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  1. getogrow

    Other Plants

    For the record: If you dont win the half zip , im gonna be kinda upset!
  2. getogrow

    Other Plants

  3. getogrow

    Other Plants

    That is trhe coolest bloom i have ever seen! WOW
  4. getogrow

    Other Plants

    gnats....holy fuck do they love the shit outta my chunky coco. Next time , leave them laying on top of the moist soil and you can see which ones root an move them to another pot or 50. Also you can take note on which ones root fast ect... (i only do it to seperate them)
  5. getogrow

    Auto watering help needed.

    fuck no....still in the same spot as before ....hand watering with a pump instead of jugs..... im into 50's tech now. I think my brain is so full of other info that i cant fit anytrhing else up there.....or an even better explanation would be that i am not interested in this subject at all...
  6. getogrow

    Other Plants

    The top one takes forever to root in my experience but after finally seeing a new plant growing , im happy as fuck! Some people just place them on top of moist soil instead of planting them so you can actually see them root but it really dont matter... I'll update as i learn also.
  7. getogrow

    Is my plant dying? Can I save her?

    ph rise is normal. she is dying for sure. Did you look at the roots ? something is wrong in there... prolly too much light also but i highly doubt thats what killed her.
  8. getogrow

    My tap water ph is too high

    No , i didnt miss anything, i just wanted to make sure the info was out there. I was not aware that a softener could help a RO system. Now i am , thanks for asking that!
  9. getogrow

    PGR Weed

    He can be a dick but it seems nobody read the thread? He was called into this thread an honestly , i have never seen him so nice as he has been... You guys must be talkin the begining of the thread ? Somebody asked him to post his pgr weed and he did....that simple... EDIT: i just double...
  10. getogrow

    Light burn or?

    im not seeing "light burn" either. i agree with curious2. maybe up the feed instead of leaving it low.
  11. getogrow

    Nute burn creeping in, need advice

    65% RH is a bit high for flower. Maybe lower that just to try and get them to eat more from the soil and not so much from the air. (this is not a big deal at all , im just grabbing at straws)
  12. getogrow

    Nute burn creeping in, need advice

    No. Thats almost impossible for the plant to take up more then it needs. There is really no such thing as "burn" , its a deficiency caused by too much of another element. Now in theory , the plant will eat more with the extra light being there. Thats not a bad thing. Overall though , i think...
  13. getogrow

    My tap water ph is too high

    "softening" the water is a no no for any plants. Get a filter to put in BEFORE the softener. Your well water straight out the well would be better then using a softener. This goes for fish or plants. All a softener does is add salt to your water.... thats horrible for living things. :eyesmoke:
  14. getogrow

    Nute burn creeping in, need advice

    Some strains can use a hell of a lot more light then others. (thus using a hell of a lot more food also) I have no clue how you made it through the other 2 grows without co2 and extra food but you did so no worries. YES , i absolutely think you need to raise your light way up or lower...
  15. getogrow

    Recirculating co2

    Im under the impression that anything over 1000ppms of gas is wasting all together. Can the girls even use the extra co2 when light levels are <800 ppfd ? (plenty of fresh air intake )
  16. getogrow

    Recirculating co2

    Of course you can speed things up with co2 but its just not needed in veg. Your veg should be growing fast without the expensive co2. If its not then that needs to be addressed well before adding gas. Its almost a complete waste of money to do that. Not near enough positives to outweigh the...
  17. getogrow

    Nute burn creeping in, need advice

    Have you ever used them qb's before? are you switching from hps ? After doing the math , that is WAY too much light. Usually with that much light you would see the leaves drooping but i dont see that. Put that light 4 ft away from the canopy and your girls will thank you ! You need co2 and...
  18. getogrow

    Nute burn creeping in, need advice

    How much light in how much space? they look kinda light burnt but i wanna rule that out because they are praying. They dont pray when there is too much light. Food is definatly out of balance. I would "fix" the current issue with chemicals , then go back to letting the organics do their thang...
  19. getogrow

    Other Plants

    A quick google led me to "bromeliad cyanea / pink quill" ....also upon checking out the photos , its going to be bluesish purple flowers coming off the as shit.