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  1. ganja grower420

    Did anybody get a seed that looks like a watermelon?

    for real? could it be a hybid?
  2. ganja grower420

    Did anybody get a seed that looks like a watermelon?

    I smoke some blueberry bud and i found a seed. now its about about two feet tall. i think its an indica strain. how big of yield will i get when i flower it?
  3. ganja grower420

    Is having an aeroponic system in a grow box a good idea?

    The only thing i know about aeroponics is it doesnt grow in soil? can i get some info about it?
  4. ganja grower420

    Is having aeroponic system in a grow box a good idea?

    The only thing i know about aeroponics is it doesnt grow in soil? can i get some info about it?
  5. ganja grower420

    Can you clone a plant that is in flowering

    thats tight. did u use a rooting solution?
  6. ganja grower420

    cloning a bud

    so those clones are alive?
  7. ganja grower420

    Can you clone a plant that is in flowering

    is there any ideas for a grow box also?
  8. ganja grower420

    root rot

    i saw a video that salt builds up and u should drain the roots with a lot of water to get raid of it but look it up online first.
  9. ganja grower420

    How far away I put a 250 watt hps from the tops

    any help??? i am going to start budding soon so i need help
  10. ganja grower420

    How far away I put a 250 watt hps from the tops

    I got a 3 by 4 foot closet and 5 plants, is 250 enough for juicy buds?
  11. ganja grower420

    What are ways to get co2 cheap?

    how much of each thing to make co2 from yeast?
  12. ganja grower420

    What are ways to get co2 cheap?

    thanks for the real help, but if u got a spray bottle and spray them. would it be to much money to just spray them once a day and would that help them grow faster?
  13. ganja grower420

    What are ways to get co2 cheap?

    thanks for the help i will do it because i am retarded lol
  14. ganja grower420

    What are ways to get co2 cheap?

    not yet but why would it get expensive?
  15. ganja grower420

    What are ways to get co2 cheap?

    Can u get co2 from spraying the plants with sparking water?
  16. ganja grower420

    Every time u pick the tops, does it get more stoney?

    I am been waiting months to flower my plants because somebody told me we could get dank buds if we wait in the veg cycle and picking the tops. I wait awhile before picking tops for the second branches to grow. and would there be more buds because of more tops?
  17. ganja grower420

    Could u water marijuana plants with water from a fresh water fish tank?

    This person said he useto give his plants water from a fresh water fish tank and Im wondering if its safe.
  18. ganja grower420

    Can u give marijuana plants water from a fresh water fish tank?

    I heard the shit from the fresh water in the fish tank would feed the plants if u put some water from the tank. I have frogs and guppies. The frogs eat blood worms and the guppies eat flake food. Would any of those stuff will be bad to water my plants? I also have a filter thing for it.
  19. ganja grower420

    Could u water marijuana plants with water from a fresh water fish tank?

    I heard the shit from the fresh water fish would feed the plants if u put some water from the tank. I have frogs and guppies. The frogs eat blood worms and the guppies eat flake food. Would any of those stuff will be bad to water my plants? I also have a filter thing for it.