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  1. MileHighMoFo

    My Formal Journal!

    Day 17 Flowering Pistils shooting out on all the girls, really starting to get goin, looks like i will see real bud development in about 4 days lolipopped the hell out of one of the fuck around plants, and supercropped the other fuck around plant to see what happens Girls are all looking good...
  2. MileHighMoFo

    My Formal Journal!

    Sorry I have been too busy watching white hairs pop up, the fuck around plants are both female too, so i have 6 in flower, one of the fuck around plants got lst and is really gettin big, like the bigger lst plants, and the other fuck around plant has gotten heavy pruning, only two budsites on it...
  3. MileHighMoFo

    Undefeated NFL Teams

    Yeah I didnt like it either, Eli Manning is on my fantasy team, shoulda got Drew Brees lol Hey Natrone23, The bucs defense rocked for my fantasy team this week, dont run out the door too fast lol
  4. MileHighMoFo

    Undefeated NFL Teams

    I want the Broncos to go undefeated the longest, but it will probably be the Saints that last the longest without losing Indy and Minnesota are the other two undefeated teams...I bet Indy drops off first, then Minnesota, Denver, and finally New Orleans What do you guys predict? who is your...
  5. MileHighMoFo

    CFL Super Lemon Haze grow....

    Ha ha I was thinking the same thing, but lets go easy on him, first time poster, first time grower its forgivable lol Oh an I LOVE Anberlin, have you seen the Kinetic Typography video for "A Day Late" on youtube? its fuckin sweet
  6. MileHighMoFo

    Homemade CO2 Enriched water????

    I may be wrong, but hasn't it basically been decided that for CO2 to enhance your grow noticeably you need a tank and a regulator?
  7. MileHighMoFo

    Check it- 420w CFL- Air Cooled- SCROG/SOG Fixture Design

    There you go, you got the last word in on the argument, feel better, and yes thats exactly what I did, proved your point, though ready the thread makes it look alot different, you do realize this fixture is for a 3.1 sqf grow area right, you read that right? why in gods name would I want an hps...
  8. MileHighMoFo

    Check it- 420w CFL- Air Cooled- SCROG/SOG Fixture Design

    wow lol you were right darkdestruction420 people will talk lol, if you piss them off enough
  9. MileHighMoFo

    Check it- 420w CFL- Air Cooled- SCROG/SOG Fixture Design

    Maybe this simple chart will help people figure this out, sorry 29,000 is at 9 inches, not 8 as i had said, but the point remains the same A Lot of people suggest a hps be about a foot from plants, where you get all of 15,900 lumens ... yay Looking at this chart you are saying that 2,456...
  10. MileHighMoFo

    Check it- 420w CFL- Air Cooled- SCROG/SOG Fixture Design

    This is the last response You get as I said earlier this is not a CFL vs HPS thread, I dont Know my shit huh? A 400w hps DOES have 50,000 lumens, oh but we forgot a word, silly us, INITIAL Lumens, there we go, Yeah get that 50,000 lumens, the hps will hafta be less than an inch from the plants...
  11. MileHighMoFo

    Check it- 420w CFL- Air Cooled- SCROG/SOG Fixture Design

    its about the same cause the lumens from the lamps diminish as you get farther from the plant, and the cfls can be right on the plant, and equal lumens,and cfl has a btter flower spectrum
  12. MileHighMoFo

    Check it- 420w CFL- Air Cooled- SCROG/SOG Fixture Design

    I measure the ambient heat in the room, and it is much higher with hps, I am running 296w of cfl right now, and its much cooler than my pos 250 hps was
  13. MileHighMoFo

    Check it- 420w CFL- Air Cooled- SCROG/SOG Fixture Design

    well I do slow vegging cause I veg the entire time the other group of plants are in flower, so i give them way less light so that they wont out grow the flower box when the time comes, so I will only be using this for Flowering I am gonna hard wire it, there will only be one visible wire and...
  14. MileHighMoFo

    Check it- 420w CFL- Air Cooled- SCROG/SOG Fixture Design

    It is NOT enough reason for me, and I will tell you why (in a friendly fashion) To put out the same amount of lumens the hps would hafta be just short of 8 inches from the plants, where as the cfls would be right on them and still way cheaper to cool, all while providing a BETTER spectrum for...
  15. MileHighMoFo

    Check it- 420w CFL- Air Cooled- SCROG/SOG Fixture Design

    Wow only one person in the entire cfl growing community has a thought on this? i posted this in hopes of getting feedback so i can improve the design, c'mon someone has to have an opinion, concern, doubt, suggestion, or improvements, it wont take too long to respond, and very little effort, I...
  16. MileHighMoFo

    CFL Super Lemon Haze grow....

    If you are growing with cfls, it really doesn't matter if the second strain is indica or sativa, I assume you are gonna surround your plants with lights? that means that height makes no difference as you are posisitioning your individual bulbs around the individual plants, not to mention you...
  17. MileHighMoFo

    My Formal Journal!

    I will get more pics tonight, all my lst plants showed sex....drumroll.......4 of 6 are fem!!, and my small fuck around plants haven't shown anything yet, so they are still in there, the 4 girls got transplanted into bigger pots, given low dose nutes and superthrive to resist stress, i will get...
  18. MileHighMoFo

    Check it- 420w CFL- Air Cooled- SCROG/SOG Fixture Design

    To the people who view this page an dont reply, Please do, there is a good chance that i forgot something or one of you guys can give me advice, so if its not too much lol please give me your input!
  19. MileHighMoFo

    Check it- 420w CFL- Air Cooled- SCROG/SOG Fixture Design

    actually the best area for flowering is the 2650K-3100K, this is where all the red and orange is, 2300k - is mostly yellow an of not of much use to the plants during flowering, im not trying to argue or be a dick or anything, but i have done tons of research and got this answer everytime, but...
  20. MileHighMoFo

    Check it- 420w CFL- Air Cooled- SCROG/SOG Fixture Design

    Oh and the reason I call this a scrog/sog light is that you keep a even canopy and that makes the intensity of cfls a non issue, because penetration isnt really an issue If this fixture is right on the plants they are getting around 28000 Lumens If a 400w HPS is 8-9 Inches away from the plants...