, the plant will die. "Pyth Off" is a very good product and treats pythium much more effectively than H202.
  17. Psychopassive

    TWO questions.... Help Please!

    Yes and no. You could have a dozen tiny plants or just one huge one. Rather than thinking in terms of plant numbers, it's more relevant to think in terms of grow area. Then you can look at the number of watts per square foot. The optimum is about 50 Watts per square foot. So a 400 W should...
  18. Psychopassive

    Advice needed for first grow room set-up.

    It depends on extraction, if you haven't go any decent extraction, the lights will just keep heating the grow area up until it's like an oven.
  19. Psychopassive

    SOG / avereage weight per plant

    That depends on: how long you veg them for how much light you give them how many plants hydro or soil lots of other factors and even then, nobody will be able to tell you. Post a photo and you may get some decent guesses.
  20. Psychopassive

    Dying leaves/Help!

    Hold your hand at the level of the highest part of the plant. If the heat from the light burns your hand, it will be burning the plant. I'd aim for at least three feet with a 1000W HPS. That said, the plant in the picture doesn't look heat stressed. What have you been feeding it? Do you know...