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  1. R

    LISTEN UP....Place your votes....

    Interesting...... and many many thanks .....:mrgreen: I agree "where you do your thing, plays a big roll" But I didn't know that the more bud sights I have, lessens the potency. Stupid question here if I may.... You have a stem coming up from a plant at the very top. At the very top, you have...
  2. R

    LISTEN UP....Place your votes....

    Ah Shit, I was worried you might show of the big dogs..... All right Mr.vostok God of cannabis, Sir, Is this true that there is no difference ????? :mrgreen:
  3. R

    LISTEN UP....Place your votes....

    All right Folks....Peace everyone.... SIMPLE QUESTION .... I only want to know (Please, from people that have used these methods) Between FIMMING and TOPPING/Pinching top completely off, which would you think would be less stress on the plant????? I don't care about size, temp, how much I ate...
  4. R

    LISTEN UP....Place your votes....

    I don't know all about that ....I wouldn't call these tops undernourished.....:mrgreen:
  5. R

    LISTEN UP....Place your votes....

    Well, that's why I am here asking because I have been reading in a number of places on the web including Roolitup, people are saying that you usually will only get two new branches with TOPPING while you will get three or more when you FIM. So it seems to be a difference according to a lot of...
  6. R

    LISTEN UP....Place your votes....

    Dam, your right.... My bad.... so one is cutting(FIM) and the other I was suppose to be asking about is when some people pinch the tops off with their fingers.....
  7. R

    LISTEN UP....Place your votes....

    OK.....Good answer...not sure????? but thanks?????
  8. R

    New grow - any advise apreciated

    absolutely.... I have always topped when third row of branches/leaves come out. They look really nice man... I just started a thread myself.. asking which is less stressful on a plant, if you TOP or FIM...?.... but, yours are ready to chop.....good luck :mrgreen:
  9. R

    LISTEN UP....Place your votes....

    I have read so many different points of view on this subject, that I am just going to leave the faith in the hands of my Rollitup comrades........ Here's my question to be solved : Which do you think would be less stressful - FIMMING (or) Pinching tops off ? I (accidentally) got one last seed...
  10. R

    Week old sprouting..the two large leaves are wavy..any ideas why ??

    Mr. Covert222, Dam, I think that may be the problem here because I have small portable space heater running when I know that the temps out here are going to drop crazy low. She happens to be right in line of its flow. Hell, if I had heat blowing on my face on and off for a few days, I'd be...
  11. R

    Week old sprouting..the two large leaves are wavy..any ideas why ??

    Mr. Roll1UpBro, good story man..... If you think about it, it sounds like lyrics to a song, and we can call it "WayBackInTheWoods" pretty catchy I think.............PEACE BRO :mrgreen:
  12. R

    Week old sprouting..the two large leaves are wavy..any ideas why ??

    Pic shows soil wet cause I just watered. I had left unattended for three days (out of town)... Where I live, it's cold all year round. heater running, temp stayed any where from 68 to 71 degrees. Haven't started giving any nutes yet, just PH'ed water. Drainage runs out normally' seems to be...
  13. R

    Experienced eyeball needed here to look at these leaves.......?

    Sorry wrong section, my bad....
  14. R

    Question on when to harvest ?

    Mr. Racerboy71, your thought (.02) goes along with most of what I been seeing on the web by experienced growers. I real appreciate it, thank you.
  15. R

    Question on when to harvest ?

    For some years now, I've always wait till my buds are mostly amber in color before harvesting to set out to dry. This has always given me a strong head high, or what some may call couch lock. But now that I've moved on in years, I need something more for old fart pains........ so what or when...
  16. R

    Any one help me who might be a good seed shipper up in the Norway area in general...?

    Please may I ask... I went to their site and they are asking for email set up.... did you have to do this and do you thinks its safe ...?
  17. R

    Any one help me who might be a good seed shipper up in the Norway area in general...?

    Would like to get a few seeds, not much, just a few. Cause I screwed up and didn't pack the ones I had been saving correctly and the cold killed them. I got a small hand full of little black eggs. Kind of looks like rich man's caveare. ( see, I can't even spell the word. spell check doesn't even...
  18. R

    1 week into flower issues

    I take it those bulb figures are CFL's and your growing in a small area....?.... Not sure if this is your problem but I had same thing happen a few times to me because of where I live, it's cold all year round. So not sure where you live, if it's cold and if your using a space heater of some...