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    NooB Advice

    hey all! i was wondering if my plants look like they are growing a little slow to you? come check out my grow thread on the CFL forum.
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    first cfl grow + bag seed. real low budget!

    I think i am going to go with 8 or 10 CFLs total eventually. the clones look great will post pics later on today.
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    first cfl grow + bag seed. real low budget!

    small update... i snipped the burnt plants and the burn victim is doing amazing! i am shocked at the stubbernes of these little ones. I transplanted them into party cups cause i was afraid that the styrofoam was leeching shit into the soil (i felt like they were a little stunted since they hit...
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    Why use small pots if you can just start with a big one???

    my friend swears by planting them in thier "home" pot right away. I have seen pictures of his plants and they are enormous. In nature they dont get transplanted so why would we in indoor situations?
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    first cfl grow + bag seed. real low budget!

    i put the fans on top and just left the 2 holes where they were open. dropped the heat index down to 72f when the window is open letting them breath and 75f when the window is closed. here are some pics of the little ones (hopefully ladies.) as you can see the burn victims are still growing.
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    CFL Bag seed grow

    nice looking ladies! scribed. how much did that 300watter cost you?
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    **Nirvana's Feminized White Widow CFL Grow**

    I am thinking about using reflectors and less bulbs when i hit flowering... looks like really effective. I love the bushyness of your WW.
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    cheap cab ideas

    wally world had a sale on rubbermaids so i bought one. lights shine through even after i painted it so i ordered some mylar blankets.
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    first cfl grow + bag seed. real low budget!

    I dont know if you are asking me... but you should read up UBs thread on topping. he says wait till its at 6-7 nodes then top above the second.
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    first cfl grow + bag seed. real low budget!

    thanks trupothead! I have poked holes and i put the fans at the very highest point they would fit. I am thinking of relocating them to the lid though. the burnt runt isnt looking too god i am thinking about letting it pass on. the largest of the group is sky rocketing getting bigger by the day.
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    first cfl grow + bag seed. real low budget!

    built a "rubbermaid" cab today (actually a sterlite) cost me $20 for 2 fans, the tub, white paint and a duct. one of the two burned plants is fucked but still alive. I am keeping it alive just to see what happens. the reach of the larger leaves is about an inch now on the biggest plant and...
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    first cfl grow + bag seed. real low budget!

    i added 3 25w CFLs and it got a little too hot under there and i burned 2 of them but they still look like they are growing so i am not worried.
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    first cfl grow + bag seed. real low budget!

    here is my little update. all 4 sprouted and the tallest is almost an inch tall now. should i name them now or wait till i know sex? lol. all 4 are currently under one 25w 2700k CFL till this weekend when i get paid. i believe they should be fine until then.
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    first cfl grow + bag seed. real low budget!

    Thanks for the link dude! And I did poke holes in the cup lol. I have updated pics that I will post this evening when I get home. All three sprouted and I added another seedling. My heat index is at 79f I think its okay till I get my grow cab ready. I believe I will be going with the Rubbermaid...
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    cheap cab ideas

    I am looking for cheap ideas for a cab. I was thinking Of using card board but I amwondering about the fire hazard.
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    first cfl grow + bag seed. real low budget!

    thanks for the support guys cool to see several people going with the broke ass method haha. I have been giving them a little drip of water every morning. it seems like the soild dries up quite a bit over night.
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    first cfl grow + bag seed. real low budget!

    Cool cool I have been keeping the top moist but its a dry day today. I transferred the one seed out of the over watered cup(it was almost a swamp in there) into a new cup and the tap root was about 1.5" I hope I got a good batch. I am also germing one more bean from the same little stash I had.
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    first cfl grow + bag seed. real low budget!

    planted them yesterday I am worried that i over watered one of thems hopefully the seed wont rot... whats your method to watering seeds?
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    first cfl grow + bag seed. real low budget!

    I got 3 beans in a paper towel all three cracked this morning. I will be blanting them tomorrow. Pictures tomorrow! I am planing on using 6-10 23watt cfls (2700k & 5000k). Little cab grow I am excited.
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    Cheap cfl grow with pics

    if your walmart doesn't have those blankets like mine....