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  1. sTOKEd

    Finnaly, a grow with pics!

    it's hard to tell from that angle but how far are the lights from the plants? make sure they're about 2" from the tops of them - as long as it's not too warm on your hand it'll be fine for them.
  2. sTOKEd

    spectrum mixing

    I can't say i've tried this, but several people on here have recommended to throw a couple of 5500k or 6400k lights in with the 2700k ones when flowering because they've done it and had good results - supposedly the plants like a mixed spectrum when flowering?
  3. sTOKEd

    My first grow

    what sort of light are you using? also, you may be overwatering them slightly if they appear droopy - if you're using CFLS they don't dry out the soil very quickly, so depending an ambient temps you may wanna water every 3 days. the yellow spot(s) may be nutes burn - are you using nutrients at...
  4. sTOKEd

    Stealth Hydro Grow

    nice - they're bushier than a 70's porn actress. I almost bought of of those systems but shipping to Australia was almost as expensive as the bloody system. you should turn the flowering stages of this grow into a journal - i'd be keen to see some updates on how it comes along.
  5. sTOKEd

    Aerogrow help

    i've read the tomato nutes that come with it will work, as least during the veg stage. bottom line is the aerogarden will work, but for the $ you could put together something that will be FAR more effective at growing weed. the lights are probably ok for veg, but you'd definitely want to add...
  6. sTOKEd

    Day 10, from sprout (pics)

    it's a trade-off though - at least this way, when the plants grow he can position the lights all around the plant to expose all the leaves. 12,000 lumens is great, but only if the whole plant is being exposed to them. with 1 or 2 125w bulbs they'd have to be placed on top and the bottom of the...
  7. sTOKEd

    Our inside grow.. advice/ help?? please!!

    foil can act like a magnifying glass and create 'hot spots' on plants which can burn them. This only really applies to HPS and not CFLs and apparently the flat size of foil is better to use than the shiny side. i'd definitely let the paint dry for a good 24-48hrs before putting any HPS lights...
  8. sTOKEd

    Is 150 enough?

    I think a 150HPS in there would be fine and if temps can't be kept under control with those bath fans, then just buy a cool tube and mount the 150HPS globe in there and vent the hot air from the cool tube, out the back of the cabinet with a high CFM 120mm PC fan (some will push 130+CFM and can...
  9. sTOKEd

    Our inside grow.. advice/ help?? please!!

    Dude start your own thread - don't hijack this one!
  10. sTOKEd

    Our inside grow.. advice/ help?? please!!

    I would have thought 4x26w per plant would be more like it - 2 on top and 1 either side of each plant and really get those lights as close to the leaves as you can without burning them. 42 or 46w ones would be better though if you can get those - they're double the wattage but certainly not...
  11. sTOKEd

    Storage space help

    Ah, the smell yes lol. well, you can make your own carbon filter and attach it to the back of your exhaust fan - this will filter the air coming out of your cabinet and providing the thing is reasonably air tight you'll have no smell. There's plenty of threads on this and other forums (sorry...
  12. sTOKEd

    Storage space help

    You could definitely grow in that cabinet - plenty of people grow in smaller spaces than that. You'd need to flower pretty early though because you plants will literally double (sometimes more) in height as soon as you start flowering (switch the light cycle to 12/12). Being made of plastic...
  13. sTOKEd

    How much did you spend on your grow room?

    I'm up to $400 but I still need to buy lights for flowering and I haven't bought any soil, nutes, etc...will be around the $600 mark by the time I start...fark!
  14. sTOKEd

    300w cfl enough?

    3x23w CFLs for 5 plants is nowhere near enough - it's barely enough for one plant to be honest. I wouldn't bother with the 23w lights - i'd go for the 42 or 46w ones and have 4 PER PLANT (obviously you can get away with one or 2 when the plants are small). have 2 on top and one either side of...
  15. sTOKEd

    I got a place to grow

    I hate to say it but I don't see too many ways for you to grow 'safely' - obviously there's a risk involved no matter where you grow (medicinal growers excluded) but the risk goes up by a LOT by having others involved. Are you at school? I'd never recommended growing in your parents house (in...
  16. sTOKEd

    I got a place to grow

    dude this really isn't a great idea - as others have pointed out. the first rule of growing is TELL NO ONE. by having 2 other's in on it you're FAR more likely to get busted - you might not tell any one but what's to say they won''d be taking a pretty big gamble. you'd be better off...
  17. sTOKEd

    Some people just don't have 'it'

    that's my understanding too - far better pulling more hot air out than more cool air in, cos the cool air can only come in as fast as the hot air can leave...if that makes sense. mount one of the intake fans as an exhaust with the other one you already have - this might solve your...
  18. sTOKEd


    haha oops - how did they get in there!? it was that Wascally Wabbit!
  19. sTOKEd

    Mini fridge grow?

    too small if you want to flower in there and actually grow some bud. fridges are good cos they're light-proof, but they're also air tight which makes ventilation a bitch. you'd need to cut holes in it for exhaust and fresh air...i'd either get a bigger fridge or try something else - like this...
  20. sTOKEd

    any ideas?

    here's another idea, just to confuse you :) DIY stealth rubbermaid growbox - Cannabis Culture Forums not sure about US pricing, but i'm sure you could get a setup like this for under $100. and done right it'd definitely give you a steady supply.