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  1. BobMarleySpliffs

    ppl using coke

    Everyone's different bro, I'd die off 2 grams in a day my heart races like a fucking thoroughbred, some can die off a half gram from heart attacks, I'd leave it alone all said and done it's better. The big problems are it's highly addictive and it's easy to have a heart attack as you continue to...
  2. BobMarleySpliffs

    Call the cops on yourself

    Since when does it cost lives ? 99% of them just hand out tickets and eat donuts and use all the steroids they confiscate, sure there is the odd hero cop once in a blue moon but usually there just a neusence. I know I've never needed one for protection or to serve me in any way, besides serving...
  3. BobMarleySpliffs

    Elite Rolling Society section ?

    What's the deal ? I can't see any of that section of the website. Do you have to have a certain amount of posts or pay money or what ?
  4. BobMarleySpliffs

    How bad is the smell ?

    Yeah, i was thinking a couple clad plug in's around the room and a automatic spray dispenser in the room that you can get at wally, and the hanging type as well as those odor control pucks at hydro shops that you just set on the floor. This is my first indoor grow so just have no idea what to...
  5. BobMarleySpliffs

    automatic fire extinguisher

    LOL, just dangle one a foot over your light like a pinata.
  6. BobMarleySpliffs

    automatic fire extinguisher

    That's what I'm saying it's just like any new technology, they have to rape you as long as possible, but yeah I'm guessing you could make your own rig for like 2-3 bills tops all it is really is regular extinguisher, tubing and a switch.
  7. BobMarleySpliffs

    automatic fire extinguisher

    Check this maybe. It looks like all the companies that make such equipment are marketing towards businesses and industries not really homes or individuals, so it looks expensive. Essentially it's just fire proof hosing rooted wherever you need it and...
  8. BobMarleySpliffs

    How bad is the smell ?

    Yeah, that would be a bad mistake. The closet has no vents and I'll be making it air tight as possible and with the exaust going outside.
  9. BobMarleySpliffs

    How bad is the smell ?

    No parents to worry about, but I rent a basement apartment for the last 3 years, the landlords cool and he's never came in the house once the whole time, so I'm not worried about unexpected visits, he probably wouldn't give a shit anyway but I'd rather keep it to myself period. Plus if any...
  10. BobMarleySpliffs

    How bad is the smell ?

    Even with a nice carbon filter and a big centrifugal fan sucking the odor out of a 4x5x8 closet how bad does the skunk smell really get ? Can you smell it outside the room ? I live in a non-smoking house and smoke weed outside, so theres will be no masking of any smells or excuses to make up...
  11. BobMarleySpliffs

    Yields...400HPS vs 600HPS...Opinions Please

    How does that work ? wouldn't the 600 be almost half the electricity bill ? Just curious.
  12. BobMarleySpliffs

    Starting seeds/rooting clones under a 600w

    Thanks bro, good info.
  13. BobMarleySpliffs

    Welcome New Members!

    BobMarleySpliffs is in the building, good to be hear.
  14. BobMarleySpliffs

    Starting seeds/rooting clones under a 600w

    What's up, I'm new here but have read the site for days gathering knowledge. I got a couple outdoor grows under my belt but no indoor. So, I was wondering if you can start seeds and root new clones under a 600 or 400w MH ? Or do I need a separate Fluoro set up ? I was thinking I could...
  15. BobMarleySpliffs

    Another Ridiculous Pot Bust

    Yes, and the biggest shit show is how the government allows doctors and pharmaceutical companies to kill more people then ever with easily obtainable prescription drugs than all other drugs combined. I don't have any stats but it's not hard to see, It's a messed up world we live in. Then theres...
  16. BobMarleySpliffs

    Hip-Hop Is DYING!!

    The real problem lies in the numbers. Popularity kills everything eventually when it gets too popular. Think about in 1990-99 in the prime days of hip-hop, there where probably a total of 10,000 MC's globally, now every other person selling a gram of dro thinks they are thugs and rap stars, and...
  17. BobMarleySpliffs

    Another Ridiculous Pot Bust

    I always love the retarded numbers they come up with on busts, here in Canada that crop would only be worth 32k if all sold on the street in dime bags maybe 80k but we all know that doesn't happen, and on the east coast I'm guessing not too much more. I remember one here in Canada that there...