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  1. WAsmoker

    Nirvana's Aurora Indica - 400w Mh, Soil

    I harvested a little over an Oz off of the sole Aurora Indica of my last (and first) grow. Care to make any predictions for this crop? :lol:
  2. WAsmoker

    Nirvana's Aurora Indica - 400w Mh, Soil

    Thanks you guys! Things really are coming along quite swimmingly; I can't wait to see them finish over the next week or two! I think they definitely look better than last time, although I can't remember exactly (Too much bongsmilie) I think I might have harvested a week or two too early...
  3. WAsmoker

    Nirvana's Aurora Indica - 400w Mh, Soil

    I do not have a ppm meter, as I'm growing soil and didn't think it necessary. The molasses has .16mg of Mg per tablespoon. I gave them their regular nutrient regime yesterday, since I think I still have a couple weeks. Not sure if I should go water next time, just molasses, or just fertilizer...
  4. WAsmoker

    Nirvana's Aurora Indica - 400w Mh, Soil

    Two days ago I flushed them really thoroughly with my hose, then gave them ph-ed and dechlorinated water. I don't know if I should give them another feed before harvest or stick with water from here on out. I need some advice here guys!! Also, would it produce a harsh smoke if I only gave them...
  5. WAsmoker

    Nirvana's Aurora Indica - 400w Mh, Soil

    ^ as much as I'm pleased with the results of my grow to this point, your plants were spectacular! 'Donky dick' colas abound! Thank you kindly for da sub!
  6. WAsmoker

    Nirvana's Aurora Indica - 400w Mh, Soil

    So should I give them straight water from here on out? I think they still have 2, maybe 3 weeks.
  7. WAsmoker

    Nirvana's Aurora Indica - 400w Mh, Soil

    Yes, I admit I may have been over-zealous in their feedings. I'll give them straight water next time. I don't know if I should feed them again after that, or just stick to water, because they're getting close to the final week or two??
  8. WAsmoker

    Nirvana's Aurora Indica - 400w Mh, Soil

    These are all of the one hairy, bushy plant. I think it's safe to say frostiness has been achieved, but I'm still waiting on the calyx swell:confused:. How much longer? Oh, it's day 42 since 12/12 flip
  9. WAsmoker

    Nirvana's Aurora Indica - 400w Mh, Soil

    Well, I feed pretty much every watering, using: aprox. 2tbls of molasses (all of these measurements are per gallon), 15ml of Canna Terra Flores (npk: 2-2-4), and 2tbs of Snow Storm Ultra. I use tap water left out for 2-3 days, 1.5 gallon per plant. The ph reads about 7.5-8 before adding...
  10. WAsmoker

    Nirvana's Aurora Indica - 400w Mh, Soil

    Thanks man! Your first grow journal makes me feel a bit inadequate though :shock:
  11. WAsmoker

    Nirvana's Aurora Indica - 400w Mh, Soil

    A good adjective for many things, and buds are no exception
  12. WAsmoker

    Nirvana's Aurora Indica - 400w Mh, Soil

    No, I haven't. This is only my second grow so I haven't really had the chance. I was thinking I'd make some edibles with the leafs and what not, because hash making is a pretty difficult process is it not?
  13. WAsmoker

    Nirvana's Aurora Indica - 400w Mh, Soil

    Thanks for the reassurance! I think they're on track but they still need to fatten up. 37 days today.
  14. WAsmoker

    Nirvana's Aurora Indica - 400w Mh, Soil

    Do you guys think my girls would yield more if I trimmed the smaller branches?
  15. WAsmoker

    Nirvana's Aurora Indica - 400w Mh, Soil

    Mine aren't toooo smelly, but than again I have no comparison. My basement has a slight weedy aroma, but there isn't really a strong smell unless you put your nose to them. It's interesting that you chose AI to grow outside. I had my last seed sprouted, and I was about to put it outside this...
  16. WAsmoker

    Nirvana's Aurora Indica - 400w Mh, Soil

    That's what I had alright, really hairy and fruity weed. I might have harvested early, because I didn't look at the trich color. I went off of red hairs and the normal harvest time (8 weeks). In retrospect, that was foolish. The cure probably didn't help either. I hung it up for a couple days...
  17. WAsmoker

    Nirvana's Aurora Indica - 400w Mh, Soil

    Got me some Black Strap! Had to drive 20 miles but I'm sure it will be worth it, considering the anecdotal recommendations I've seen.
  18. WAsmoker

    Nirvana's Aurora Indica - 400w Mh, Soil

    That's just what I wanted to hear guys, thanks! My first grow was disappointing, so I'm just trying to do everything in my power to make these turn out... well, dank.