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  1. WAsmoker

    Aurora Indica (NL x Afghan)

    . Thnx for the report, very interesting. mine smells like mangoes and ice tea. I'm approximately 3 weeks into flower. check out my profile if you're interested. Can't wait to smoke her beautiful buds!
  2. WAsmoker

    First Time Grow~DIY~In My Basment

    Well i guess i'm gonna find out. lol. But i have never done it before so I don't know. but i know mollases is supposed to and maple syrup has a similar make-up, so we will see. I only gave it to my aurora
  3. WAsmoker

    First Time Grow~DIY~In My Basment

    I just fed my plants maple syrup in their water. Considering it is mainly corn syrup, sugar and molasses, I thought it make a decent flowering nute to increase bud size. My AI has taken 5x the recommended dose of tiger bloom, so this couldn't hurt it too bad.
  4. WAsmoker

    Ok 3rd times a charm right??????????? (help)

    i agree.Hps is defiantly you're better bet.
  5. WAsmoker

    Male or Female? Is it too late?

    On the bright side, those are some healthy looking plants
  6. WAsmoker

    Tiger bloom til the buds burst!!!!

    For some reason my Aurora Indica has taken literally 5X times the recommended dosage of tiger bloom and grow big. I havn't seen any signs of burn yet so i just keep feeding it that much, who knows maybe i could give her more; i haven't tried yet. And i feed every watering
  7. WAsmoker

    fast flowering indica

    How about Nirvana's Aurora Indica?? Very indica and short. also potent and a good yeilder. i'm growing it right now, check out my profile if your interested.
  8. WAsmoker

    First Time Grow~DIY~In My Basment

    Well I don't think anybody is still following my grow thats why i stopped posting but i figured i may as well post some new pics.I'm about 20 days into flowering for both plants. They for some reason took for ever to start budding though. oh yeah, 2 of the 3 large plants turned out to be male...
  9. WAsmoker

    Aurora Indica CFL Soil ghetto grow

    Your plants real nice, especially for your first grow. I can't wait to see what those buds end up looking like. My AI looks about the same right now.
  10. WAsmoker

    someone pleazzz help me with my aurora indica seedling

    I don't see any either, try reposting them
  11. WAsmoker

    First Time Grow~DIY~In My Basment

    Now almost 2 weeks into my flowering schedule, I have switched to a 400W HPS light instead of 80W fluros'. Fortunately for me, my friend was kind enough to let me use his light.(thnx if you're reading this). This should really give my plants a boost and increase my yeild. It also allows me to...
  12. WAsmoker

    First Time Grow~DIY~In My Basment

    Should pistils be forming by now? I have been flowering for 9 days and all i see are the same little single-hairs
  13. WAsmoker

    First Time Grow~DIY~In My Basment

    I changed the pots on all the larger plants. And i noticed some dead parts on a leaf. Everything else is normal
  14. WAsmoker

    First Time Grow~DIY~In My Basment

    The plants have continued their rapid growth, and I've decided I'm going to start flowering. Why you ask? Because my AI is growing up fast and I need to make room for it. Also by the time these plants are done I may not be able to fit them in there. Furthermore, this is really only my practice...
  15. WAsmoker

    First Time Grow~DIY~In My Basment

    What's up bigchillin, thanks for stopping by. I don't think there is any damage to the AI, it just looks like that in the picture. I havn't even used any nutes' yet anyways. And yea that's not a bad idea, i don't want her snapping in two a week before harvest.
  16. WAsmoker

    First Time Grow~DIY~In My Basment

    How's it going guys? Things have been bitter-sweet in the grow room of late. On the bright side: The plants are for the most part growing well. My AI has continued to grow and is looking healthy. Ripley and Amelia have gotten noticeably taller, the nodes are also much closer since the move...
  17. WAsmoker

    First Time Grow~DIY~In My Basment

    I noticed this really weird thing today. There is a hole in ripleys main stem. you can see strait through it, it's like a little slit about 2cm long. she still seems healthy though so idk.
  18. WAsmoker

    First Time Grow~DIY~In My Basment

    Things are going according to schedule, and all the plants are doing well. My AI seed sprouted also, it is off to a good start. I got the nute's and watered them with 1/4 strength, next time i will go up to 1/2, then full. I'm using the fox farm grow schedule and all three liquids. I'm thinking...
  19. WAsmoker

    Aurora Indica CFL Soil ghetto grow

    hey i got that same colorburst stuff for my first grow, ended up finding a hydro store before i used it though, so i got some better stuff. Seams like a good choice for veg though, although if i recall it was only $4 bucks pretty damn cheap stuff, so idk oh and to you're comment, i already do...
  20. WAsmoker

    First Time Grow~DIY~In My Basment

    Things are going swimmingly in the grow room! All three plants are rapidly adding foliage and are looking healthier all the time. I also think it's time to name my plants: The big plant on the right: Ripley. The big plant on the left: Amelia (Earhart). The little girl: Maude. The little plant...