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  1. N

    Yellowing, brown spots in veg

    Aight i get what youre saying. Sounds like you would take a more direct route to solve the problem as its not just an overall thing. I will read the link you sent and look into the spray. Would you suggest feeding besides the spray or just plain water?
  2. N

    Yellowing, brown spots in veg

    I fed last night around 1/2 dose of grow big. I can walk and chew gum at the same time haha. Nice to get advice while researching it as well. Appreciate the help. Will keep you all posted.
  3. N

    Nute burn or another issue at hand?

    It tested perfectly when checking it. All is well there!
  4. N

    Yellowing, brown spots in veg

    Lol, noted. Was it you that suggested the espom salt foliar feed or what route would you take for that? Not seeing any bugs or anything under the leaves. I potted into these 2 gallons about 3-4 weeks ago, how long would you say until the roots are good enough to repot?
  5. N

    Yellowing, brown spots in veg

    @SheeshM After all things knowing combined would you be feeding nutes or flushing?
  6. N

    Yellowing, brown spots in veg

    I have had some gnat issues but very very lightly and they seem to be taking care of now. When i did see them it was only ever 1 or 2 at a time that I would kill and have paper hanging now. I have seen that a bit as well. These plants should be old enough by now id imagine? They are going on a...
  7. N

    Yellowing, brown spots in veg

    @boybelue Do you think it looks like a lockout? Definitely has the yellowing signs and little bit of slower growth. But that also seems to hint towards some other deficiencies as well.
  8. N

    Yellowing, brown spots in veg

    Good read. Sounds like i need to foilar feed and give a feeding as well. Dont think there is any sort of nute burn so dont believe i need to flush.
  9. N

    Yellowing, brown spots in veg

    @boybelue I might not go for the flush but i will look things over again and think more on it. Better safe than sorry I suppose and plenty of plants live without nothing. I feel like things are only getting worse even when i did flush with two waterings. Noted, thanks for the replies and advice...
  10. N

    Yellowing, brown spots in veg

    I have been thinking i need to add more grow big as well actually. Its not nute burn, and i have been adding very light on just cal mag/big bloom/seaweed which arent too heavy in their own rights. Would you suggest flushing once then waiting till my next watering to feed? my last 3 waterings...
  11. N

    Nute burn or another issue at hand?

    Picture updates from last night. Still some yellowing and brownish spots. No signs of nute burn, think I should be feeding again?
  12. N

    Yellowing, brown spots in veg

    Picture updates from last night. Still yellowing going on and some slightly brown/dry spots. Would ya'll suggest i feed again? No signs of nutrient burn.
  13. N

    Nute burn or another issue at hand?

    Okay just wanted to make sure im not reading/doing these wrongs. Seems like the Big Bloom is supplemental to the rest. I should be using grow big more i believe. Havnt used it much. Lol im sure people sell everything on that app. The company is out of Humbolt California.
  14. N

    Nute burn or another issue at hand?

    I havnt had a chance yet but will be doing that later today. Dog/house sitting currently but will be making my way back at some point to check on the ladies and I will check to see the accuracy. Thanks again for all the help. I will let you know as soon as i do that.
  15. N

    Nute burn or another issue at hand?

    Throw them out and start over?! They dont look THAT bad damn lol depressing to hear that. I probably will be throwing out the one with the PM problems because im tired of dealing with it and want to make sure things are as clean as possible. I didnt feed until about week three and have always...
  16. N

    Yellowing, brown spots in veg

    Hopefully someone can help clear this up because its quite confusing me, Ive been mentioned twice to now not to use Big Bloom but to follow the feeding schedule, Fox Farms soil feeding schedule states to use big bloom from seedlings and on. Should i be using it or should i not?
  17. N

    Yellowing, brown spots in veg

    @stimpyc I appreciate the advice and honesty man. Im open to all things at this point. What would switching to distilled help with out of curiosity? I do leave my water sit to de chlorinate and have fairly clean water in my area, is there another reason to go distilled? I can make it happen but...
  18. N

    Nute burn or another issue at hand?

    @Kushash Absolutely man and thanks for the advice. This is all a learning experience so im trying to be as open as possible to learning it frustrating as it can get haha. Feel like there is so much back and forth on what my problem could be. Guess its not always as easy as 1,2,3. Do...
  19. N

    Nute burn or another issue at hand?

    @legitroller when you say test my water source do you mean with a PPM pen or something similar? From everything I could find online with water testing in my area the PPM seems fairly low but I will definitely get a pen if thats what you would suggest. I always let my water sit for 24-48 hours...
  20. N

    Nute burn or another issue at hand?

    This is what i dont understand, youre telling me to follow the directions then saying dont use bloom when in veg. The feeding schedule literally says to use Big Boom from seedling stage and on. So should i follow those directions or no? This is fox farms soil feeding schedule. It states to...