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  1. S

    Weed+Alcohol or other Addictions

    Just in case anybody out there is thinking about trying acid for the first time ,you better watch this video and if thats not enough check this one out
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    Weed+Alcohol or other Addictions

    Im writing this from my neighbourhood library and their little compaq cumputers are soooo much faster than my crappy acer. Anyhow ,now Im looking for ward to getting back to business,after I go home and have another coffee and smoke another bowl. Still sober and feeling great!
  3. S

    Weed+Alcohol or other Addictions

    This tune says about all I need to say right now and this is one of the heaviest tunes ever
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    Weed+Alcohol or other Addictions

    I swear I will be totally celebrating with a dime of weed once I get rid of this Fn thing. In my last post I noticed that I left out a word,so I had to go edit it,and it took 3 attempts ,since the page just kept getting stuck,so it took me 7 minutes just to do this.There have been several times...
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    Weed+Alcohol or other Addictions

    Just sitting here waiting for someone to call me to buy my laptop,whichIm quite sure will happen today,so I wont have the internet at home anymore,whcih kind of sucks,but Im sure it was meant to be. I felt like because of it ,I was becoming addicted to the internet,and right now the last thing I...
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    Weed+Alcohol or other Addictions
  7. S

    Weed+Alcohol or other Addictions

    Here is a link to studies showing how alcohol kills more brain cells than weed since weed doesnt kill brain cells . No wonder all the pot hating drunks try and turn the tables on this and joke about us being the stupid ones!
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    Weed+Alcohol or other Addictions

    Thanks for the compliments and encouragment pistachionut. I just tried adding a lengthier message a little while ago but the connection timed out and I dont want that to happen again,so I just thought I would post this video . Most people know the tune,but the video is also quite exceptional. I...
  9. S

    Weed+Alcohol or other Addictions

    "forged the numbers on some tickets, got caught and charged" ...after I got nearly 3G for about 7 successful ones. Thats when I started buying weed(for my buddies too of course,I was only 13),When I got caught the cops were chasing me down the street so I cut thru a few backyards into someones...
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    Weed+Alcohol or other Addictions

    yes I know you said that,but I meant good luck sticking with it forever ,and good luck with your smoking,I assume you mean tobacco
  11. S

    Weed+Alcohol or other Addictions

    My neck is still stiff from using this Acer like I have been with its really lousy connection. Surfing tonight has been a serious pain for the most part. Pages on this site are especially bad taking about 10 minutes sometime to load. I think the memory may be part to blame too,since it only has...
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    Weed+Alcohol or other Addictions

    I forgot to say I really miss your town mtlseven. Ive been to Montreal several times when I was a kid and more recently to do record conventions. What a great town. Just wondering if you know about the rock group The Haunted ? They were from there and almost had a number #1 hit back in 66 but...
  13. S

    Weed+Alcohol or other Addictions

    Perhaps my favorite live Led Zep song ever from 1972 YouTube - Immigrant Song - 1972 and some more obscure stoner rock vids I downlaoded. Ive always wanted to be a deejay/veejay at least part time, so I guess thats why Im doing this ,plus I just want to show that Im still alive + feelin alright...
  14. S

    Weed+Alcohol or other Addictions

    I just downloaded this very cool and obscure Jimi Hendrix video .Ive been a fan for about 30 years and first saw it on youtube only about a year ago. In memory of drummer Mitch Mitchell who just passed away last week. Try watching it full screen/volume in the dark because it gets a bit trippy...
  15. S

    Weed+Alcohol or other Addictions

    I just started using my laptop on a small desk I had in my room,which has a slide out shelf. I also added a regular usb mouse which is really cool. Im also going to add a full size screen and keyboard.The slide out shelf was facing the middle of the room,so I just turned the desk around so I can...
  16. S

    Weed+Alcohol or other Addictions

    Im really starting to hate my fucking laptop which I bought about 3 months ago. Apart from freezing or very slow loading pages,Im also finding it is becoming a serious pain in the neck. - Laptop design can be a pain in the posture Not to mention I have to lug it around everywhere...
  17. S

    Weed+Alcohol or other Addictions

    Woke up feeling ok,but hardly even want to smoke weed today since my life is so messed up right now and I dont want to screw it up completely .Plus I just cant afford it,since Im amost broke. I dont get to this point too often but Ive been here before and its not fun at all. Anyhow I am quite...
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    Weed+Alcohol or other Addictions

    I hope I didnt somehow minimize my drinking in my posts yesterday because today was definitely much worse . It felt like I was falling through a black hole or something many times and still a bit now. Really depressing stuff ,but at least I know enough to not drink tonight thats for sure.Just...
  19. S

    Weed+Alcohol or other Addictions

    Just thought I would post here at the library on my laptop. Having a rough day feeling kinda shaky and tired. I forgot to mention I took a couple percs the other night that someone gave me. Never tried them before,so I thought why not since they were free. Maybe thats why I was feeling pretty...
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    Weed+Alcohol or other Addictions

    Just got back from my walk to the coffee shop with my latte and smoking my last bit of bud. Its kind of cold -9C but at least its sunny and not real windy ,so its still good for walking .Point being that Im already feeling better than my last post just a little while ago. "Dream on" is playin on...