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  1. ganja grower420

    Look at my pic

    i dont know how to put the pic inside of this but u can see in my profile pic. the taller one is about two foot now. that green dude protects them when i am gone lol
  2. ganja grower420

    A How To: Visa All Acess Gift card

    so u could get really good seeds online without worrying about the FBI finding out.
  3. ganja grower420

    How long until you put them in the flower stage?

    i am using some cheap lights for now but i am going to get a all spectum light for them. I have them in a 7 gallon and it seem like they love the all of the space lol
  4. ganja grower420

    will the stem straighten out?

    it should straighten out but give it time. put under a light or during the sun is out and try to face the tilted part against the sun. the wind will make the steam stronger
  5. ganja grower420

    How long until you put them in the flower stage?

    About a month. i cant find the cable to my camera to put in the computer. how much it grows after you put 12/12 of light?
  6. ganja grower420

    How long until you put them in the flower stage?

    I have two plants and i want to bud them as soon as possible but should i wait until they mature?
  7. ganja grower420

    Are the small blue shrooms rotten?

    are shrooms are suppose to be long and should be brown and white? and i didnt see any hullicinations.
  8. ganja grower420

    Are the small blue shrooms rotten?

    I ate three shrooms and i just got a body high. Were they rotten
  9. ganja grower420

    What are signs of a female?

    is it a good sign if you touch the main steam and your fingers smell like bud? this plant is growing taller than my other plant, the smaller one looks like a bush. the taller one is the younger and they both around a month and half old. do they have a good chance of being female?
  10. ganja grower420

    Alaska sucks when it's 20 dollars for a gram of weed

    yea its legal but its illegal to sale in grams
  11. ganja grower420

    Does waiting in the veg stage = better bud

    there will be more branches if u wait and that equals more buds. we didnt smoke the leaves but made brownies.
  12. ganja grower420

    Does waiting in the veg stage = better bud

    my dad grow pot for a long time. he says wait until the leaves get you high and then the buds will be a lot better. is this true?
  13. ganja grower420

    Alaska sucks when it's 20 dollars for a gram of weed

    all of the dealers in alaska is trying to make money from the desperate stoners. i am going to grow a few plants for me and my friends and not going to sale it but if i did, i would sale $10 for a fat gram. i bet you guys are laughing at us because my friend said its $5 a gram in OK
  14. ganja grower420

    Where's everone from?

    Alaska, where the grams are $20 for each one
  15. ganja grower420

    How do you put posts on this website????

    How do you put posts on this website????
  16. ganja grower420

    Hello, newbie here!

    how do you make your own posts?
  17. ganja grower420

    KB..(Kushberry) & BH..(Blue Hash)

    i wish i had those seed man. it seems like alaska where i live only have a few strains. somebody has to bring us better seeds because its $20 a gram and thats really overprice.
  18. ganja grower420

    DMT ever heard of it?

    i heard my friend saw emo big bird when he smoke it lol
  19. ganja grower420

    400wHPS Lemon *pics*

    is it better to let the plant be in the veg stage for a while until the leaves get better so the buds would be a lot better?
  20. ganja grower420

    I was trying to fix the light bulbs and it fall and messed up two branches. They were straight...

    I was trying to fix the light bulbs and it fall and messed up two branches. They were straight but now they are going downward. Should I just leave them or cut them off?