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  1. sTOKEd

    New to growing with aerogarden questions

    no probs - thats what this site is for. PCs grows can work but usually the amount of bud you get is not worth the time and it's prob not advisable on your first attempt. try and find a box of some sort.. here's a simple idea - it's 2 60-odd Liter containers stacked end to end, with one PC...
  2. sTOKEd


    do those same people post on Marijuana growing-oriented forums asking which lights they should use for growing? alls I'm sayin is, it can't hurt to be sensible - let's face it, you're average joe walking into his local hydro store and walking out with 100' of panda film and a couple of 1000w...
  3. sTOKEd

    New to growing with aerogarden questions

    just make sure you use lights with 6400k spectrum for growing and 2700k for flowering. generally speaking you want 50w of lighting power per square foot of growing space.. so if you have a closet/wardrobe, take it's length in feet and multiply by its width - this will give you the area of the...
  4. sTOKEd

    New to growing with aerogarden questions

    the plants have 2 distinct cycles - vegetative growth (growing leaves, getting bigger etc.) and flowering (when they start producing buds). the optimal spectrum (colour) of light during the veg stage is 6400k or "Cool White" if you're looking to buy CFLs online or from a hardware store. The...
  5. sTOKEd


    Make sure you pay cash for all these items too - don't go sticking them on your card! :)
  6. sTOKEd

    New to growing with aerogarden questions

    The Aerogardens can definitely work, but as stated you'd need to modify it and my personal opinion is you'd be better off spending the majority of you $ on better lights than on a hydro setup. I would stick with soil and forget hydro first time round for the reasons I've given - also, a few...
  7. sTOKEd

    RubberMaid First Time...

    LOL don't go wiring any lights to cell chargers man - the lights require 120v if you're in the US and CFLs have built in ballasts, which means the light itself takes care of how much power it needs. Save the cell charger for powering any PC fans you may have laying around or can get - you can...
  8. sTOKEd

    New to growing with aerogarden questions

    While the Aerogarden can work, the general consensus around here is don't waste your $ - it's too small and the lights are neither strong enough or able to be raised tall enough. For the same sort of $ you can set yourself up with something much more suited to growing weed than basil and...
  9. sTOKEd

    Some people just don't have 'it'

    Also, do you have a means of PH testing your water and soil? If the PH is off, depending on how much by, it can affect your plant's ability to uptake nutrients. But yeah, if the leaves are yellowing and shrivelling and you're sure it wasn't heat the 2nd time round then it's gotta be nutes...
  10. sTOKEd

    My first plants, help me with my budget ass situation

    that depends...what method did you use to germinate them?
  11. sTOKEd

    Newb Planning To Grow

    Thor110 you live with other people who won't be knowing about this? That's gonna big a big factor in which setup you can/should use.
  12. sTOKEd

    Lightining Question

    "Y Socket" or "Y Bulb Socket"
  13. sTOKEd

    First Grow, Need Some Advice

    I'd even opt for 1/4 strength and possibly build up to 1/2 strength and stick with that. Some people even just stick with 1/4 strength throughout the grow.. your plants will respond differently to different nutes, so start off with 1/4 strength for a few waterings, then as your plants get used...
  14. sTOKEd

    Newb Planning To Grow

    saying get a 400w HPS is all very well, but we know nothing of his situation - does it need to be stealth? is ventilation going to be difficult, budget, how many plants does he want to grow etc? before anyone can recommend anything we need to know: 1. How much are you willing to spend on the...
  15. sTOKEd

    LED Grow! My experiment with LEDs!!!

    I saw a grow a while back (may have been on another forum), I'll try and find a link - the guy used something like 250w of LEDs and ended up having to add CFLs for flowering because the LEDs simply didn't cut it. They seemed to work for veg ok, but flowering was a different story.
  16. sTOKEd

    Is this good enough? Stealth Setup

    ouch $20 for that! honestly, i'd use the bin for what it was designed for - rubbish.. have a look at this link - it's a step by step guide on how to make a setup using 2 rubbermaid containers and CFLs attached to vanity light fittings. DIY stealth rubbermaid growbox - Cannabis Culture Forums...
  17. sTOKEd

    Heat concerns on new growbox

    the "Scythe Ultra Kaze 120mm Fan 3000rpm" moves 133.60CFM at 45.90dBA - that's almost 3 times the air your other 120mm fan moves, so they vary a lot in performance.
  18. sTOKEd

    Confused on some details

    6400k for veg is supposedly optimal but 5000 or 5500k will work too - a mixture of them certainly wouldn't hurt. most people using CFLs however tend to stick with 6400k for veg and 2700k (warm white) for flowering, HOWEVER during the flowering stage throw a couple of 6400k in there with the...
  19. sTOKEd

    Need alotta tips on growin newly grower

    couldn't agree more - i've done one grow a couple of years back and it was a disaster. I've now spent the last 2-3 MONTHS researching RIU, collecting the things I need (lights, timers, seeds, etc. etc) along the way and learning a tonne on info, so when I do start the next one, it's less likely...
  20. sTOKEd

    Is this good enough? Stealth Setup

    welcome to RIU :) Glad to see you've done a little homework and not just posted the infamous 'so how do i grow weed' thread. the main problem you're going to have is heat - 400w HPS/MH lamps put out a fair amount of heat. As a result your grow room will need a constant supply of fresh air and...