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  1. MileHighMoFo

    Check it- 420w CFL- Air Cooled- SCROG/SOG Fixture Design

    Lol I was concerned with a lack of replies, then I realized its 3 am, I need to learn to sleep at night
  2. MileHighMoFo

    Check it- 420w CFL- Air Cooled- SCROG/SOG Fixture Design

    i will, I probably wont build it until my current round of plants get done flowering and the ones that are veggin right now go into the flower cab oh this is a flower only light, but could be used for veg just as well i guess
  3. MileHighMoFo

    Check it- 420w CFL- Air Cooled- SCROG/SOG Fixture Design

    I was playing around on Google sketch-up (I suck) But I came up with this 420w SCROG/SOG fixture idea. It is in the very beginning stages of design so i cant give exact specs, but I can give approximate numbers. I am gonna build this fo sho, anyways here are the tenative numbers and pics of...
  4. MileHighMoFo

    My Formal Journal!

    yeah if I go by average it should be around 8 weeks
  5. MileHighMoFo

    My Formal Journal!

    I have heard of alot of different instances where peoples plants finished early, and at maturity on these forums and others like it, Indicas flower faster than sativa, certain strains and phenotypes finish at different speeds, i dont see how it is unreasonable at all, i could take longer, but it...
  6. MileHighMoFo

    My Formal Journal!

    12/12 lights, hopefully i only hafta flower for 6-7 weeks cause its pretty indica heavy
  7. MileHighMoFo

    First Grow with CFL's using bagseed

    Oh I have a new update btw, and I am gonna get one up later today too
  8. MileHighMoFo

    First Grow with CFL's using bagseed

    Ah, yeah im flowering all of mine, i have a new set of 8 in veg that im gonna pick a mommy from
  9. MileHighMoFo

    First Grow with CFL's using bagseed

    Looking good bro, looks like my plants a week ago before i put them into flower, now they are goin insane, if i were you i would lst for a nice even canopy of budsites
  10. MileHighMoFo

    My Formal Journal!

    wowzers more bumps
  11. MileHighMoFo

    My Formal Journal!

    *bumpity bumps*
  12. MileHighMoFo

    My Formal Journal!

    Well we are in 5 days into flowering, 3 of the LST bushes are showing preflowers, two are showing hairs, one looks female but is to early to tell, so I have 3 left to show sex, and my two small plants that im just messing around with lol, then I can throw out all the boys and put the girls in...
  13. MileHighMoFo

    My Formal Journal!

    Oh shit, yeah ill get pics tomorrow when the lights come on, thats right, 4 days into flowering :D
  14. MileHighMoFo

    My Formal Journal!

    Im not worried about the fan, plants dont naturally grow in sterile enviroments,the grow outside with tons of dust and shit, they are a weed,it will be ok Sent them into flowering last night, woke up today and they are exploding with new growth, will get pics tomorrow when they are even bigger :D
  15. MileHighMoFo

    My Formal Journal!

    they are held on by screws, the tape was for all the wiring and shit, trying to keep shit neat and out of the way
  16. MileHighMoFo

    My Formal Journal!

    my ambient temp is always around 1-2 degrees cooler than my box, i like 23w for temps plus it just makes sense to me to have more smaller lights than less bigger lights when it comes to cfl's cause the only real issue is penetration and with 23's you can put them in more spots equaling more...
  17. MileHighMoFo

    My Formal Journal!

    Wow these girls are just blowing up, tons of bud sites showing... PEOPLE, USE LST!!!! I Included some close ups of bud it possible they are pre -flowering? i doubt it cause they all look the same which would make them all the same sex, which would be crazy Pics! 1: Plant 1, The...
  18. MileHighMoFo

    Yeah, I like how Mcdaniels turned the team around especially on defense, i should be able to...

    Yeah, I like how Mcdaniels turned the team around especially on defense, i should be able to post an update once my pics upload to my computer, things like doubled in size since a few days ago
  19. MileHighMoFo

    My Formal Journal!

    Thanks, I subscribed to your thread, I will watch it, and yeah my plants look way happy, i will get off my ass and take pics in a lil bit
  20. MileHighMoFo

    Need some input (pics)

    I made an actual journal for them if you guys are interested, link in my sig