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  1. WAsmoker

    Nirvana's Aurora Indica - 400w Mh, Soil

    :leaf: How are they? :leaf:
  2. WAsmoker

    Nirvana's Aurora Indica - 400w Mh, Soil

    What do you guys think, are they on schedule? They look a bit small, to me, for their 4th week. Hopefully once the pH and water schedule is ironed out, they will plump up big time. I put two dry-z-air canisters in their to reduce humidity. Anybody ever use these?
  3. WAsmoker

    Nirvana's Aurora Indica - 400w Mh, Soil

    Well I drilled holes all over the pot that contains the claw leaf plant, on the sides and bottom. Maybe the big pots are just holding moisture too much, because it does seem moist in every hole I feel, even though its been 3 days since watering. I also pointed the fan at the base of the plants...
  4. WAsmoker

    Nirvana's Aurora Indica - 400w Mh, Soil

    Where did you measure 6.8? From the runoff? I'm not sure if I need to raise, lower, or do nothing to my water. It reads at maybe 7.5 out of the faucet, which is obviously too alkaline, but after I let it sit for a couple days, and after nutrients were added, the pH fell to about 6.5, maybe even...
  5. WAsmoker

    Nirvana's Aurora Indica - 400w Mh, Soil

    I finally went and picked up a legit PH tester. My tap water reads at about 7-7.5, but after adding nutrients it falls to a nice 6.4-6.7. So I don't really know if I have an issue. I'll test the runoff next time I water them. So one AI has some pale veins, and generally thin and deformed...
  6. WAsmoker

    Nirvana's Aurora Indica - 400w Mh, Soil

    Thanks dude. Could I ask you how one 'likes' a post?
  7. WAsmoker

    Nirvana's Aurora Indica - 400w Mh, Soil

    Should I check the PH of the water that has ran through the soil, or the water in my bucket before I use it? And should I put the nutes in before? This was taken out of my bucket, after nutes. Oh and how are da' buds lookin'?:blsmoke:
  8. WAsmoker

    Nirvana's Aurora Indica - 400w Mh, Soil

    Things are going pretty good. After using the pool tester, I think my PH is apox 6.5-6.7 after the water was ran through the plants.
  9. WAsmoker

    Nirvana's Aurora Indica - 400w Mh, Soil

    Looks pretty nice. So do you take the cuttings inside?
  10. WAsmoker

    Nirvana's Aurora Indica - 400w Mh, Soil

    Well I got a PH tester. It's made for pools, and I realized, after I got home, that it only reads down to 6.8, but it's all I could find anyways. I don't know how you guys get all your supplies, but I can't find jack shit around here. Went to multiple grocery stores and gardening sections, and...
  11. WAsmoker

    Nirvana's Aurora Indica - 400w Mh, Soil

    How could I be drowning them? I thought that, if anything, I was watering them too little. Yea I'll def pick up a meter. Thanks for the advice and observations, appreciated!
  12. WAsmoker

    Nirvana's Aurora Indica - 400w Mh, Soil

    Not vegging, almost 2nd week flowering. It's about 8-10" away.
  13. WAsmoker

    Nirvana's Aurora Indica - 400w Mh, Soil

    I water ever 3-4 days or so, with about 1.5g water. Not sure on the humidity, I need a meter. The pool of gravel they sit in is saturated with water from drainage, so I think that may be evaporating and making it humid but idk.
  14. WAsmoker

    Nirvana's Aurora Indica - 400w Mh, Soil

    They're 5 Gallon pots, so I doubt if that's an issue.
  15. WAsmoker

    Nirvana's Aurora Indica - 400w Mh, Soil

    They're still aren't really budding. Taking their sweet ass time. Could the curled leaves in the picture be caused by high humidity?
  16. WAsmoker

    Nirvana's Aurora Indica - 400w Mh, Soil

    Two of the plants really have spindely, almost 'sativa', leaves. Their new growth is pale and thin. Id don't like it. Maybe a calcium deficiency or something? The other looks like a real indica, with some juicy fat leaves. The flash from my camera drains the color right out. They're really a...
  17. WAsmoker

    Nirvana's Aurora Indica - 400w Mh, Soil

    Any 'bud-booster' recommendations??
  18. WAsmoker

    Nirvana's Aurora Indica - 400w Mh, Soil

    Running a 400w HPS now, with a 'Hortilux Super HPS" bulb.Using a new reflector also. Picked up Canna Terra Flores for a flowering nutrient. Will this be the only nute necessary for great buds?? Any recommendations for this stage of growth? I'm trying to make these plants as close to perfect as...
  19. WAsmoker

    Nirvana's Aurora Indica - 400w Mh, Soil

    I have officially put these ladies into 12/12 today, for the simple fact that they will hit the ceiling if i wait any longer (and they still might). I need to get a reflector and bulb this weekend for my HPS ballast. Not to mention nutes (any suggestions??) How much does a typical circular...
  20. WAsmoker

    Nirvana's Aurora Indica - 400w Mh, Soil

    My grow box is quickly becoming quite the jungle, despite the fact that I moved the light up about 3 inches and dug the gravel down to give them more space. It was getting 100+ (at the top of the plants, measured with a multimeter) degrees before I raised it. Gotta kick them into flower this...