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  1. N

    Help with Roots Original/Uprising feed schedule!

    Struggling to find any advice on a feeding schedule for Roots Original Soil along with their uprising lineup. Currently running autoflowers on day 19/20 that look great but dont want to be too late to top dress. Has anyone used either the soil or their Uprising lineup that could offer some...
  2. N

    Roots original along with Uprising dry amendments help!

    First time using Roots original along with Roots uprising dry amendments and curious if anyone has any tips for either? From what ive found online along with their feeding schedule im thinking of topdressing the grow around day 15. Possibly half strength as well. Thoughts?
  3. N

    Roots Organic Uprising dry amendments feeding help

    Noted. I will play around and see what we can make happen! The NPK of the uprising grow is 6-1-2 from the looks so I may toss a little in. For now they are planted in a cups work of coco and roots original with mykos/azos. Starting to see some little sproutings. I will play it by looks but try...
  4. N

    Roots Organic Uprising dry amendments feeding help

    Ahh shoot okay so since im working with autos you wouldnt top dress any grow during veg at all? Even with a soil like the Roots Organic Original, assuming it isnt hot enough to keep it going the whole time during veg. I could be very wrong though! Thanks a ton for the responses. Will remember...
  5. N

    Roots Organic Uprising dry amendments feeding help

    @Dontjudgeme From what i gathered at the shop the terp tea is their newer lineup. Little pricier and I imagine a bit more quality! When you say during veg what week do you amend at usually if you dont mind me asking? I have some liquid seaweed I have yet to use but have wanted to put it to use...
  6. N

    Roots Organic Uprising dry amendments feeding help

    Very good to know! Do you not feed at all until around week 3 when you amend nutes? Or do you add before that? Based off the website it seems around week 2 to add and week 4 add more grow. Sounds like you work similar to their chart with some minor differences if im understanding correctly! I...
  7. N

    Roots Organic Uprising dry amendments feeding help

    Only autos currently. I do expect a bit less than a photo but im shooting for around 50g a plant which just isnt happening currently. Granted I do have one monster I think will make it with ease. But on the other end Ive had more than Id like to admit yeild 10g or less and that just isnt cutting...
  8. N

    Roots Organic Uprising dry amendments feeding help

    Its a pretty solid light. Kingbrite LED 480w. Started around 26 inches moved to around 18" closer to flower.
  9. N

    Roots Organic Uprising dry amendments feeding help

    Right on! Appreciate that. Ive had some decent luck with Ocean Forest and Mephisto genetics although i feel like yields on some of my plants could have been much better. Also hoping to work my way to denser buds. Yours look fantastic!
  10. N

    Roots Organic Uprising dry amendments feeding help

    Ive got the seeds soaking currently. Tomorrow ill throw them in a moist paper towel for a day to pop roots then I will be planting them. I think i may plant in a cup full of coco before it hits the soil and nutes mixed in to give it time to grow a tiny bit first. Good to know thanks a ton for...
  11. N

    Roots Organic Uprising dry amendments feeding help

    By this do you mean that when first mixing the soil before planting you put a little grow in and only top dress the bloom during flower? I should have added im growing autoflowers as well but I may just feed a little lighter for that aspect. Thanks a ton for the response.
  12. N

    Roots Organic Uprising dry amendments feeding help

    Just picked up some Roots Organic Original soil along with the uprising lineup grow and bloom. Anyone have pointers with these or a feeding schedule they have found to work well for them? Any advice is appreciated! Thanks.
  13. N

    Quantum Board lighting 5x5 tent

    Its done fairly well so far! I am going to be switching up from Fox Farms Ocean Forest because I truly think its a crapshoot in that soil. im getting great looking plants, some decent sizes, but then half of the crop are small duds. Love the light though.
  14. N

    Ocean Forest Fox Farms Trio feeding schedule

    Granted Im new to all of this I want to say I definitely havnt over watered. Kept it REAL light in the beginning. Havnt watered till runoff yet. Usually water every 2-3 days going off of the weight of the pot. I will start Ph'ing as if it is soil instead of coco! Been in the 5.8-6 range but...
  15. N

    Ocean Forest Fox Farms Trio feeding schedule

    Id say its definitely closer to 20% but you're right that its not even close to the amount of OF soil in there. Thanks man. Going to change up how I'm Ph'ing and hope to see results soon. One of the ladies is looking a bit stunted and small. The other is doing awfully well in my opinion. Both...
  16. N

    Ocean Forest Fox Farms Trio feeding schedule

    Its Mother Earth Coco/Peat to be more specific. Its only the top 25% of the pot, maybe 5-6 inches. The rest being Ocean Forest. Would you say to water and feed them as if im using only Ocean Forest? Appreciate the response!
  17. N

    Ocean Forest Fox Farms Trio feeding schedule

    Thanks for the advice. I have a couple plants in Ocean forest between days 20-32 and have yet to feed on those. All looking really green and beautiful. Was planning to wait till 4-5 which is coming up. Would you start a bit earlier? Have you had good results with that route so far? Definitely...
  18. N

    Ocean Forest Fox Farms Trio feeding schedule

    About 4 weeks in with some plants feeling like I should be feeding at this point but having no signs of deficiencies or anything negative so far. Some slower growth on some but looking solid so far. Any suggestions on feeding schedules I should go with for FF trio nutes and Ocean Forest soil?
  19. N

    Yellowing, brown spots in veg

    .01 - .3-.7 I am switching things up now. Everything on the fox farms feeding chart and that bottle says to feed that one the entire grow from week 1. Obviously im seeing that doesnt work even though i started it later. But thinking I should be doing more grow big if anything. However i think...
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    Yellowing, brown spots in veg

    Lol, something up your butt today? Seem to be quite short with all of your comments to everyone... I've been doing the homework, reading every day on it. But as ive said before I appreciate the help and pointers.