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  1. Buttercup666

    LED Lights for seedlings

    120w for seedlings is overkill... Your good with a bloody table light lol
  2. Buttercup666

    Help me to diagnose!

    What nutes did you use?
  3. Buttercup666

    Help me to diagnose!

    Looks like a Magnesium or Phosphorus deficiency to me... Hard to tell
  4. Buttercup666

    Help me out please

    Dont need sidelights lmao... Thats why training your plants exists
  5. Buttercup666

    It just stopped growing

    Agreed... Should be good if its a small personal grow
  6. Buttercup666

    It just stopped growing

    I would give seedlings full 24 hours and switch to 18/6 later veg then 12/12 bloom
  7. Buttercup666

    Slow growing young seedling

    Only advice would be to water with normal water and wait... Just let nature do its jobs its absolutely normal for some seedlings to struggle as this is one of the hardest phases in growing for them :) Humidity could be raised to 70% btw but thats up to you
  8. Buttercup666

    Hows my Plant Look?

    Looking green and healthy but its bent lol grow it alongside a stick
  9. Buttercup666

    Can anyone confirm Sex of plant?

    true bad pic but looks like a female to me but im 50/50
  10. Buttercup666

    Organic grow

    Chicken shit,cow shit, liquid seaweed, molasses, URB, miccorhiza... best bets if you want to grow organic. Look up cali green on youtube he has nice and elaborate videos and grow organic
  11. Buttercup666

    Help. New grower

    its typical soil acidification... Putting to much shit into your soil wont give you better yields
  12. Buttercup666

    Organic nutes making dregs

    So idk if yall can see but yesterday i mixed water with some liquid chicken shit and crystalic fertilizer. It made this wierd dreg on the bottom of my bottle and i have no clue if its good or nah. Thanks
  13. Buttercup666

    Need your guys advice.

    My girl cout is around day 7, if i wait for gender and it turns out male i lost a month of growing if you get me... But i mean ill prolly just wait so fuck it
  14. Buttercup666

    Need your guys advice.

    Hey guys, so recently i planted my non feminized girl scout cookies strain and everything is going as usual. Only problem is that i dont have a clue if its male or female. Just now i grabbed some feminized seeds but my grow tent cant fit two plants. So the question is if i should wait out for my...
  15. Buttercup666

    What is the best strain to grow in a tent UK?

    100 quid seeds man depends what strain get get way cheaper than that lol if your tryna run a budget ingrow your good with like 200 pound
  16. Buttercup666

    A first time grower in great need of some help!

    I guess that could depend on how often you water, but common sense plant wont get 3l of water with rain in the nature
  17. Buttercup666

    Is it ready yet? I think I'm gonna chop tomorrow.

    true true usually when i THINK its ready i give it like 3 more days tho and instead of cutting the plant i take it out with the roots
  18. Buttercup666

    What is the best strain to grow in a tent UK?

    Oh your tryna go outdoor lol, goodluck with that in the Uk weather isnt the best thats true lol. If you dont want to grow inside i would atleast buy a greenhouse so that the temps are higher and you can control the watering and humidity which are all key parts when going for big potent yields