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  1. go.0d times


    Hey man telemarketers are just doing their job. Thats what they are paid to do, I never understood ignorant rants and flames back at them for just doing their damn job like you and me or anybody else man.
  2. go.0d times

    wierd stuff

    Too late we smoked it. Bud was good I hope I don't get sick or something. We figured the flame would kill anything that was wrong with the weed so we went for it.
  3. go.0d times

    wierd stuff

    My friend had a bag of weed and when we opened the bag to break it up, we noticed the buds had a weird white fuzz inside, and little weed particles were loosely falling out from the nugs as we were breaking it up. It looked a little fishy so we decided not to smoke it. What the hell was that...
  4. go.0d times

    Try To Explain Your Salvia Trip!!!

    Salvia is FAR, FAR, more intense than LSD or anything else. I don't care what you say, this stuff is so fucking strong. Good thing it doesn't last long. I swear my body actually hurts while smoking this stuff.
  5. go.0d times

    Anyone Robo-baked?

    I've done this. It's called robo-tripping not robo-baking. Make DAMN sure you only use cough medicine with the ONLY ACTIVE INGREDIENT being DXM, unless you wanna risk your life that is. You'll need 12-16 oz or this stuff. I usually go with 16 oz, makes for a better experience. You don't have...
  6. go.0d times

    Tips on getting back to peak highness

    I think u gotta quit for awhile, 3 days should be fine. I tried this but I couldn't go an entire day without toking. I'll never sleep at night unless I have a toke.
  7. go.0d times

    Is Tupac still alive?

    Nah '
  8. go.0d times

    just smoked sour diesel 1st time

    sour diesel is one of the best strains of pot that exists, and one of my favs at that.
  9. go.0d times

    Ron Paul on Leno tonight!

    Lol i hope ron paul becomes prez. Maybe pot will have a shot at being legalized...?
  10. go.0d times

    Ha Ha Ha Get A Load Of What Happened To Me Today

    Lol one of the times i was lighting a stogue and somehow the my hair blew over the flame outta nowhere. This other time i was hitting a bong i was so high i lit it backwards and my hair was more than long enough to reach the lighter. My hair literally had flames on it. I was shaking burnt hair...
  11. go.0d times

    Ha Ha Ha Get A Load Of What Happened To Me Today

    dude ive lit my hair on fire two different times while high.
  12. go.0d times

    Tripped While Asleep?

    lol i have idea how you can sleep while trippin. thats just unnatural
  13. go.0d times


    I didn't read that stuff at all but arny is the man!
  14. go.0d times

    at what age did you first get High ?

    My dealer started when he was 7. o.0 But yea 16 is a good age man thats when I started.
  15. go.0d times

    Led Fucking Zeppelin

    Amazingly epic band. Listening to Thats They Way right now. Post here if your toking up to some Zep.
  16. go.0d times

    at what age did you first get High ?

    I was 16. .
  17. go.0d times

    Does tobacco get you higher?

    Yea any hard cigarette (hard menthol like newport,, hard regular like Marlboro reds) will add to your high. I always smoke a stogue after a toke. Black and Milds are amazing, just putting that out there =).
  18. go.0d times

    How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

    I get ounces of haze/cush (two strains i commonly buy) for 400-450. Middies 120 an Oz.
  19. go.0d times

    Your favorite papers?

    ehh i use ezwiders i never tried any other kind except this one time i used cellulose papers.
  20. go.0d times

    300 plants busted, $60k street value

    bummer .